The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by porta  

Joined: 16 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 Jan 2008
Threads: Total: 18 / Live: 0 / Archived: 18
Posts: Total: 225 / Live: 11 / Archived: 214

Speaks Polish?: Very little ,still learning

Displayed posts: 11
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4 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

I have always had this talent for telling where people are from by looking at facial features and bodylanguage.
And you can tell Polish people apart from Russians, bulgarians etc.
2 Dec 2007
Life / Which nations do Poles like the most / the least? [150]

Why is not Norway on the list? With 120000 poles working in Norway i would have thought they also liked Norway :)
We had 75000 poles working on norway last year ,now we have 120000. It's bound to be something they like here :)
31 Oct 2007
Life / Polish films... where to find them? [51]

I dont know where to find them, but i can recomend a film for you.
When i was in warsaw a month ago i saw this good film called "Testosteron" ,you should check this out ,it's a good comedy.
2 Sep 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I dont wanna learn this words yet :P
If i do i'm bound to f*uck up sooner or later. Maybe i'm trying to buy something in a store and asks the clerk to suck my dingdong ^^
12 Aug 2007
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

Dworek is the only Polish vodka we can get here in Norway ,but it's good :) I'm more of a whiskey drinker anyway.
18 Jul 2007
Life / Popular Polish blog and chat sites [65]

I just installed Gadu-Gadu to check it out ,but i have not added any friends yet. Why do i get messages about people logging inn? I have nobody in my list!