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My Father in Law sent my daughter a couple of childrens CD's. THey are all very catchy tunes & I find myself having the songs running thru my head at odd times of the day & night. My problem is, is that I don't know what the songs are saying. Our favorite is Tosi Tosi L(w)apci as my husband use to sing it to her. Does anyone have the english for that one?
Some of the other title are: Entliczek, Pentliczek Plum Plum Misia Bela Ele Mele Dutki Raz, Dwa, Trzy, Cztery English for these please. Thanks, KT
Thread attached on merging: Polish Children's Song
Hey everyone,
I speak no Polish at all, but my grandmother does. Lately she has been slowly losing her memory, and I am trying to preserve some memories now. When I was younger, she used to sing a song to me. I can't remember what it means, or even if I am pronouncing it right, but it sounded something like this:
Oopye Shoopye, Oopye Shoopye, Oopye Shoopye Danna
If anyone has any idea what I am talking about, I could not thank you enough. I would love to remember this song again.
Hi, I, too, have been looking for lyrics, info, etc. for that same song (my Polish dad used to sing it to us as kids, back in the '50s), and I posted a thread to that effect not too long ago, from which I got several helpful answers. So please check out "Looking for lyrics to 'Hoopai Shoopai'" (also under Polish Culture, about Jan. 22, 'o8), as there seems to have been more than one song written to this same tune. Also, the words "hupaj siupaj" (an exhortation to JUMP!, according to one source I found) appear in lyrics to other, completely different melodies, which makes the whole subject both fascinating and confusing all at once. Good luck in finding your grandmother's version.
Hi, I am looking for a polish children's song or lullaby. It has been passed down through generations but now no one is sure what the words are. Here is my best shot at one of the verses as is sounds in english:
aaaaaaaaA ka kee vah sha de bu de oh bed va nich nerendo oh be E bendo *first name* bah ve Eeee Eeee Eeee eeE!
Tak jest. Bardzo dziękuję! Was recently at a gala event hosted by our local Fundacja Kośćiuskiej and they sang this lovely song. I looked for the words in the Polish-language program, but to no avail.
polishgirltx , Thank you so much for your reply. I looked up your suggestion but it just doesn't sound right. Maybee i'm wrong, but I remember how the tempo and beat of the song goes. It just doesn't match up. Any other suggestions?
Polishgirltx is right, but there are different versions of it:
A, a - kotki dwa, szare, bure obydwa. Nic nie będą robiły, tylko dziecko bawiły. Jak sie kotki rozigrały, to dziecinę kołysały. Jeden szary, drugi bury, a ten trzeci myk! do dziury. Żeby tylko jeden był, toby z dzieckiem mleczko pił.
hi i am a polish girl that speaks polish so if anyone has any questions about how a song goes or anything like that u can email me at and i will try and help u as much as i can
My jesteśmy krasnoludki, Hopsa sa, hopsa sa, Pod grzybkami nasze budki, Hopsa, hopsa sa, Jemy mrówki, żabkie łapki, Oj tak tak, oj tak tak, A na głowach krasne czapki, To nasz, to nasz znak.
My dad used to sing us a song as he tickled our arm and pulled our fingers and at the end he would swing his arm in an arc. Anyone know what the words were to this? I am assuming this is something like the itsy bitsy spider type thing.
lwheeler I think, it's song:" Magpie Cooked Her Porridge"
"Sroczka kaszke warzyla"
temu dala na miseczke temu dala na lyzeczke temu dala do kubeczka temu dala do dziobeczka a temu nic nie dala tylko frrrrr... Odleciala... Tu spadla, tam wpadla... Tu sie zatrzymala....