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Posts by trener zolwia  

Joined: 8 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2010
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Posts: Total: 939 / Live: 202 / Archived: 737
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Me no speako Polandish
Interests: Llamallamallamallamallamallama...

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trener zolwia   
27 Dec 2010
Life / Is/was Polish society patriarchal or matriarchal? [37]

Equality is good, but uniformity is not. The feminists have taken it too far, and the Males have forgotten their role


I'm toying with idea to make a driving licence, but somebody told me I would be a bad driver, because I think too much. But, that men was my ex who didn't use to think enough.

Don't listen to him. The thinking peeps are the better drivers. What we need are more drivers that think!

I have to say I've been thinking you're a female. What an intuition! a very unmale ;) trait.

Hey! >:
trener zolwia   
27 Dec 2010
Life / Is/was Polish society patriarchal or matriarchal? [37]

I think that the head of the family becomes a person who has just more energy and who wants to be a leader in everyday family life

More excellent observations! I agree with the traditional model of gender assigned roles. Being in a marriage is like being on a team where every player should use the strengths they bring.

But again with the girls driving... You have a little difficulty operating a car NB? :)

Sometimes women lack the wish to go for a proper family themselves....

Western Influences I call it

Yep. And nothing to celebrate.
trener zolwia   
26 Dec 2010
Life / Is/was Polish society patriarchal or matriarchal? [37]

I've just noticed that you often ask questions here that seem they could be more for research than simply personal interest in PF/ Polish opinions.

If you do have a book in you, I say get writing. One shouldn't let the market dictate what they do, otherwise nothing would ever get done. The market is fickle and cannot be predicted with any certainty. And with the proliferation of ebooks and ebook readers nowadays, you just might find the book writing market comes roaring back.
trener zolwia   
23 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

A human who is not humane is not a human.

You're really pulling out the childish idiocy today. Where'd you learn this one, in kindergarten? :s What are humans if not human? Turtles?? Just stop with the stupid Lib platitudes...
trener zolwia   
23 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

That's a great distinction, Lodz.

:s This is what a great distinction looks like:

Any patriotism is called by lefties nationalism anyhow....

trener zolwia   
23 Dec 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

All countries have people in them who feel like they are treated unfairly.

It's not that our blacks feel like they've been treated unfairly. It's that they see it as payback time to whitey and our society permits their racism.
trener zolwia   
23 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

is just hysteria and an opportunity to bash the church

That's all any of this ever is. Pay it no mind at all. It says more about the bashers than it does the church.
trener zolwia   
22 Dec 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

Yes, our minorities play the feign hypersensitivity game more/ worse than the rest of the world has to deal with.
trener zolwia   
22 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

What is much more devastating on the Polish church is the culture of spiritual emptiness that came along the influences of the West.


Additionally, I think it is apparent that the angriest folks are also the ones who are most anti-believing. Just take a look around PF and see the ugly that the church-haters spout...
trener zolwia   
22 Dec 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

It's derogatory as is Pollack, they're not saying it to be nice.

Do they no longer teach the nursery rhyme "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"?

In other words, America is populated by thugs who take offence at the slightest thing?

Pretty much. Over here blacks are ever on the look out for opportunities to be offended at the smallest perceived slight. They use being called a "******" as an excuse to go ape and get violent towards whites. They act like it's the worst thing in the world, then turn around call their homies ****** all the time. It's nothing more that feigned hypersensitivity, PC bullying horsecrap and an excuse to beat a white. Oh, and they think nothing of calling whites crackers...
trener zolwia   
18 Dec 2010
Life / The Art of Complaining by Polish people [47]

Someone complains then something is done to rectify the situation. If no one complained, change for the better would not be possible.

Not all change is for the better. Everyone is an activist these days. Our society and country needs to start telling the professional complainers NO.
trener zolwia   
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

It wasn't until the bow and arrow was invented that more meat became available.

Na-ah. We had spears and clubs and threw rocks long before that. While you women folk were back at cave gathering stuff.
trener zolwia   
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

You cannot get injured picking lettuce leafs.

You could strain your back.

There was a time when meat was too difficult to catch and not worth the risk of getting injured unless it was small game like birds (notice how chicken is better for you than red meat?)that were easier to catch. It was during this period humans realized the benefits of eating the fruits of the earth

You gatherers are silly! We been eating yummy animals since we lived in caves!
trener zolwia   
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

But you're right about the Veggie lectures. That's a key element of Libism today: They are never content to just do their own warped thing and let others be; they feel compelled to force compliance on others. It's fascism-light. Such secondhand Libism is harmful to society's health.
trener zolwia   
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

It's like the age old question:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Of course you are right. I was just being flippant. ;)

$10 per sheet of paper woven on the thigh of a Columbian virgin?

They really have this? :D
trener zolwia   
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

Young people on vegan diets often go bonkers because they are starving their brain of necessary nutrients?

It turns them into Libs.

Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit

Right. See above.

Don't be frightened of what people eat unless it's petrol and glass.

I know a few people who should consume these things. ;)
trener zolwia   
17 Dec 2010
Life / Rate Poland (Life Quality / Culture and People / Food): 1-10! [232]

They live off credit and pretend they can afford it.

Access to credit is one measure of quality of life.

i've been to Walmart 1,000 times.

and I'm not visiting, I'm moving back.

Well then you need to be more clear in your posts.
trener zolwia   
17 Dec 2010
Life / Rate Poland (Life Quality / Culture and People / Food): 1-10! [232]

even though him and his wife live lower-middle class lives and are lucky to afford 1 vacation a year.

Quite true. I thought you said you'd never been here?

I give Poland not just one ten but two! Times two!!! Awesome place with awesome people!

And you've never been to P-Land. :s
trener zolwia   
16 Dec 2010
Life / Rate Poland (Life Quality / Culture and People / Food): 1-10! [232]

Well, of course one can't find every ethnic food in every little small town. My point was that for the most part one can find a very good variety of different ethnic foods and not just in big cities. As a matter of fact, the couple little Polish delis I know of in Jersey are in small towns rather than in big cities.
trener zolwia   
15 Dec 2010
Life / Rate Poland (Life Quality / Culture and People / Food): 1-10! [232]

Just for comparison sake I'll rate America...

-Quality of life: 9 Despite what you may hear and all the griping, for the most part everyone has a pretty good quality of life compared to the rest of the world. Mostly everyone has enough to eat and even the lower class homes all have cars, color TVs and computers and video games, etc. "America, where our 'poor' are fat"

-US culture and people: 5 About half of the people here are nice, kind, honest and decent. While the other half is comprised of selfish, lowlifes and jerks. Our culture is a mixture of many influences but in recent times much of it has been dominated by garbage (harmful, even) "culture", ghetto Hip-hop, hollow Hollywood, etc.

-Food: 10 Even in smaller towns we have everything to eat you can imagine, from traditional American dishes to every sort of authentic ethnic cuisine. If you can't find what you want to eat here you're not likely to find it anywhere.