USA, Canada /
My grievances with the American-Polonia [54]
Just a thought i would add.
My background: I am male in his 40's. My Grands escaped as young children the Pol/Ukraine border area during the German invasion. By the grace of my great Grand father who was a Commandant in the Russan Army during the war, he was able to get his family out and defect to Chi Town via Canada. He was also a "white".
As stories have been told to me, of course they were persecuted in the homeland, then when they arrive in the US the persecution continued. We were dumb Poles, my Great Grand had Russian ties( even though they were "whites again") it had no bearing. In Chi Town, you had "neighborhoods", if you ventured out of your neighborhood, you risked beatings, ridicule or even death. My dad, his brothers and sisters, sought assimilation the thrive in the US. They had to forget were they came from to survive.
The US, through both no fault and fault is a melting pot of nationalities. Citizens have to both change and if they chose keep their roots just to survive. If those want to thrive, they have to, for the most part, assimilate to US cultures. The problem, there in, the US has no Nationailstic Ideal of culture. The US has no, main religion, no central idealized National Ideal of persona( other than being fat americans). The US is a melting pot, again, no fault.
So where am i going with this. Ultimately all i want to offer is an idea of consideration. Polonia in the US had to assimilate and now its up to those who chose, like myself, to regain our Polska roots. My parents, who assimilated to the US culture have nothing to teach, we have to back generations and its hard sometimes.
Just a thought.
Żyć Polska