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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
Threads: 6
Posts: 580

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8 Jul 2023
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]

Most men are not choosey becaouse

1. Every time a guy voices his preferences, women try to either "nip it in the bud" public ally so that other men won't voice it, with the mentality of if it isn't voiced then it doesn't exist basically

2. Men are quite open and willing to commit to a women during courtship, but the second a women becomes obnoxious or "shows" her obnoxious side or just being very argumentative hormones take over and puts her in the category: "sex" only, this is a waste of time. The second the guy understand she is not willing to sleep with him whatsoever or does not desire him as her partner he basically bails (most commonly after a sex act when hormones level out)

3. Men get sexually aroused by physical looks mainly, wanting to commit however comes in with a plethora of different requirements most women are not willing to listen to cause they are either spoiled or want it formally to not count, at least in public space. So it will be attacked verbally and combated as much as possible, leading only to men to keep quiet about it, and women to be surprised and confused that the man she wants does not commit to her whatsoever ever.

It's a problematic loophole both sides don't care about
7 Jul 2023
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]


I fully agree, mens tendency drifts very more easily towards something new. Not necesarily "rare"

While rare/excotic can be quite appealing to a women, especially if able to "catch" the guy by being able talk non stop about most people locally have No clue about.

It also gives a unique and rare form of lifestyle which makes women feel unique. Do I have to continue?
5 Jul 2023
Life / The "I am never wrong" phenom - is it the Polish thing? [63]

Are you saying that intelligence officers are inherently untrustworthy?

Their job require to be paranoid to foresee and take precautions towards their enemies.

It's not great statesmen material if the statesman cannot trust it's own population,

so yeah. To gain trust, you got to trust first. Being constantly mistrustful, creates mistrustful relationships.

Tell me the amount of sucessful foreign relations since Putin came to power.

Compare that with Yeltsin or Gorbatsjov, even in midst of worst possible situation Russia was headed. It was not lacking in helping hands or understanding.

Now? Tell me I am wrong
5 Jul 2023
Life / The "I am never wrong" phenom - is it the Polish thing? [63]

I wouldn't agree, to me not being able to take responsibility for ones own actions only proves ones own immaturity or kowtowing to immature people around onesself.

Seeing people continue to mud throw or point blame and highlight it. Reveals ones enemies and serve purpose of gathering information.

I wouldn't call PiS at that time very mature, yet it's a consequence of having a former intelligence officer as head of state.

If any major accident happened while Polish president would be tightly connected to American or Polish intelligence services. Obviously Russian side would be paranoid about it. Just see Maidan events and how comments there Are about «American medling» same thing
4 Jul 2023
History / Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end [37]

I am just bewildered about your audacity to complain about anything that was done by the Polish side AND adding situations and events created or were a consequence of German or Soviet actions.

You have a problem with Poland's existance or something? You have a problem with a boxer punching you back after shooting at him?
2 Jul 2023
History / Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end [37]

Oh I'll forgive him no worries. Just so tiring with both criticism coming from both Germans and Russians complaining about Polish vices that amount to what excactly? Berteza Kartuzka? The scope and volume is extremely different. Not to mention the proportions and their effect. Yet it seems they try to find justification for their vices, yet there is no issue finding Poles who would agree that those Polish vices were bad and shouldn't have happened.

Not being able to take responsibility for crimes performed, that can be blamed on the nation as a whole IS a problem for Polish relationship with both Germany as Russia
2 Jul 2023
History / Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end [37]

Then according to that dictionary, any citizen or politician of a nation-state is basically a nationalist...

regarding Polish nationals driving camps post-ww2

That's like blaming Jews for the creation of the Jewish Police during ww2. Fairly far fetched, one thing was joining them, but creation of it does is fully the responsibility of the German leadership in ww2...

If you think I was insulting you then I can give you an example if I tried to insult you if you are so soft:

"You are a silly excuse of a critic of Poland, even Austrian princesses at the French court would be a better advisor to the improvements of Poland! Eating cake sounds a lot better then what you have written here so far. Numb nut!"
2 Jul 2023
History / Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end [37]

PiS are socialists, they consider themselves the continuation of PPS.

They have a lot of right-wing steered rhetoric which you seem to gobble up just like most western media aswell.

Most Polish right wingers would just roll eye balls at your comment due to it being so far fetched!

Besides you should know the difference of Nacjonalista //=// Narodowiec at first.

Nationalists, especially European type are mostly territorial and focused on sovereignty at the cost of religious theology even and aim to create national centered religion (due to focus of cultural/national superiority/control/hegemony)

Catholic "nationalists" (see to Italy, Spain, France and Poland)

Tend to not be as toxic, fanatical or totally overboard due to leaving space to the Vatican regarding religious theology and dogma.

While other countries (Russia, England etc) prefer their head of state to be the decision maker with regard to religious matters.

Polish Narodowiec on the other hand is much more strongly connected to rationalism, taking the positive aspects of the west and not focusing too much on the romantic/feeling aspect in Polish politics due to Polish romantics Ian and more feelings based politics are used by centre-right, centre, centre left and left.

