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Cult statements in the Polish language

pawian 221 | 24284
18 Apr 2024 #1
I have just read that certain celebrity linguist is thinking of writing a book about 100 cult statements/sentences known to every Pole and Poless. He is looking forward to our suggestions.

His first suggestion is ALA MA KOTA - Alice has a cat, used nearly 100 years ago in one of editions of the most popular Polish primer book. I can proudly admit I also used it when attending primary school. My edition was better - it had colour illustrations.

jon357 73 | 22653
18 Apr 2024 #2
cult statements/sentences known to every Pole

Torq 7 | 1152
18 Apr 2024 #3
It's ChWDP

Chcę Wstąpić Do Policji ;)
Alien 22 | 5229
18 Apr 2024 #4
It's ChWDP

Chyba wyjechać do Polski.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
18 Apr 2024 #5
Thanks for your input but this thread isn`t only for Poles and Polesses. Foreigners who don`t know Polish might also drop in here.

That is why it would be nice if you provided translations of your suggestions.
mafketis 37 | 10789
18 Apr 2024 #6
What about TKM?

Although I'm not sure if young people know it so well....

Nie chcem ale muszem?

Polak potrafi?
Feniks 2 | 379
18 Apr 2024 #7
Chcę Wstąpić Do Policji ;)

Chyba wyjechać do Polski.

I don't think so........

What about TKM?

Politicians like this....
OP pawian 221 | 24284
18 Apr 2024 #8
Guys, stop polluting this thread with untranslated Polish sentences. I already told you. Mind our foreigners.
Lenka 5 | 3526
18 Apr 2024 #9
Nie chcem ale muszem?

Love that one.

Jestem za a nawet przeciw. ( I'm in favour and even against)

Jestem kobieta pracująca. Żadnej pracy się nie boje (I'm a working women. I'm not scared of any work)
jon357 73 | 22653
19 Apr 2024 #10
It's ChWDP

Chcę Wstąpić Do Policji ;)


I've seen that often enough but far more often HWDP especially 20-30 years ago in Warsaw. It was written everywhere; you couldn't avoid it. It was something that stood out when I arrived.
mafketis 37 | 10789
19 Apr 2024 #11
far more often HWDP

Back when it was most heavily used in graffiti, the spelling with samo h (plain h) was used more or less 100% of the time.

The first time I say the version with 'ch' in print it looked wrong and awkward....

What about

Mam to w dvpie! (I have it in my @ss = I don't give a sh!t)

previous proposals by me (with translations)

Nie chcem ale muszem? (I don't wanna but I gotta = I don't want to, but I have to)

Polak potrafi? (A Pole can! or more freel Poles can get the job done! or Poles get it done!) slogan from Gierek times

teraz kurvva my! (It's _our_ fvkking turn now!)

śpiewać każdy może (anyone can sing) iconic song from 1977 performed by non-singer Jerzy Stuhr

widzę ciemność! (I see dark) from the iconic 1983 sci fi comedy Sex-mission

Einstein była kobietą! (Einstein was a woman!) from the same movie

Niemcy mnie biją! (Germans are beating me up! by former politician Jan Rokita during a disagreement with staff on a Lufthansa flight)
Torq 7 | 1152
19 Apr 2024 #12
And some classics by "fachowcy":

Wedle winkla, wedle piona, a robota spierdolona (With a plumb line, with a square, and the job's botched anyway).

...and the same guy would also say: w moim fachu nie ma strachu (in my trade there's no fear).


Edit: and, of course, the immortal "Uuuu, panie, a kto to panu tak spierdolił?". :D
OP pawian 221 | 24284
3 Jul 2024 #13
Today it is the 35th anniversary of an outstanding political suggestion by Adam Michnik, the editor of the opposition paper in the last year of communism in Poland. He wrote: Your President, our Prime Minister. It meant that communists may have their president who was General Jaruzelski at the time but the opposition should create their own gov coz the economy was in the tragic condition.

