The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Liza  

Joined: 28 Oct 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 27 Sep 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 0 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 111 / Live: 7 / Archived: 104
From: London UK
Speaks Polish?: no

Displayed posts: 7
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27 Sep 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

clickyclock wrote:
but in Poland the women seemed to have a superb libido

I have noticed that with all slavic women.In comparison other women look like cold fish.

Hmmm my maternal grandmother is Serbian... Maybe that explains why my sex drive is so high!
11 Nov 2007

You do realise the original statistic was posted by Z_Darius? Still, it does give the guy an extra few months of freedom :-)
10 Nov 2007
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

i can do that too, but its not only about their looks is it, its also down to their dress sense and accent.

Its definitely their clothing, but not always their accent... I sometimes drive around with my boss and for entertainment I'll spot people walking along and try and guess their nationality. I love that even though we're all human, there are so many different varieties of race and appearances. Possibly thats the attraction of identical twins, triplets etc; we're used to seeing everyone as individuals so to see mirror images of people is amazing.

Sometimes I like to think what attributes a child would inherit from myself and my partner. I suspect s/he would be short (I'm 159cm and he's 161cm) but would s/he have my eyes, or his? His build or mine? etc Its a nice thing to imagine sometimes (although I have no desire to find out yet!)
5 Nov 2007

I’ve never been married, and I have to admit, the thought of getting married scares me. When I do walk up the aisle, I want it to be the first and last time, but I believe that the majority of those getting married have the same intentions, so how can I be sure I get it right? My parents are divorced; my grandparents on both sides are divorced; my step grandparents are divorced; various uncles and aunties are also divorced – even my great uncle is divorced. Perhaps it is unrealistic to believe in forever, but I want to believe it is possible
4 Nov 2007

26.2 for men, 23 for women

He he he I might have to show this to my POH - he turned 26 on Thursday, so his time is definitely running out.
29 Oct 2007
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Nikta Im very sure you're not an ugly dork... no matter where you were born. Possibly there is some truth in becoming 'Americanised', but I think you should celebrate your differences as thats part of what makes you special and unique. If anything, I'm jealous of anyone with visible Polish heritage as my Polish friends and my boyfriend are all gorgeous.

As for being able to guess nationalities, come visit London, we'll go to a bar, and pick ten random people and I'll guess their nationalities; for each one I get wrong, I'll buy you a drink, and each one I get right, you can buy me one :) Hopefully you'll leave being proud of any Polishness in your appearance
29 Oct 2007
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

I think Polish guys look pretty hot, and the Polish girls in London were giving me a complex - until I went to Poland I thought Polish people were like the Swedes - stereotypically gorgeous... Fortunately while I was there, I saw one or two who were only average, restoring a little more of my confidence.

That said, when walking around London I can pick out the Poles before they say anything, much to my boss' amusement. Then again, I can pick the Aussies, Kiwis and South Africans, and can tell Chinese, Koreans and Japanese apart as well. I think different countries and cultures have different ways of putting together their features...