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Posts by Borsukrates  

Joined: 11 Dec 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Jan 2016
Threads: 5
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Speaks Polish?: Tak

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7 Jan 2016
News / Poland's election winning party: PIS proclamations [229]

[Moved from]: Victor Orban visits Jarosław Kaczyński. Poland's Prime Minister Szydło not invited.

On 6th January 2016, Victor Orban had a meeting with Jarosław Kaczyński here in Poland. Prime Minister Szydło wasn't invited. She's supposed to visit Budapest on 13th.

Several years ago I read about countries using the Westminster System, where leader of the leading party automatically becomes the prime minister. I thought that was curious. Now I know why it's important.
7 Jan 2016
News / Adam Michnik awarded for integrity, professionalism and high standards. Poland's No. 1 fascist? [321]

Your lies are getting old

This is exactly what Pawłowicz from PiS says. Public media are state media, they are political, and they should support the rulers.

You haven't been here wailing and complaining when for the last eight years

I didn't know about these forums. Hard to understand ?

Fortunately, knowing Poles, they're not going to lie down like the Hungarians did.

So optimistic. PiS line of defense - "everyone is doing that" - isn't helping. Poles stop to care.
7 Jan 2016
News / Poland bets on Russian oil again [82]

Aligning itself with Hungary is another way Poland indirectly gets close to Russia. Russia is no longer a communist dystopia, but a nationalist mafia state. That's a country where Police approaches a chemical company and proposes manufacturing drugs. Refuse, and they make a case against you. On another occassion a family company was senteced for selling drugs - they were baking bread rolls with poppy seeds. I guess they failed to pay protection money ?

Russia recently put Iskander cruise missiles in Kaliningrad Oblast. Maybe this time they won't be used against Poland ? Let's cross our fingers!
6 Jan 2016
News / Poland bets on Russian oil again [82]

And why do you think Russia is bombing Syria ? Perhaps to add fuel to the fire and make Syrians migrate even faster ? Russia has nothing to lose, it knows refugees won't go to Russia.
6 Jan 2016
News / Adam Michnik awarded for integrity, professionalism and high standards. Poland's No. 1 fascist? [321]

It's worse, worse than just seizing power. PiS isn't just putting its people in KRRiT (Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji). KRRiT is in the Constitution in the same chapter as NIK (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli), and it's not a coincidence. It's because media, like NIK, are supposed to keep government in check. In most of Europe, media are supposed to do that. In countries like Belarus, Russia, Hungary media do the opposite - they're give government control over people. PiS is changing the role of media. Media council had issues with impartiality ? Clearly, the cure is to remove all doubt!

Conspiracy theory ?

Krystyna Pawłowicz, a prominent PiS politician:

"Public media are government media, and they're certainly political. They should serve the sovereign."
6 Jan 2016
News / Poland bets on Russian oil again [82]

Saudi Arabia is much farther and much weaker than Russian Federation. It's a much smaller threat for Poland and the world peace in general. Russia is even carrying out terrorist attacks in Syria, for example it bombed a waste treatment plant, a market full of people, a mosque, hospitals, and 10+ bakeries feeding over 200,000 people. Organizations like Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International and United Nations (ONZ) call these war crimes, and say they were done on purpose. Over 200 civilians were killed. These are all well documented with photos and videos.
6 Jan 2016
News / Pope Francis' anti-Polish encyclical? Criticism of coal burning in Poland. [67]

No-one is talking about felling ancient tree stands.

And would you bet on that ?

Puszcza Białowieska is an area protected by the EU Natura 2000 program. European Commission only just dropped its legal case against Poland for breaking the tree cutting directives. The forest is on the UNESCO list of humanity heritage. It's a primal forest. How do you replace a primal forest in a sustainable way ? This can make Puszcza Białowieska lose its UNESCO status, which would be a big diplomatic blow for Poland.

When polish forests were last managed by Jan Szyszko, the new old minister of Environment, the state run company Lasy Państwowe became indepted for the first time in decades. He's also the man who ordered investigation of 'chemitrails'. Do you think he's too competent to do this ?
6 Jan 2016
News / Poland bets on Russian oil again [82]

The last chairman of PKN Orlen, Wojciech Krawiec started importing Saudi oil. After firing him, PiS appointed Wojciech Jasiński. Now Wojciech Jasiński signed deals with Rosnieft (Tatnieft, its Swiss affiliate to be exact) to increase oil imports from Russia. The new contract replaces the old one, raises imports from 1.2 mln tons to 2.4 mln tons and will last 3 years.

Thoughts ?

Apparently diversification and not relying on Russian resources is not so important.

