Genealogy /
Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]
It doesn't really matter what we both believe
Well, true enough. But sometimes a really well supported post can sway someone in this direction or another. That is what I hope to do with you, for instance ;)
continue our discussion in a cultural manner.
I've never been one to begin acting like a child on a forum when trying to prove my point. You just come off as weak and easily intimidated/frustrated.
Alot of people who must lie and two different copy's who say the same...another anti-polish conspiracy?
Well, not exactly BB. But I think you're intelligent enought to realize that the Roman Catholic Teutonic Order had it self all mixed up with the Papacy.
For instance:
In 1217 Pope Honorius IIIproclaimed a crusade against the Prussian pagans. Duke Conrad of Massovia had been invaded by these barbarians and, in 1225,desperate for assistance, asked the Teutonic knights to come to his aid. He promised the Master possession of Culm and Dobrzin which Salza accepted with the provision that the knights could retain any Prussian territories that the Order captured. The Emperor's grant of Princely rank in 1226/27 in the "Golden Bull" of Rimini offered the knights sovereignty of any lands they captured as immediate fiefs of the Empire.
Note that it is in the 13th-14th century when these crusades are called, and its exactly when this map seemed to be reproduced by the Vatican.
It seems as though you are placing a lot of trust in the hands of the Vatican, when itself as an institution, has been as corrupt as any other in history.
It was in their interest at the time to fund the Teutonic knights fighting their way back into the east, as it would increase their own wealth and prestige (although of course most of these regions were already Catholic)
Germans were pushed out before by the Slavs. The land into what they were "expanding" was german land before.
Again, using black and white terms. The populations of these regions were already so intermixed that you can't really cross a line across the map and say "here are the Germanics" and "here are the Sarmatians." You aren't naiive enough to believe that, are you? The numerous tribes like Ostrogoths and Visigoths were mixed Germanic-Slavic. Peaceful settled agrarian tribes weren't doing the fighting, these guys were. Whether they pushed Germanics back, or helped push them forward, is altogether unclear. It's almost as if Germans calling for a crusade against Germans.