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Posts by Filios1  

Joined: 13 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2010
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 2 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 1336 / Live: 207 / Archived: 1129
From: PL
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Polska, History, Nature

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28 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

actually that one is a good target

They are quite easy to ridicule, true. But linking your own failures in life to a single party, or person, or organization.. (resorting to letting out your frustration on PF late in your life) just doesn't cut it.. lol, to think, all he leaves behind on this beautiful earth is a few whiny threads on here floating around in cyberspace...
28 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

why would a living in Poland foreigner

He's unattractive, unemployed and couldn't hack it back home, and so now he has to find some new target. First it was Kaczynski and PiS, then Roman Catholic Church, then anti-Semites, and now somehow Polish-Americans are to blame for his life problems. (Or others of Polish ancestry that come on here to learn something about their history.)

Funny, and actually quite pathetic.
27 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]




Ethnocentric fuker.
You signed up just to instigate a fight?

Again, showing how small minded your peasant nation is... Too bad the days of old are past. It would be nice to invade your meaningless country and change the signs ourselves.
24 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

Actually, there was recently an article I read somewhere... Unfortunately I cannot find the link, that higher casts in India (who have visibly lighter skin) have really high R1a occurance, while lower casts have barely, if any, R1a. Article explained this by saying that a few thousand years ago, some fairly large scale Slavic migration made its way to India, and the Slavs, because of more complex technologies, quickly assumed positions of power in the existing culture there.

So I would not be surprised that this migration made its way from Central-Eastern Europe as well. Just like Croatians have higher R1a because they are originally from modern Poland...
23 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]


Your nation is a nation of small minded people.

Thank you for taking the time to sign up to PF to show really your 'small-man' complex for all to see.
23 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

Well, I have a sabre ready, and I can steal a horse... WE MARCH ON LITHUANIA to rescue our opressed brothers and sisters!

Who is with me??!
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Grrr, what kind of classes of English have you attended?

I'd imagine it's because of the 3+ years I have spent on PF :(

When I first signed up, my English was quite poor ;)
It has since improved.

Hope one day will be here without dictionary

No hope needed, I guarantee you will.

What is this?

Tight embrace.. Like hugging/squeezing (typical Sarmatian manner of greeting/saying goodbye with your blood brothers ;)
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Not exactly. But I like a vision of it.

haha.. I just imagined the headline in the news, all over the world about such an adventure.

Getting a good pack of loyal friends, dressing in the armour, leopard skin, horse, mustaches, everything.. Shot of wodka, and a tight embrace with each man before mounting...

Then just riding to Lwow, and start hacking up the local army or police in ultimate aim of restoring it to its rightful owners ;)

Just imagine the insane asylum they would provide for you and your friends! (if you lived through the carnage)
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

But at least I'm trying a bit... to be patriotic... a bit...

Well, it is the effort that counts... ;)
Being a patriot is hard, no matter where you live. It's simply a different age.

If we were all patriots in the true meaning of the word, we would be mounting horses, dressed in hussar armour and riding towards Lwow, right? :)
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

How to be a patriotic in a country like our?

It's actually quite easy... you are simply not trying very hard.
Maybe you should look into changing your general environment (friends, media etc)

Big tits and low IQ go mostly hand in hand...we see it in the south of europe....political and economical basket cases! Being mastered by the Germans...

Wow.. you really do sound like a Nazi propaganda machine!
22 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

senior Lord and perhaps even bring back enough treasure to get an estate of his own or one would be given to him by his Lord for his bravery

I would only add a slight detail:
Some of the barons, counts, knights that were taking part, were generally looking to carve out a piece of a kingdom for themselves in Asia Minor and surrounding the Holy Land. Like the Normans, for example...They had no intention on returning to Europe, unless they secured a few castles, garrison etc for a kingdom..

Then they would be free to come and go as they pleased.
22 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

but if they passed from Greece they would get some ouzo

Didn't each crusade practically pass through Constantinople? To ship across to Asia Minor?

Anyway, the "People's crusade" of late 11th century really got fed well, probably given ouzo too I imagine, and shipped across.. Very smart thinking by the Greeks, because these crazy people would have destroyed a lot of the city if they were let in. Instead they were fed, and sent on their way, to the crazy drunk rabble was slaughtered by Seljuk Turks :)

you forgetting what the OP of this thread asked for? I was simply responding to the original question not butting in on your debate

Thanks for trying to keep this on topic shorthair, appreciate the suggestions too...
22 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

Poles didn't do Crusades and they didn't colonize either!

Sure, why go colonize some natives in Africa or Asia, when you can colonize beautiful Ukrainian/Belarusian girls nearby?
20 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

would have to read more about it but this is a very interesting topic

I somewhat have the feeling that Polish knights, if they did serve, would have served under the order of a foreign order. Whether that be because the King feared the loss of these nobles and their men might weaken the kingdom, or if he simply did not want these close contacts with an enemy (Germany-Teutonic knights etc), I don't know.

