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Joined: 4 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2011
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5 Jun 2011
Language / Polish sayings [236]

My mother always says that someone hungry will come. :) "przyjdzie ktoś głodny"
4 Jun 2011
Language / Polish verbs are confusing/I get many results when I look them up in an online dictionary [54]

Co znaczy to zdanie?? Nie rozumiem. Tylko sprobój przepisać Twój paragraf po polsku-:)

"-uje się nie kreskuje"
A rhyme used to teach children proper spelling. You don't put 'ó' in the ending -uje of conjugated verbs and similar -uj,-ujesz, -uję. So the correct form is spróbuj even if the infinitive form is "spróbować". Hope you don't mind :)
4 Jun 2011
Language / Polish verbs are confusing/I get many results when I look them up in an online dictionary [54]

German is actually very productive with prefixes. Though often prefixes change the meaning of the word entirely (eg. nehmen - to take, abnehmen - to subtract, to lose weight), which doesn't happen too often in Polish. Back to the 'skok' example, the prefixes are a nice way to discern different ways of executing the same activity (skok, przeskok, wyskok, odskok, doskok) that are always clear.
3 Jun 2011
Language / Polish verbs are confusing/I get many results when I look them up in an online dictionary [54]

I learnt from Polish speakers and discovered that the vocabulary is quite limited that one word in Polish might have many different meanings in english

Well the reverse is also the case:
(to) match - łączyć
match - zapałka
match - mecz

to know - wiedzieć
to know - znać
zamek - zip
zamek - castle
Context is the king in such cases. Ambiguity comes either from not knowing the context or insufficient knowledge of the language.
3 Jun 2011
Language / Polish verbs are confusing/I get many results when I look them up in an online dictionary [54]

It's difficult both ways, though I think learning English from Polish is easier simply because of abundance of textbooks and established teaching practices. The reverse is rather scarce from what I can gather and English speaking people attempting to learn Polish don't know where to start.

Though the best way to learn any language is just to read and listen to it a lot and absorb all the patterns (and then to practice it, eg. writing stuff on pointless message boards:)).
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

Polish has a lot of As especially at the endings, also "ka" it's pretty much pronounced like it's written like Spanish.

What do you mean by that? General ortography rules are kinda similar to Spanish, but a lot of other lanugages are pronounced like they are written - it's only English when pronunciation and spelling don't have much in common LOL

My name is MAGDALENA. Thank you.

20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

BTW isn't it just a myth that there are that many "sz" "rz" sounds in Polish? I think foreigners get that impression as on the very first lesson they learn some elementary words in Polish that happen to have a lot difficult to pronounce sounds eg. "przepraszam", "dziękuję", but overall I'd say it's not that bad. Germans have a lot of "sch" (sz) and "ch" (ś) and similar and no one ever complains.

I like the melody of Polish anyway, it's much more melodic for songs than English IMO, which is sadly dominating worldwide music market (it should be more diversified IMO). :(
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

French is overrated. It's a wonderful language to sing, but doesn't sound so great in normal conversations IMO.
I like Italian (and Italians). Get 5 Italians together and you'll be given a wonderful spectacle of everyone screaming over each other and making a ton of incomprehensible gestures. My Italian friend always laughs that there are so little vowels in Polish. Teaching her to pronounce "Jestem Włoszką" was a hillarious experience.
14 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Really? I found it after first search on google, the very first link.

First official decision, then comments

Let's wait for the official decision of the United States and the reasons for it - said after the meeting with the American delegation Chief of Foreign Affairs Ministry. Radoslaw Sikorski appealed to the journalists to abstention from comment on the shield, because the American decision may be different than most of is expecting.

In the afternoon, Radoslaw Sikorski contacted by telephone with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Moments later, Prime Minister Donald Tusk had talks with US President Barack Obama.,nId,123569
14 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

For example, I don't think that Tusk has explained putting the missile shield on the back burner well enough at all. It was a done deal but somehow it is insignificant now.

It's Americans who withdrew from the deal. All for the better though. We don't want American troops on our soil, Russia could easily overwhelm that shield, the threat of attack from Middle East is far fetched and nonexistent, the only thing that shield did was introducing tensions between Russia and Poland.
13 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Assuming PO wins the election again. I didn't vote for PO in 2007 (I did in 2005 though), but I was glad they won with such a huge margin as I thought it meant more legislative changes. But no, they did much less than they should have.

National debt is relatively small, but we set the 60% limit for a reason, we don't want to wind up like Greece or Japan.
13 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

The public debt in Poland has skyrocketed in recent years, which means that we'll hit the 60% limit soon and will have to have surplus to regulate that debt, which will slow down Polish economy significantly in a couple of years. I don't know which is worse - to have the economy stagnate now or in future, maybe if the worldwide crisis will endup soon we won't need state's money all that much.

What are Tusks achievements - means something done which is working as we speak! Not future or future generation or bright and optimistic future.

Very few reforms have immediate effect. In case of reforming higher education system and supporting science, it certainly is necessary, we have to make our country more innovative, otherwise we'll have very little to offer in future when salaries will go up and cheap work force won't Poland's biggest advantage.
12 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

I am not impressed by this gevernment job. They were too passive and did too little to modernise the country (too little reforms) especially in the last year, when the president's veto was no longer an excuse.
11 May 2011
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

Obawiam się, że nie. "Tak samo" jest używane do porównania dwóch rzeczy/zjawisk itp. opisanych przymiotnikiem lub przysłówkiem.
Przykład: Dzisiaj pogoda jest tak samo nieprzewidywalna jak wczoraj.
Today weather is as unpredictable as it was yesterday.

"Tym samym" ma dwa znaczenia. Pierwsze to po prostu "ten sam" w mianowniku:
Jacek okazał się być tym samym typem, co ukradł mi portfel tydzień temu.
Jacek turned out to be the same guy who stole my wallet a week ago.

Drugie znaczenie wyrażenia "tym samym" jest podobne do "zatem". Używa się tego wtrącenia z reguły w mniej formalnych wypowiedziach.

Jacek został zatem wybrany majtkiem roku. = Jacek został tym samym wybrany majtkiem roku.
Jacek was therefore awarded with deck-hand of the year title.

"Ten sam" i "taki sam" są z reguły równoważne, czasami jednak trzeba rozróżnić ich znaczenie. "Ten sam" ma za zadanie wskazać dokładnie jeden obiekt pojawiający się przy różnych okazjach, podczas gdy taki sam ma wskazywać identyczność różnych obiektów.


I'm afraid that's not the case. "Tak samo" is used to compare two things/phenomena etc. desribed by an adjective or an adverb.

Przykład: Dzisiaj pogoda jest tak samo nieprzewidywalna jak wczoraj.
Today weather is as unpredictable as yesterday.

"Tym samym" has two meanings. The first one is simply "ten sam" in mianownik:
Jacek okazał się być tym samym typem, co ukradł mi portfel tydzień temu.
Jacek turned out to be the same guy who stole my wallet a week ago.

The other meaning of "tym samym" is similar to "zatem". It is used in general in less formal statements.
Jacek został zatem wybrany majtkiem roku. = Jacek został tym samym wybrany majtkiem roku.
Jacek was therefore awarded with deck-hand of the year title.

"Ten sam" and "taki sam" are typically equivalent, though sometimes you have to discern their meanings. "Ten sam" is supposed to point out the object appearing in different situations, whereas "taki sam" is supposed to to point out non-distinguishable features of different objects.

edit: haha, beaten by two minutes