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Posts by mcrpolak  

Joined: 21 Apr 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Nov 2015
Threads: Total: 6 / Live: 1 / Archived: 5
Posts: Total: 36 / Live: 5 / Archived: 31
From: England
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Polish Language

Displayed posts: 6
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10 Nov 2015
Work / A predictable "Is my salary high enough post" - Krakow 13,500PLN GROSS Month [30]

Hi Smurf. Thanks for the wishes. I won't need a mortgage. I have savings and should be able to buy a place outright if my research about what flats cost in Bronowice/Krowodrza is correct.

Good to hear I will be ok, but I was surprised about your post. I thought the average salary in Poland is 3.5k per month, however obviously that's Poland as a whole so would be interested to know what it currently is in Krakow.
10 Nov 2015
Work / A predictable "Is my salary high enough post" - Krakow 13,500PLN GROSS Month [30]

I have been offered a job paying between 13,500 (Gross) in Krakow and would expect to eventually negotiate 14,000-15,000.

My question, worse case scenario is 13,500 ok for a single guy in Krakow. I am english, so flights home are reasonably cheap. I've used this calculator to work out the net which is about 9.500 per month (calculla/salary_in_poland)

A little about my situation:

* I will be renting a small flat initially preferable Bronowice or somewhere similar, and then will buy a flat outright once I find the right area. So in reality after 6-12 months i'd have no mortgage of rent to pay

* I would like to run a small car as I'll be making weekend trips to Silesia
* I don't drink much
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

It isn't a market where you chose your nationality. Oh let me see I'm Ukrainian and I fancy marrying a Welsh girl, now get me one.

Do you even know any Polish girls? If not then stop, look in the mirror and ask yourself this question:

"Why do I ask such stupid transparent questions in a public forum?"
11 Sep 2015
Language / Information on Polish textbook Hurra Po Polsku [33]

it's tough to use without a teacher. Believe me.

I am now on book three but it's taken years of pain and a dedicated mrs. to help for me to get there