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Posts by Borsukrates  

Joined: 11 Dec 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Jan 2016
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29 Jan 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

PiS won democratic elections and +99% of their voters are happy with what they do.

LOL!! This isn't even true for people who voted for PiS. Some voted for PiS because relatively moderate Szydło, Duda were put in front and Macierewicz, Kurski, Kaczyński, Ziobro were hidden. They jumped right out after elections. Long story short, PiS deceived their own voters.

By the way, 51.6% (attendance) * 39% = 23% of people legally allowed to vote. What about the rest ?

  • Olejnikziobrooczy..jpg
29 Jan 2016
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

1. Poland has relatively cold winters, and no one likes frostbite. I mean, really - check out the list of countries where circumcision is common. It has been especially common in ancient Egypt, and all neighbors of Jews also practiced it, so circumcusion is far from "a jewish thing".

2. You can have all the benefits of circumcision by simply keeping your foreskin retracted if you wish. The skin becomes callused, keratinized and loses some sensitivity. The best part is the process is reversible, unlike with circumcishion. Washing and hygiene is not the whole story. The vast majority of sexually transmitted diseases which affect men manifest UNDER the foreskin, suggesting warmth and humidity is a factor. You can take these out of the picture by the stupidly simple method of keeping foreskin retracted. It will take about 3 weeks, because that's how long it takes for skin to replace itself. You can even do this when you develop some kind of infection and then go back to natural state.

Doctors likely won't help you with this, because they won't get paid by the pharma industry. Doctors, especially in private clinics, are in the business of selling medicine, not healing people. Try a sex shop instead. In particular, "glans rings" (Yes, you can google "glans ring" even in Poland). Another term is "foreskin retraction ring".

Another reason to avoid circumcision is you lose about 50% of your nerve endings (sensitivity in sex!!!). That's where myths like "a clitoris has 2x as many nerve endings as a whole penis" come from. This myth is especially common in US.

There are countries which know about this - especially Japan, where wearing such rings for the very purpose is common practice.

Finally, circumcision is not some kind of silver bullet, it has possible health complications. Foreskin restoration treatments are growing in popularity in US!!!

29 Jan 2016
Feedback / Why are threads deleted or send off topic list? [60]

MODERATORS! For your information, throwing threads and post around pushes Google and other indexing spiders (bots) off-balance. Google and other search engines have a hard time indexing . This is bad for SEO.
28 Jan 2016
News / Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media! [90]

PO party tried to sell parts of Poland to Germans including part of Slask (Silesia) and Kaszubs

Where's your proof ?

Excuse me? Silesians, Slazacy and Kaszubi are all Polish, do not even try to separate us!

There are many in those ethnic groups who think otherwise, and in any case who gives you right to speak in their name ?
28 Jan 2016
News / Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media! [90]

we have a Polish party in the government

And other parties are what, Korean ?
Poland has exactly one national minority party - German Minority - and it has 1 (one) seat in Sejm. Technically Poland has 0% election treshold for national minority parties, which in spirit is meant to give all minorities a voice. In practice, the used workaround is that Poland doesn't acknowledge a nation has a minority (see - Silesians, Ślązacy, Kaszubi)
25 Jan 2016
News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law [173]

ou still fail to define what you're trying to talk about.

"Gender ideology" - that's how strict people label relationships outside of:
one straight male + one straight female.

Also, when a man or a woman wears anything unpredictable.

14 Jan 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

That Czech PM officially said there's nothing wrong with democracy in Poland and he doesn't understand what the fuss is about.

Czech Republic is in the middle of nowhere, south of the center of Europe. Good luck transporting goods through the Tatra Mountains! Czech Republic can afford to say stuff like that, because it's not in the geopolitical crashzone. When a war breaks between east and west, Czech Republic or Hungary can watch from the sidelines. They're not on the highly travelled path.
14 Jan 2016
News / Jacek Kurski, the new chairman of TVP (Telewizja Polska) [37]

Made up by "hyena of the year" Lis.

The other 3 witnesses are Wołek, Kolenda-Zalewska and Władyka.

For me the issue is that Kurski is an extremely biased and cynical man. He's been proven to make stuff up to blacken political opponents.
14 Jan 2016
News / Jacek Kurski, the new chairman of TVP (Telewizja Polska) [37]

One of best known quotes of Jacek Kurski is:

Z tym Wehrmachtem to lipa, ale jedziemy z tym bo ciemny lud to kupi.

(The Wehrmacht thing was a sham, but we're sticking with it because dim people will buy it.)

