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Determining the gender of some nouns in Polish.

Specjalista  3 | 43
22 Jan 2012   #1
Please may I ask.

What is the rule when working out the gender of some nouns such as wysokość, poeta, sędzia?

Does the poeta noun come from poet which is a biologically masculin noun such as tata?

How about wysokość? I know it is feminin but why?

Any help clearing this up would be much appreciated.

gumishu  15 | 6228
22 Jan 2012   #2
Does the poeta noun come from poet which is a biologically masculin noun such as tata

yes -there is a female counterpart of poeta and its poetka

all adjective derived nouns created with -ość suffix are feminine, there are only a couple of nouns that end in -ość and are masculine (gość, jegomość)
OP Specjalista  3 | 43
22 Jan 2012   #3

I used to be a member of this forum some time ago (under a different name) and you used to answer my questions back then too. I hope you are well. Thank you for answering.

May I ask about poeta? is this masculin by biological gender like tata?

Pozdrawiam :)
gumishu  15 | 6228
22 Jan 2012   #4
yes - poetess (or female poet) is poetka in Polish, (astronauta, geodeta, atleta are on the similar pattern with female counterparts being astronautka, geodetka, atletka)
OP Specjalista  3 | 43
22 Jan 2012   #5
Just like I thought, thank you!
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Sep 2020   #6
yes -there is a female counterpart of poeta and its poetka

Gumi, the OP also asked about the dubious gender of sędzia and you seem to have ignored it. Why? Isn`t there a rule for it?

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