The proposition shocked everybody. However, the main actors on the political stage started discussing it and eventually the gov led by the first non-communist Prime Minister Mazowiecki came into being by the end of the year.


Ironside 50 | 12345
3 Jul 2024 #14
by Adam Michnik,

An old commie.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
3 Jul 2024 #15
Compared to nationalist murderers, he is an angel. :):)
Ironside 50 | 12345
3 Jul 2024 #16
Compared to

He is not, and he never condemned his brother a totalitarian murderer of Polish patriots.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
3 Jul 2024 #17
he never condemned

Did nationalists condemn the assassination of President Narutowicz??? No, they metaphorically danced on his grave. So, you are no better and pointing to other people`s brothers is pure hypocrisy on your part. Ha!!!
Alien 22 | 5229
4 Jul 2024 #18
Did nationalists condemn the assassination of President Narutowicz

Poland didn't even have any decent nationalists, only idiots, and it remains that way to this day.
amiga500 4 | 1490
4 Jul 2024 #19
Poland didn't even have any decent nationalists, only idiots

What about Mieszko I?
Alien 22 | 5229
4 Jul 2024 #20
Mieszko I?

Back then, nationalism in today's sense did not exist.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
5 Jul 2024 #21
We don`t have your coat and what can you do to us???

This cult statement comes from a crazy comedy about communist Poland made by a renown director Stanisław Bareja in 1981. His films are a mine of such bon mots.

In the cloakroom of a cafe a customer wants to collect his coat but it isn `t there. The man sitting at the counter says: Do not shout at our worker! I am the manager of this cloakroom. We don`t have your coat and what can you do to us???

Sorry, only in Polish.

jon357 73 | 22653
7 Jul 2024 #22
Stanisław Bareja

I don't generally think much of the level of comedy and humour in Poland (or anywhere else on mainland Europe; it's just so unsophisticated) however Stanisław Bareia was good. He caught the absurdities of the time just right.

About the cloakroom attendant, it's just about possible to imagine one saying that now. 20 years ago, even more so.
mafketis 37 | 10789
7 Jul 2024 #23
I like this one better: "Klient w krawacie jest mnie awanturący się" (A customer in a tie is less argumentive).

nb 'argumentive' is a non-standard word but it nicely echoes the non-standard 'awanturący się' used by "Pani Wonka"
OP pawian 221 | 24284
7 Jul 2024 #24
anywhere else on mainland Europe; it's just so unsophisticated

While Benny Hill was extremely sophisticated :):):)

saying that now.

I mentioned that phrase coz I could read and hear it used by political commentators quite often when PiS was in power - they used to break laws and the Constitution freely, believing they would never be punished for that. What will you do to us if we have the majority and our president?? How wrong they were!!! :):):)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
7 Jul 2024 #25
While Benny Hill was extremely sophisticated :)

He was more popular on the continent of Europe than in the UK....... the Germans loved him.......
jon357 73 | 22653
7 Jul 2024 #26
While Benny Hill was extremely sophisticated :):):)

Very. Fluent in several languages and quite a bon viveur.

Sophisticated enough to hit on the idea of comedy sketches so basic that even foreigners could understand them.
Robin1988 10 | 82
15 Jul 2024 #27
How about magic words and ancient gods calling in every single part of the English language, it's part of our existence
mafketis 37 | 10789
15 Jul 2024 #28
calling in every single part of the English language

Not the topic of the thread.... I might have used the term 'iconic statements in Polish' but I didn't start it.....

What potential Polish sentences do you have to contribute?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
23 Jul 2024 #29
Mister, you weren`t standing here! This statement was popular in communist times, used on sly folks trying to cut in the queue.

Can be seen in this funny scene from a cult comedy:

Alien 22 | 5229
2 days ago #30
In those days , the informal profession of a 'stacz kolejkowy' was created.

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