He said that just before an interview in radio TokFM. Before they went on air, they had a conversation (Jacek Kurski + 4 journalists: Tomasz Lis, Wiesław Władyka, Katarzyna Kolenda-Zaleska and Tomasz Wołek). Tomasz Lis asked Jacek Kurski why he still insists (prime minister's) Donald Tusk's grandfather volounteered to Wehrmacht. He was bragging about it as if it was some great example of social engineering.
11 Jan 2016
News / Jacek Kurski, the new chairman of TVP (Telewizja Polska) [37]

When you look at it that way, he might actually be the ideal person for the unelected dictator, Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski, to appoint

Back after the presidential TV debate between Donald Tusk and Lech Kaczyński, Donald asked Lech:
- Why do you keep this son of a b. ?
- He might be a son of a b., but I prefer to have him on my side.
11 Jan 2016
News / Jacek Kurski, the new chairman of TVP (Telewizja Polska) [37]

Stuff Jacek Kurski said:

"I will be consistent in reclaiming for PiS institution after institution, company after company, office after office".
"I don't deny that in the domain of phraseology and portrayal of the world of politics I'm a receptive disciple of Jarosław Kaczyński".

"Whoever is going to raise a hand against (threaten) Jarosław Kaczyński should be aware Jacek Kurski will cut that hand off."

"It's not possible to vote differently than the leadership! Maybe bollocks like that can fly in the UK, (...) There must be discipline!" (about voting in parliament)

(82 words)

Long story short, he's a cynical, ruthless tool who claims he will do anything for dear leader Jarosław Kaczyński. I say "claims" because his history clearly shows he's happy to jump ship when wind blows the other way. He's been called a political mercenary, because when he was in LPR he was very critical of PiS, but then it stopped abruptly when he went from LPR to PiS, and Kurski was explicit about it. He doesn't have any strong views, just does what he considers beneficial for him. That's why ks. (priest) Krzysztof Niedałtowski was astonished to hear Kurski lecture people about morality. Speaking of morality, he doesn't pay alimony money for his 8 year old son.

Interesting. When ? Which unit ?

That's not clear actually. According to Wikipedia he either deserted to join Polskie Siły Zbrojne, or was a prisoner of war in an allied camp. Wikipedia has links to interviews and other sources if you want to dig more. Either version is likely unless he suddenly changed his views. Józef Tusk was a member of Tajna Organizacja Wojskowa (Secret Military Organization), which prepared behind-the-lines operatives in the case of war. When Germans arrived at Gdańsk, he was assaulted in his house, reported the assault to the police, which got him arrested. He was called a polish activist and a polish fanatic, dangerous to the security of German State. His family was evicted. He was a forced laborer and made to construct a concentration camp, then imprisoned in another concentration camp... clearly, Nazi Germany disliked him and he had reasons to hate them.
11 Jan 2016
News / Jacek Kurski, the new chairman of TVP (Telewizja Polska) [37]

PiS has promised de-politization of polish media long ago. To this end, they placed Jacek Kurski as the new chairman of TVP (public polish television). He was appointed on 8th of January 2015.

He's a polish politician, journalist and has a degree in economy. He was a member of at least 7 political parties, in chronological order:

First he was involved with opposition during PRL era, and cooperated with a number of right-winged parties.
NSZZ Solidarność
Porozumienie Centrum (led by Jarosław Kaczyński; he led the Sejm campaign of PC in 1993).
Ruch Odbudowy Polski
Zjednoczenie Chrześcijańsko-Narodowe (ZChN) - removed for tampering with list of candidates
Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
Liga Polskich Rodzin
(he then joined PiS again)
Solidarna Polska (removed once he started cooperating with PiS)

Court history

In 2006 he accused Platforma Obywatelska (PO) of illegally funding parliamentary and presidential elections from money siphoned from PZU. The case failed to find anything and has been dropped. PO counter-sued for libel and won. Kurski was ordered to publicly apoligize and transfer 100,000 PLN to Caritas charity.

in 2007 he was found guilty of libel, throwing unsubstantiated accusations at Agora S.A. (the publisher of "Gazeta Wyborcza" etc.). The sentence was, again, public apology and 10k PLN to a charity. Higher order court supported the sentence, but Kurski willfully failed to comply with it. In particular he was saying "Gazeta Wyborcza" can destroy anyone using its submissive judges.

