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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 16 [1017]
...just as the US, UK, and Poland attacked Iraq.
Iraq and Afghanistan weren't NATO jobs. Some members abstained, most members only sent token forces. The "coalition of the willing" was mostly made up of arab states, specifically because USA couldn't get Europeans to come help.
Even Russia loves Trump.
You guys have been claiming Ukraine is being ground down and going to collapse any minute now the entire war, from the first months. It hasn't happened, and it isn't going to happen. You guys aren't even willing to put down dates as predictions for when it will happen by anymore. Ever since even your vague long term estimates of 6 months or 1 year came and went with no sign of Ukrainian collapse.
Because Ukraine is winning the attrition war. As tragic as the manpower losses are for both sides, equipment will run out before manpower does.
Ukraine is generating more manpower than they are able to equip with heavy equipment currently and Western backers are able to sustain their current level of support for Ukraine long term, they are actually increasing their production steadily. They even have room to expand production at a significantly higher rate if there is the political will to do that.
Russia, meanwhile, is depleting their stockpiles and cannot produce anywhere near the level needed to sustain their efforts.
Russia's theory of victory is that they can convince the west to stop supplying Ukraine before Russia runs out of gas to sustain its offensive pace. It is not that they are going to attrit and collapse Ukrainian forces. Russia is realistic enough to know they aren't capable of doing that. But Russia's propaganda effort, that you all consume via Telegram, is geared towards trying to paint Russia's slow grinding advances as Inevitable Victory. But actually looking at the economic factors, production, and losses, that isn't so.