The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by RussianAntiPutin  

Joined: 14 May 2022 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Oct 2022
Threads: 6
Posts: 209
From: St. Petersburg, Russia.
Speaks Polish?: Pretty well.
Interests: INACTIVE. Professional ballet dancer, 18 years old.

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15 May 2022
Language / Polish from Russian [14]

Thank you, @Paulina. You're very kind 😊.
Thanks for the link, @mafketis.
Six months sounds very quick, @Bobko. 'Her', by the way. 'Friend' is a lovely word, I wasn't expecting such niceness from Poles. Not because Poles aren't nice people, just Poland and Russia aren't exactly friendly (understatement of the year).
17 May 2022
Language / Polish from Russian [14]

@Paulina I am! Very serious vocational ballet student at Vaganova Academy! How did you know? Did I put that in my information on my profile?

New York sounds very interesting, good for him/her.
You're definitely right. I honestly don't understand why a lot of Russians hate Poles, call them crooks, "insult" them by calling them Jews (I think there used to or is a lot of dislike towards Jews in Poland, which is saddening but ironic on the "insult" matter) . Obviously I understand the general dislike of Russians in Poland, with the invasion and practically terrorizing them for centuries, although ordinary Russians really have nothing to do with that.

Please stick to the topic of this thread
18 May 2022
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

Not excessively large, no. But Slavs in general, Russians, Serbians, Poles, etc. DO have a slight predisposition to 'large' noses. This does not mean absurdly large, or ALL Poles or anything, it's just a generic Slavic trait, like blonde/brown hair. A lot of Poles and other Slavs have blonde/brown hair, doesn't mean ALL. Likewise a lot have grey eyes, again, not ALL. What's so bad about a big nose, anyway? All being said, the Poles I know all have tiny noses.
18 May 2022
History / Ski- Suffix of names [12]

I think I can put this here.
Where did -ski at the end of a name come from? A lot of Poles have it, why? And does it really sound different in Polish names than in Russian?
19 May 2022
History / Ski- Suffix of names [12]

Thank you! That's very interesting history.
That makes sense re. the pronunciation. I always thought that my fathers friend whose name ends in -ski sounded like he was stopping his name short. So, it would be, say, Kowalski correctly and not Kowalskiy as I was saying it. Now I'll know how not to look like an idiot.
19 May 2022
Feedback / Is it Polish forum or foreign forum? [159]

What? Where's the hate? Are non Poles not allowed on here? Why is the word Pole offensive. Who are you to decide whos Polish? What's wrong with you?
21 May 2022
Travel / Best places to visit in Poland [91]


Best places to go in Poland

I'd like to go to Poland in a few years, does anyone know the best places to go for first time visitors?
Thank you
21 May 2022
Food / Polish cakes made in Poland [115]

Looks lovely. Thank you very much.

It took me a whole day and it was a disaster

How terrible! It much have been really disappointing.
21 May 2022
Food / Polish cakes made in Poland [115]

In which case I've finally found someone exactly like me.
21 May 2022
History / Poland retrieves its lost art [6]

Very interesting. They're beautiful. It's nice to hear that such precious artefacts are found.
21 May 2022
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [231]


Krzesińska and Nizynski - famous ballet dancers

Matylda Krzesiǹska, Prima Ballerina Assoluta and Nizynski, one of the most famous ballet dancers of all time (I can't get the accents on this computer, please forgive me) are often called Russian. They were not. It is undermining Polands contribution to ballet. I'm not sure anyone will really care, but this is an insult to Poland. Like calling Ukrainian ballerinas such as Uliana Lopatkina Russian. It's just wrong. There have been masses of great Russian dancers, but they were not some of them.

Note also the choreographer Bronislawa Nizynska, one of the first important female choreographers in the history of ballet.
22 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Who do you think are the very best posters of PF? I'd say the best are Paulina and Miloslaw, Gefreiter Kania is also nice, and Bobko is generally lovely apart from when he talks about Serbs. And this might be unpopular, but I quite like Johnny Reb.

(Cojestdocholery is God awful).

From my small experience, I've only been on since the 14th, but I can recognise most people already, it's not a big forum.

And Pawian is delightful, how could I forget!
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

I am not interested in anyone sexually or romantically. And this is not a dating site. Plus, you never know, I could be ugly as hell.

And Johnny never pandered to me. Leave him alone

And you're going off topic

(I've found the worst one).
Mods, please delete Strzelec's posts. They're completely off topic
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Maybe don't start sexually harassing me and then blaming other posters

No one told me that being on an anonymous forum would lead to sexual harassment. Maybe Cojestdocholery isn't that bad after all.

Can this thread please go back on topic? It's almost funny, I have a second to myself and Strzelec is making annoying posts again. And implying I'm some kind of feminazi!
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]


He's a nice guy

Is he? And you're off topic. Why are you derailing my thread?! This isn't a thread about some perverted creep who asks random posters of they're sexually interested in 37 year old men. And if he's so nice, would you invite him for dinner with your grandmother? I bet not!
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

What's wrong with Johnny Reb?
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

I didn't know that! He's nice to me.
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

Why are people implying I'm a troll? I am exactly who I say I am, just because people think I can speak English too well or navigate this forum too well or I'm too smart doesn't mean I'm a troll. Just I have a brain.
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

No I'm not seeking attention. I've seen a few people implying I'm a troll. You for example.
Since I was 6. My mother just thought I should learn a foreign language or two, so I started learning German and English.
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]



Don't play dumb. You aren't good at it
Also, RANDOM POSTS DON'T BELONG IN THIS THREAD. Mods, please move posts which don't pertain to it.

You know, it's actually funny how people think they can just lie about what they said on a forum which other posters can just go back and check. I didn't think people could be that stupid.
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [875]

No, I said I hate Cojest.
And I'd say it's
1 Paulina
5Johnny Reb

And I'm not 76 because I don't say "lol". I don't like it, why would I use something I don't like. And I don't know any 76 year olds who would know the internet well enough to use PF.

Novichok is very smart, isn't he?

@Jon 357 Off topic doesn't mean you can trash it. And what the hell is Mandy?