In 2005 he was removed from PiS for spreading rumors that grandfather of Donald Tusk (then polish Prime Minister, now president of European Council) volounteered to Wehrmacht and fought against Poles in WW2. Upon closer inspection, yes, the grandfather did serve in Wehrmacht, but there are indications he was drafted, especially his desertion and joining of Polskie Siły Zbrojne. The grandfather fought for Poland until the end of the war.
8 Jan 2016
News / Mateusz Matyszkowicz, executive director of Fronda will lead TVP Kultura [15]

TVP Kultura is a public TV station focusing on cultural matters.
Mateusz Matyszkowicz is a an executive director of "Fronda Lux" and "Teologia Polityczna".
Mateusz Matyszkowicz will now lead the TV station. Another "Fronda" editor, Jakub Moroz, will take care of the channel's development.

This is wonderful, excellent news for everyone with strong right winged views who is Catholic. If there's a more extreme right winged magazine in Poland, I'm not aware of it. For reference - Fronda, Tygodnik Poświęcony (Sanctified Weekly):

I don't count Radio Maryja, TV Trwam etc because technically it doesn't follow The Bible.
29 Dec 2015
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

It makes more sense to compare Poland and Hungary.

Victor Orban used to be an euroenthusiast. Then he became a skeptic. Jarosław Kaczyński was always an euroskeptic. Not surprising considering JK can't speak english.

When Fidesz came to power, Hungary was almost bankrupt. When PiS came to power in 2015, Poland was relatively well off compared other EU countries, some even called it a model member of EU and praised for resisting the financial crisis.

When Fidesz came to power, the party who ruled before them had roots in communism, it was the equivalent of Polish SLD. When PiS came to power, the ruling party before them had roots in communist opposition, with few former PZPR members.

Orban called for changes in Hungarian constitution, which was written in 1949 based on the Soviet Constitution by Stalin, with some changes in 1989. When PiS calls for changes in Polish constitution, it wants to change the 1997 constitution, written in free Poland. Both Fidesz and PiS wanted to put their respective constitutional courts in chains, using the same rhetoric... but PiS wants to go in the opposite direction! Falling back to Sejm (polish parliament) as the most important ruling body in all cases is a callback to the soviet constitution. The ruling role of the Party.

Soon a good comparison might be Poland and Białoruś (Belarus).
27 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

Merged: Professor Ludwik Turko rejects award from president Andrzej Duda

President Andrzej Duda awarded Krzyż Wolności i Solidarności (Cross of Freedom and Solidarity) to professor Ludwik Turko (Physicist).

Ludwik Turko rejected the award.

Reasons he gave:
* The president knowingly broke the rules of legal state.
* The president hasn't accepted swearing-in of the 3 legally a chosen judges of Trybunał Konstytucyjny (Constitutional Court).
* He said actions of Duda are an exceptional case of submissiveness and cynism.

This is interesting, because Turko accepted an award from the earlier president of PiS - Lech Kaczyński.

The Cross is awarded to exceptional opposition activists in the PRL (Communist) era.
23 Dec 2015
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Somehow it's missing from this thread ? Earlier this year (5th November) a 31 Christian man from Syria was beaten unconscious in the middle of Poznań. In a mall, in fact. Attackers were so excited they bragged about it on Facebook (screens, because posts were removed). They were saying stuff like "he should pay for his own treatment", "Finally some good news" and other 'witty' things. The victim was a doctor, living in Poland for 3 years.

This is the only coverage in a right-winged paper I found:,36037,19139631,syryjczyk-pobity-prz ed-starym-browarem-rasistowski-atak-w-centrum.html
23 Dec 2015
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Breaking news.

If attackers were Muslim and the victim was Christian, it would be.,artykuly,376155,1.html

Update: someone reported to police.,news,pobili-obcokrajowca-na-patelni-policja-sprawdza-nagrania-brak,189237.html,141637,19383103,w-niedziele-na-patelni-pobito-ciemnoskorego-mezczyzne-dzis. html
23 Dec 2015
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Merged: Racist attack in the middle of Warsaw. Witnesses too scared to testify.

A dark skinned man was beaten by a group of "normal-looking" men in the middle of Warsaw. No swastikas, shaven heads, concealed faces etc. It happened in front of metro entrance ("Patelnia"). They were shouting "Where are you from ? Get the f@!$ out of here!"

A bystander with 3 friends, returning from a party, tried to help him. The victim got away, and aggressors focused on newcomers. They ran away. Metro security saw t his but didn't react. Many people witnessed this, nobody reacted.

The police said nobody filed a complaint. Witnesses are saying they're afraid and their identity might be revealed. There's a security video, but it won't be used before the formal process starts.

