14 Jan 2012
Language / How should "Polish" be written? Maybe Polski? [27]
I don't think it's a good name. It sounds and looks weird and horrible, like translated by computer or someone who knows only a few Polish words. Why don't you choose one language or use a double name like 'Polish Passages - Polskie przejścia'?
'Polacy Ppassages' sounds even worse, how do you want to join it, 'Poles Passages' doesn't make sense even in English...?
I don't think it's a good name. It sounds and looks weird and horrible, like translated by computer or someone who knows only a few Polish words. Why don't you choose one language or use a double name like 'Polish Passages - Polskie przejścia'?
'Polacy Ppassages' sounds even worse, how do you want to join it, 'Poles Passages' doesn't make sense even in English...?