This is where most westerners, and especially Germans get a Narodowiec wrong and also WRONGLY consider PiS to be right wing or "nationalist"

It can give out a certain "nationalistic" vibe, but that's only electoral food to combat any strong right wing force to emerge like Konfederacja that has been growing.

So yeah please tell us, how PiS is "nationalist" I am eager to read what kind of nonsense you can come up with
2 Jul 2023
History / Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end [37]



You are surprised that Poland's enemies try to increase number of it's enemies how much it possibly can? By using linguistical acrobatics, people's lack of knowledge and trying to switch the narrative to their own favour?

You see, most of the world is fairly convinced that Poland is responsible, organised and did everything on behalf of Germans and Soviets during ww2. You know why? Cause that's what happened in occupied countries in rest of Europe, they learn about collaborating states and systems there and assume it also happened in Poland, and when finding exceptions to the Polish narrative they are fairly convinced that Poles lie and try to build a better image for themselves. Why is that? Cause that's what was done by majority of small tiny victors after ww2.

Problem is that it applies to the Soviets in Poland more then anything else, which they don't seem to grasp. Nor understand Poland's beef with communism
30 Jun 2023
History / Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end [37]

@Bratwurst Boy
First I would like you to show us, where have Polish sleeper agents been used to target enemy military units from behind the frontlines, aiding an Imperial Polish army moving forward on the false premise of enemy military crossing it's borders, killing nearby radio station workers and then said sleeper agents excecuted for treason due to having citizenship of that country.

Go on, ill wait a very long time
30 Jun 2023
History / Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end [37]

Yupp, notorious sleeper agents and contacts with Nazi-Germany. Same and even worse in Danzig free state at the time.

Which created a very hostile and negative view of minorities in Poland over time, especially during the war
28 Jun 2023
News / Poland Sports News [1079]


American women beat Polish women in Volleyball!

I am surprised, but seems like American volleyball team won against the Polish volleyball team!

Are American women a better choice? Who could have known! :O


(Yes, it is in Polish)
24 Jun 2023
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

I don't care much about vibes, being tense or whatever. I am simply passionate! It's just too much to most people

Thanks for the suggestion, my Norwegian mom did a DNA test and found a bit of Celtic. So I guess it wouldn't hurt to try some day. Thank you
24 Jun 2023
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

Well you entertain Paulina. I grant you that, why not feed "my" ego by telling me how egocentric I am lol

Hmm I will check it out then. Perhaps I get lucky finding a bride. I was thinking more in the line of largest city that Kashubians claim as their own, and not only as a Polish city. Gdańsk seem to win it.

Sadly I can confirm that many women find arrogant and self centred men to be attractive. Due to them being upfront about what they need and want and do their most to have it. It's easily conflated with competence and confidence.

Eternal dilemma for female nature
24 Jun 2023
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

At the moment I got a better chance at in Serbia a sapiosexual women or an Indian women within IT (with very desireable front chest)

None of them seem to be very arrogant, prejudiced or assuming the worst from me.

While local girls get nervous around me for no reason just because I have been doing more proper push ups lately.

I need to date down, no matter what kind of women I find. Even a daughter of a millionaire is beneath me. So spare me your "advices" as rightly pointed out. I am not interested in you, just asking for advice from good senior members here and was "venting" a little bit.

Great to notice who backs me up or not here
24 Jun 2023
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

I am not going to pretend to be somebody else, I had to do that all my life in Norway. Pretending to be a normal nothing out of the ordinary. I got tired of it, I moved to Poland to be able to talk about myself freely and not have to pretend anymore.

But, it's a farce and scharade here as well. I just didn't pick up on it after living long enough in Poland. Seems like everyone, everywhere isn't true to themselves.

Well guess what, I think both of you also need therapy, guidance and do some repentance. How about that?
24 Jun 2023
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

I don't give a flying **** about how other guys behave, especially if they don't love and respect women. So by adding me to their bunch it only infuriates me further.

No positive relationship increase with me "Feniks"

I have no good opinion of adulterers, male or female. It created a very deep divide between me and my best friend after he ****** a girl our other friend was together with. He said he did it to only prove that she was with our friend to get to him.

Either way, it was a betrayal. I cannot trust him to be meter's close to any of my female partners if he behaves like that.

Pretend about being somebody else? What you on about
24 Jun 2023
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

I wouldn't be saying these things if I was married and had kids, somehow it's hard to state anything else after countless abandonments and no lasting romantic relationship

I bet that I am the problem and don't give enough of what is required
24 Jun 2023
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

Women are not loyal or stay loyal, they either abandon you or leave from fear of being cheated first upon.

They only need to feel a little bad, then they are gone immediately. if you get emotionally distraught or angry over them, want to break up, then reconsider then they have no forgives or love for you at all. Do not expect understanding, pity or compassion from a women.

So expect every women you meat to cheat on you basically, there are no women to marry nowadays. We are doomed