PiS likes Russia and Putin much more than it pretends. They use the same language ("Nation" instead of "Society"), share contempt for law and democratic institutions, share values (hatred for different religions, colored people, gay people, Jews, foreigners in general). Like with much else, you see PiS intentions by what they don't say.

I wouldn't bet a south end of a north bound rat on PiS supporting Ukraine. Back in the time of Marshal Piłsudski nationalists wanted to partitition Ukraine, not support its independence.

Hungary can afford to sign deals like this with Russia, because it's not in the geopolitical crash zone. In Poland's case, it's foolish.
5 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Eight years of pulling the wool over the public's eye

Focusing on the past is like trying to drive a car while staring at the back mirror. You need to focus on the road ahead.
5 Jan 2016
News / Pope Francis' anti-Polish encyclical? Criticism of coal burning in Poland. [67]

According to a poll by Pew Research Center, only 19% of Poles responded that climate change is a serious problem. Only the Chinese care less.

President Andrzej Duda said talking about anti-carbonisation is heresy and anti-Polish. He went on to say Poland has 90% of Europe's coal reserves and that's why de-carbonization is only possible in the sense of reducing CO_2 emissions, not reduction of coal mined.

He didn't mention 5000-7000 Poles die every year from diseases caused by burnt coal. Poland might gain from cheaper energy, but will have to spend extra on healthcare. Also, less developed countries use Poland's stance as an excuse to keep burning coal.

And it's not just coal. Under the new minister of environment, Jan Szyszko, the region of Puszcza Białowieska is to rise wood cutting limits fivefold. Puszcza Białowieska is the last primal forest in Europe, it's on the UNESCO list. Back when Szyszko was minister of environment during previous PiS rule, he also wanted to approve a highway running through Rospuda valley, where many unique and endangered forms of life live. I remember signing a Greenpeace protest petition when I was on a nearby festival.
29 Dec 2015
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

It makes more sense to compare Poland and Hungary.

Victor Orban used to be an euroenthusiast. Then he became a skeptic. Jarosław Kaczyński was always an euroskeptic. Not surprising considering JK can't speak english.

When Fidesz came to power, Hungary was almost bankrupt. When PiS came to power in 2015, Poland was relatively well off compared other EU countries, some even called it a model member of EU and praised for resisting the financial crisis.

When Fidesz came to power, the party who ruled before them had roots in communism, it was the equivalent of Polish SLD. When PiS came to power, the ruling party before them had roots in communist opposition, with few former PZPR members.

Orban called for changes in Hungarian constitution, which was written in 1949 based on the Soviet Constitution by Stalin, with some changes in 1989. When PiS calls for changes in Polish constitution, it wants to change the 1997 constitution, written in free Poland. Both Fidesz and PiS wanted to put their respective constitutional courts in chains, using the same rhetoric... but PiS wants to go in the opposite direction! Falling back to Sejm (polish parliament) as the most important ruling body in all cases is a callback to the soviet constitution. The ruling role of the Party.

Soon a good comparison might be Poland and Białoruś (Belarus).
27 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

Merged: Professor Ludwik Turko rejects award from president Andrzej Duda

President Andrzej Duda awarded Krzyż Wolności i Solidarności (Cross of Freedom and Solidarity) to professor Ludwik Turko (Physicist).

Ludwik Turko rejected the award.

Reasons he gave:
* The president knowingly broke the rules of legal state.
* The president hasn't accepted swearing-in of the 3 legally a chosen judges of Trybunał Konstytucyjny (Constitutional Court).
* He said actions of Duda are an exceptional case of submissiveness and cynism.

This is interesting, because Turko accepted an award from the earlier president of PiS - Lech Kaczyński.

The Cross is awarded to exceptional opposition activists in the PRL (Communist) era.
26 Dec 2015
Po polsku / Polska jest dyktaturą? [129]

A słyszeliście, żeby banda lewaków / liberalnych ludzi poszła i kogoś skopała ? Linki, przykłady.
25 Dec 2015
Po polsku / Polska jest dyktaturą? [129]

Totalitaryzm nie zależy od tego, czy mi sie opcja podoba czy nie. Totalitaryzm to rząd, który stara się regulować każdą sferę życia obywatela - publiczną i prywatną. Totalitaryzm stara się utrzymać przy władzy przy użyciu szeroko zakrojonej kampanii propagandowej, często z wykorzystaniem państwowych mediów. Jest jedna partia stosująca represje, kult jednostki, kontrolę ekonomiczną, ograniczenia wolności słowa, masowe śledzenie, i terror.