22 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Before parliamentary elections, Petru made a point that almost all members of .Nowoczesna are new people and fresh faces, and they were especially careful not to take party jumpers. That was part of the draw. I hope Petru resists the temptation. Getting 28 -> 29 people is meaningless in current Sejm. It's not worth sacrificing principles over scraps like that. It's the next election in 4 years that's the big payoff.
21 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Nothing to do with oil & gas sector.

Nothing except Unipetrol, Czech part of PKN Orlen (that was in 2008) ? Krawiec more than proved himself as a competent manager of PKN Orlen in the last 7 years. He was an effective businessman before that. What's your problem ?
21 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

has more experience than a previous guy

Even discounting the fact Jacek Krawiec was the chairman of PKN Orlen for the last 7 years, he was an effective businessman before that. He was an effective chairman of Elektrim and Impexmetal. Also worked in: Sindicatum Ltd London, Action SA, Huty Aluminium "Konin", Metalexfrance Paryż, S and I SA Lozanna,, Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa, PTE AiG. Earlier, he worked in banks: PKO SA, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Nomura plc (Japanese invest bank in London).

He graduated from Economic University of Poznań.

Wojciech Jasiński's education is in Law&Administration.

G, you're embarrassing yourself.
18 Dec 2015
News / Previous Poland's government corrupting the media. [125]

How much did Pi$s spend?

1. Social broadcasters will be excluded from fees
2. Out of 10 social broadcasters, 8 are Catholic, 9th is Protestant. Radio Maryja will be saving nearly 500000 zł.

Gifts don't have to come in form of money. If you no longer have to pay taxes or fees, the end result is the same.
18 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

To be fair I think .Nowoczesna's popularity comes in part from NOT having ties with PO. Petru & Co are happy to criticize PO as well, giving an impression of objectivity. .Nowoczesna would lose popularity if it allied with PO. If they keep up their integrity, they're not going to need PO.
17 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

People didn't even vote for PiS much. They largely voted against PO, which stopped doing much. PiS won that election by pretending to be calmer, more moderate than 8 years earlier. In particular, radicals like Kamiński, Macierewicz, Ziobro and even Kaczyński went into hiding. Moderate Szydło as prime minister, Gowin might be minister of defense.

That's why many people are protesting. They feel cynically cheated by Jarosław Kaczyński. Politicians hidden during elections take most important seats in government. Kamiński, Ziobro, Macierewicz are back, and Macierewicz even got a promotion. Topics from PM's expose are clearly not a priority. Smoleńsk, Radio Maryja, trampling Constitution are.

  • DbrowskiSKMBT.jpg
16 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

Indeed, PO now have a worthy successor. Nowoczesna have won huge popularity through glib, slick and cleverly phrased demagoguery designed to dupe the masses

PiS just drafted a law that will require, among other things, the Constitutional Court (TK) to:
1. Hold all meetings in full composition
2. Have 2/3 majority to rule on anything.

.Nowoczesna just pointed out this is designed to paralyze the Constitutional Court. It will work like this because:
* Currently TK can have three 5-judge teams working independently. Now with only one team, it will take them 60 days to rule on anything.
* Requirement to have 2/3 majority to rule on anything will make many hearings inconclusive. Constitutional Court rules on the extremely important matters. It's the main safeguard of Constitution, and Constitution prevents a state from slipping into dictatorship or tyranny.

That's not demagogy, that's simple logic. .Nowoczesna simply pointed out the law drafted by PiS would make Trybunał Konstytucyjny irrelevant.

There's no need to use demagogy to criticize PiS. It's sufficient to point out facts and use basic logic.

One can't help but wonder which parts of of the Constitution bother PiS so much ?
16 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

Unlike glorious "democrats" from PO that late at night were meeting at cemeteries to discuss how to steal our money.

Wake up!!! Wake up!!! PO is no longer the most popular opponent of PiS. You need to hate someone else.

What's the point about complaining about PO ? PO is not the future. Rule of PO is over. So why bother talking about it ? PiS is changing the country for the worse, why not talk about that ? Accusation of nepotism, cronism, corruption are deflected with "But PO did this more!". Is this supposed to be an improvement ? Where's the good change ?

Even the spokesman of Andrzej Duda admits PiS is not better.

Podczas rządów poprzedniej koalicji także dochodziło do łamania prawa, do łamania obyczajów politycznych, także, po części, łamania zasad wolności słowa.

- Marek Magierski.
Stop obsessing over a party that has lost elections and will probably not rule again. PO and PiS are much the same, because they base their decisions on the same popularity polls. .Nowoczesna won huge popularity by not being like either.