Or maybe they simply were not invited by the Pope? :) Or not worthy enough Christians?
20 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

Trevek, either or. Polish knight serving in foreign orders, or Polish orders themselves (but only if they relate to the Crusades to the Holy land, (not Northern Crusade against *pagans* in the East)
20 Oct 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

I'm having trouble finding some kind of secondary source to learn about Polish knights (from Polish knights Hospitallers, or Order of Malta) who took part in the Crusades to the Holy Land. Whether that be the first, second, third, fourth etc.. does not matter. Anyone come into contact with such a book?

Thank you.
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]


Tonight, or this morning, whatever time zone you are in.


And so I default to my previous position, that Ptolemy was a Slav who was payed off by confused Slavs or in other words, Germanics ;)

it's time to throw that one sided viewpoint into the bin! :)

I've never been in favour of such a view.. because in history, no one is entirely innocent. Slavs were invading just as much as Germans were invading. But that still doesn't change my mind over the map. Map is practically inaccurate, as you would expect it to be. Slavs may have not been native to some partial tracts of land that it has owned in history. But I would still consider todays Poland give or take (minus thousands of km's in the east, and shifted partially to the west) in keeping with its historical borders.
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

It doesn't really matter what we both believe

Well, true enough. But sometimes a really well supported post can sway someone in this direction or another. That is what I hope to do with you, for instance ;)

continue our discussion in a cultural manner.

I've never been one to begin acting like a child on a forum when trying to prove my point. You just come off as weak and easily intimidated/frustrated.

Alot of people who must lie and two different copy's who say the same...another anti-polish conspiracy?

Well, not exactly BB. But I think you're intelligent enought to realize that the Roman Catholic Teutonic Order had it self all mixed up with the Papacy.

For instance:

In 1217 Pope Honorius IIIproclaimed a crusade against the Prussian pagans. Duke Conrad of Massovia had been invaded by these barbarians and, in 1225,desperate for assistance, asked the Teutonic knights to come to his aid. He promised the Master possession of Culm and Dobrzin which Salza accepted with the provision that the knights could retain any Prussian territories that the Order captured. The Emperor's grant of Princely rank in 1226/27 in the "Golden Bull" of Rimini offered the knights sovereignty of any lands they captured as immediate fiefs of the Empire.

Note that it is in the 13th-14th century when these crusades are called, and its exactly when this map seemed to be reproduced by the Vatican.

It seems as though you are placing a lot of trust in the hands of the Vatican, when itself as an institution, has been as corrupt as any other in history.

It was in their interest at the time to fund the Teutonic knights fighting their way back into the east, as it would increase their own wealth and prestige (although of course most of these regions were already Catholic)

Germans were pushed out before by the Slavs. The land into what they were "expanding" was german land before.

Again, using black and white terms. The populations of these regions were already so intermixed that you can't really cross a line across the map and say "here are the Germanics" and "here are the Sarmatians." You aren't naiive enough to believe that, are you? The numerous tribes like Ostrogoths and Visigoths were mixed Germanic-Slavic. Peaceful settled agrarian tribes weren't doing the fighting, these guys were. Whether they pushed Germanics back, or helped push them forward, is altogether unclear. It's almost as if Germans calling for a crusade against Germans.
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

At least I don't have any problems to accept the historical truth

This is the problem though. The historical truth is really not something black or white. The map, was reproduced in the late medievel ages, a time when Germany was expanding into the east, towards *pagan* Poland and Lithuania Commonwealth. They also wanted to get into Prussia. And what better way to legitimize this great crusade to convert and destroy Slavic and Baltic people, than to claim that this land is ancient German land.

Johannes Falkenberg, known as one of the first thinkers/writers to advocate genocide, would have been at the forefront of the crusade.
Look at what he had to say: "the Emperor has the right to slay even peaceful infidels simply because they are pagans (...). The Poles deserve death for defending infidels, and should be exterminated even more than the infidels; they should be deprived of their sovereignty and reduced to slavery."
Sound familiar?

It's not something new. Find me someone calling for the extermination of Germans, from the Polish side from that period, or from any other period (that is not a complete headcase in mental institute) This man was a dominican theologian! And widely accepted, from the looks of things.

Anyway, the map obviously has is its positive side too. It offers a look, albeit inaccurate, into the names/age of towns from the ancient period. But it could have too easily been fabricated/modified, what have you.
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

Ptolemy was a Greek

We don't accept Ptolemy as a Greek. He was a confused Slav who got payed off by the Germanics to produce such a map. Can't say I don't admire the foresight!

And shame on you BB, for believing that a 2000 year old map is 100% accurate. Highly doubtful he even travelled that far north. Most was based on what he heard. Just look where he placed the British Isles, and Scandinavia. It is a very rudimentary map, with 30-40% accuracy at the very most.
18 Apr 2010
News / Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day- March 23rd [20]

We can thank Kaczynski and his government for helping enact this beautiful day we share in common with Hungarian brothers. Hungarian president and prime minister will be at his funeral tomorrow. Many other Hungarian delegates too, I'm sure.