Z wyjątkiem otwartego terroru, rząd PiS wszystkie te punkty wyhacza, czego dowiodłem wyżej. Do terroru też nie ma daleko, bo na niego przymyka oczy (pobicia różnych kolorowych, palenie kukły Żyda, bicie kochających inaczej).
25 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

The TK is totally unnecessary- It was a commie-era Jaruzelski invention.

And so was Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich! (Advocate for Citizens' Rights)

Is he not a Polish citizen? There is nothing wrong if he express his point of view.

He is also a very high ranking priest. He's using his religious authority to back up his political views. He's making an impression this is the Church stance.

Certain positions carry responsibility. Every popular figure bears more responsibility for what he says. Church authorities are special in the sense that people who trust them are not fans of rational thinking. Faith promotes acting against logic.
25 Dec 2015
Po polsku / Polska jest dyktaturą? [129]

Inny przykład gdzie Polska skręca w totalitaryzm - Minster Gliński wysłał pismo do urzędu marszałkowskiego we Wrocławiu, żeby odwołać premierę sztuki teatralnej. Państwo ma decydować co robią artyści ?

Rozmontowywanie demokracji trwa. To jak nity wypadające z lecącego samolotu. Wypadnie 1, 2, 10 - nic się nie stanie... aż w którymś momencie £UP. Możnaby to wszystko zrobić jedną ustawą, ale chytrzej jest krok po kroczku, żeby ludzie zorientowali się gdy będzie już to tylko formalność.


Polonius3, nie rozumiesz słowa 'totalitaryzm'. Nie ma (i nie było) dyktatury poprawności politycznej, bo państwo nie działało aktywnie żeby ograniczać ludzi zgodnie z poprawnością polityczną. A obecne państwo właśnie robi wszystko, żeby o tym nie tylko gadać ale i rzeczywiście ograniczać, co mogą robić obywatele. Obcięcie dotacji dla in vitro, realne utrudnianie (przepisami) życia parom homo, ludziom zmieniającym płeć, ludziom innego wyznania (obowiązkowa religia w szkole) lub ateistom (prawo o obrazie uczuć religijnych). Obecne państwo chce zmieniać program nauczania, lektury, zamiast zostawić to szkołom. PiS nie tylko obsadza media swojakami, ale planuje taką ustawę medialną że zarządy mediów będą 1-osobowe i to z partyjnego nadania. Państwo klęka przed klerem, nie kontroluje ich dochodów i daje łagodniejsze wyroki (np ksiądz który ukradł studentowi aparat fotograficzny) i umarza sprawy (pedofilia, pedofilia, pedofilia). Jest pełno ludzi, którzy uważają że katastrofa w Smoleńsku to przede wszystkim wstyd i głupota - żeby pakować tylu ważnych dla rządu ludzi w jeden samolot. Nie stać na dwa ? To nie wyprawiać się z taką pompą. Żaden inny kraj tego oficjalnie nie powie, ale tam się pukają w czoło.

Domaganie się, żeby szkoła nie narzucała określonej religii to nie jest żadne zmuszanie, wręcz przeciwnie. To jest większa tolerancja. Domaganie się, żeby nie tępić ludzi ze względu na kolor skóry czy orientację seksualną to też nie gnębienie ludzi, a właśnie więcej wolności i szacunku dla ludzi, którzy jeszcze nikomu nie zaszkodzili.

Wolność pierwszego człowieka kończy się tam, gdzie zaczyna się wolność drugiego.

Posty Poloniusa3 to 90% demagogii, bo jest w nich bardzo mało konkretów a za to mnóstwo pobożnych życzeń, niczym nie popartych oskarżeń i przeinaczeń.
25 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Archbishop Hoser just said that Church is aware that Constitution is not The Bible. If it's not well formed, it can and should be changed.

Church in Poland frequently says stuff like that. The most politically involved priests are liked the most. People who are bothered are afraid to speak up.
25 Dec 2015
News / Poland to end state funding for IVF treatment [102]

I said above that 500 per child needs good education to become an investment rather than cost. There's one more requirement: good economy. If economy is bad, those surplus children will escape to another country. The state can spend 500 per child and not see the return at all. Or the 'surplus person' won't be able to find a job and will live on social welfare.

In vitro may not technically cure infertility, but the net effect is it results in more children. That's what couples ultimately care about. Unless you're like Duda and split hairs for bogus reasons to suit your agenda*, you won't care. A real cure for infertility is only desirable for couples that want more than one extra kid.

Furthermore, when In Vitro is successful it results in a new birth. Curing someone of infertility doesn't mean the new potential will be used. So state funding of in vitro makes more sense than state funding of (hypothetical) infertility cure. Fewer things to control, fewer fraud opportunities.

* veto for transsexuals on the basis that a person might want to undergo the very long and painful sex change process more than once - causing legal confusion.

* pardoning Mariusz Kamiński under the excuse he wanted to calm people rather than fan the flames
* signing various documents and acts as soon as possible under the guise of calming people and making them not worry about anything during Christmas
23 Dec 2015
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Somehow it's missing from this thread ? Earlier this year (5th November) a 31 Christian man from Syria was beaten unconscious in the middle of Poznań. In a mall, in fact. Attackers were so excited they bragged about it on Facebook (screens, because posts were removed). They were saying stuff like "he should pay for his own treatment", "Finally some good news" and other 'witty' things. The victim was a doctor, living in Poland for 3 years.

This is the only coverage in a right-winged paper I found:,36037,19139631,syryjczyk-pobity-prz ed-starym-browarem-rasistowski-atak-w-centrum.html
23 Dec 2015
Po polsku / Polska jest dyktaturą? [129]

Polska rzeczywiście zmierza w stronę państwa totalitarnego. Totalitarnego, czyli państwo mówi ci jak żyć. Z kim chodzić do łóżka, w co wierzyć, czego się uczysz w szkołach (Sienkiewicz i Mickiewicz, bo po co komu Kapuściński), co świętować, komu wolno macać dzieci i ukrywać dochody.

Jedna partia, państwowe media pod kontrolą, usuwanie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, usuwanie sędziów (jest plan, żeby sędziom obniżyć emerytury - wtedy starsi będą mieli pokusę żeby przejść zanim przepis wejdzie w życie, a miejsca można obsadzić młodymi wilczkami szkolonymi przez Dudę). Jak w państwie totalitarnym, pierwsze zmiany dotyczą tajnej policji.
23 Dec 2015
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Breaking news.

If attackers were Muslim and the victim was Christian, it would be.,artykuly,376155,1.html

Update: someone reported to police.,news,pobili-obcokrajowca-na-patelni-policja-sprawdza-nagrania-brak,189237.html,141637,19383103,w-niedziele-na-patelni-pobito-ciemnoskorego-mezczyzne-dzis. html
23 Dec 2015
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Merged: Racist attack in the middle of Warsaw. Witnesses too scared to testify.

A dark skinned man was beaten by a group of "normal-looking" men in the middle of Warsaw. No swastikas, shaven heads, concealed faces etc. It happened in front of metro entrance ("Patelnia"). They were shouting "Where are you from ? Get the f@!$ out of here!"

A bystander with 3 friends, returning from a party, tried to help him. The victim got away, and aggressors focused on newcomers. They ran away. Metro security saw t his but didn't react. Many people witnessed this, nobody reacted.

The police said nobody filed a complaint. Witnesses are saying they're afraid and their identity might be revealed. There's a security video, but it won't be used before the formal process starts.

22 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Before parliamentary elections, Petru made a point that almost all members of .Nowoczesna are new people and fresh faces, and they were especially careful not to take party jumpers. That was part of the draw. I hope Petru resists the temptation. Getting 28 -> 29 people is meaningless in current Sejm. It's not worth sacrificing principles over scraps like that. It's the next election in 4 years that's the big payoff.
21 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Nothing to do with oil & gas sector.

Nothing except Unipetrol, Czech part of PKN Orlen (that was in 2008) ? Krawiec more than proved himself as a competent manager of PKN Orlen in the last 7 years. He was an effective businessman before that. What's your problem ?
21 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

has more experience than a previous guy

Even discounting the fact Jacek Krawiec was the chairman of PKN Orlen for the last 7 years, he was an effective businessman before that. He was an effective chairman of Elektrim and Impexmetal. Also worked in: Sindicatum Ltd London, Action SA, Huty Aluminium "Konin", Metalexfrance Paryż, S and I SA Lozanna,, Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa, PTE AiG. Earlier, he worked in banks: PKO SA, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Nomura plc (Japanese invest bank in London).

He graduated from Economic University of Poznań.

Wojciech Jasiński's education is in Law&Administration.

G, you're embarrassing yourself.
21 Dec 2015
News / Poland to end state funding for IVF treatment [102]

Did you know Trybunał Konstytucyjny (Constitutional Court) ruled in the past that a raped woman can't get an abortion, arguing that a pregnant woman is a family and a family should be protected ? Catholic morality at work.

Another reason why PiS Poland is against in vitro is that it technically lets a virgin to give birth (cesarean birth). It happens in UK, costs 5000 pounds and both Catholic and Anglican churches are strongly against it.