The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by AdamKadmon  

Joined: 23 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Aug 2014
Threads: 2
Posts: 501
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: History

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4 Apr 2011
Language / Perfective vs Imperfective - grammar [150]

Pozdawałem wszystkie egzaminy, codziennie jeden.

More naturally you should say:

Dzień w dzień zdawałem jakiś egzamin i wszystkie je zdałem.
4 Apr 2011

they are talking about all the other english but not ourselves

No matter how bizzare the topic, Dietmar is equally taking the mick out of everyone: from the 'royals' down to the lowerest classes. So he fairly treats all the English.
3 Apr 2011

Enlighten me pls? Sth new?

Humor tends to be good-natured and not insulting. I think that the English would find some truth in it.
3 Apr 2011
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

One can say Poland is a strongly religious country.

In an interview of 1991, Czesław Miłosz said:

Q: Chciałabym pana zapytać na temat Konrada. Pisał pan kiedyś o nim w Widzeniach nad zatoką San Francisco.

A: Konrad nie był filozofem. Nigdy nie chciał być filozofem. Wypracował swój własny kodeks moralny. Był to pisarz bardzo sceptyczny, bardzo gorzki, a jednak ciągle u niego jest ten jakiś imperatyw moralny, który, myślę, że się sprawdził w tym sensie, że dwudziesty wiek wykazał niebezpieczeństwa, które grożą, kiedy wartości moralne się relatywizuje, kiedy poświęcało się w imię jakiegoś wielkiego wspaniałego celu podstawowe rozróżnienie pomiędzy dobrem a złem. Cała rewolucja bolszewicka była wynikiem tego że uznawało się, że ponieważ cel jest tak wspaniały więc nie można mieć żadnych skrupułów w osiąganiu tego celu. Kłamstwo morderstwo, wszystko było dozwolone. Nasze doświadczenia z ustrojami totalistycznymi, z hitleryzmem, czy z komunizmem dowiodły, że dobro i zło to są rzeczy które są tak jak smak chleba; bez chleba nie można żyć. I to powiedziałbym dwudziesty wiek jest wielką rehabilitacją tych najprostszych pojęć.

Q: Czyli w czym człowiek powinien szukać oparcia?

A: Nie wiem. Wydaje mi się, że ta kwestia dobra i zła to jest wspólne wszystkim ludziom wierzącym i niewierzącym. Większość ludzi szuka podstawy w religii, aczkolwiek nierówno układają się te rzeczy w naszej części Europy i na zachodzie. Powiedziałbym, że następuje odchodzenie od religii. Nie tylko literatura i sztuka odeszły od religii, stosuje się to chyba do Europy zachodniej łącznie z Anglią, trochę inaczej jest w Ameryce, gdzie religia jest znacznie silniejsza, natomiast w Polsce religia jest duża siłą i można tylko zadawać pytanie na ile religijność ludzi zapobiega niektórym wynaturzeniom, które są jasnym dziedzictwem wychowania totalistycznego.

Q: Ano właśnie. Czy ludzie w naszym kraju są rzeczywiście wierzący, czy to nie jest bardzo zewnętrzne?

A: No tak. Pewien profesor amerykański określił Polskę jako kraj ludzi niewierzących ale praktykujących. Ja bym sformułował to inaczej, że Polska jest krajem ludzi praktykujących ale nie zastanawiających się dużo nad tym w co wierzą. To jest religia, która może okazać się mało odporna wobec nowoczesnego świata technologii, taka religia bez przemyśleń może okazać się dość bezbronna.

Translation: An American professor defined Poland as a country of non-believing but practicing people. I would formulate it in different words. Poland is the country of practicing people but not giving much thought to what they believe. This is a religion, which may turn out to be moderately resistant to modern technology, such religion, lacking reflection, can prove to be defenseless.
2 Apr 2011

let the market decide.

Don't you think that media, especially TV, should try to edify, to instruct, so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement of the people, the German people I mean?
1 Apr 2011

How much pure Polish blood do we need to have to warrant being designated by a term that is not universally considered an ethnic slur?

Ecstasy, imagination, and the unconscious are all convertible and synonymous terms for the primary source of poetry. They are the fruitage of the turmoil of the soul, due to the apparently forgotten memories in us of the emotional lives in all our ancestors. They represent also the impassioned activities of our logical and rational faculties, the sum of the views of life of the past. They emanate from the dream life of man, whether this occurs in the waking or sleeping state. They are the workings of the force we call inspiration.

Sorry for this, but I find this passage a fit diversion from the subject, yet connected with it in the sublime strains of Ruthenian peasant poetry.
29 Mar 2011

You know that "Was guckst du" is made by Turk/Arab Kaya Yanar, don't you... ;)

Świat według Kiepskich (The World According to the Kiepskis, "kiepski" in English means poor or crappy).

Main characters

Ferdek: unemployed since 13 December 1981. His favorite pastimes are drinking "Mocny Full" ("Strong Full") beer and watching television.

Halinka: Ferdek's wife, who works at a nearby hospital as a nurse.

Walduś (Cyc): Like his father he is unemployed. His life centers on bodybuilding or drinking beer with his father, and he avoids books and studying as much as he can. Walduś had problems with finishing elementary school, but after many attempts he succeeded.

Film director: Okil Khamidov (Tajik)

Do you have Turks, Tejiks, Poles depicting Germans as poor or crappy citizens of Germany?
29 Mar 2011

Gawd! :):):)

And Alfons second meaning is a pimp (Zuhälter). So when the office worker is asking about the first name and is given the answer Alfons, then he is saying that he is not asking about ocupation.
29 Mar 2011

Okyy! :)...and I will bring the Brezeln.Only fair! ;)

I do not know if it is fair. I couldn't find a Polish joke about Germans, so here goes the British one:

Do you know why Germans build such high-quality products?

So they won't have to go around being nice while they fix them.

I think that others can tell this season's Geraman jokes. I do not know any.
29 Mar 2011

Frankly speaking, I do not remember even one. But to settle a score with you, I propose to turn this thread into 'Polish jokes about Germans'. OK?
29 Mar 2011

No, we don't. In Poland, Germans are depicted mostly as doctors, philosophers, thinkers, poets, Popes, mostly high-minded people; only sometimes as Hilters, Goebels' and Natzi fanatics, but very, very rarely these days.

29 Mar 2011

You should try "Switch" sometimes, a show where the whole TV get's mocked and laughed at. Doesn't matter if German, Pole or Turk, Hitler or whatever.

It is very easy to switch sometimes.

Woodrow Wilson was elected President in 1916 on the platform "Peace Without Victory." That was
right in the middle of the World War I. The population was extremely pacifistic and saw no reason to become involved in a European war. The Wilson administration was actually committed to war and had to do something about it. They established a government propaganda commission, called the Creel Commission which succeeded, within six months, in turning a pacifist population into a hysterical, war-mongering population which wanted to destroy everything German, tear the Germans limb from limb, go to war and save the world. That was a major achievement...

26 Mar 2011
Law / Poland headed for an accounting disaster? Imports underestimated, no Euro entry [19]

Joseph Stiglitz - Problems with GDP as an Economic Barometer

Some of what we are doing now is reflection of bad accounting. So more generally, information affects behaviour; so, how we describe success affects what we strive for. If GDP is what we think is success, people will strive for GDP. And political leaders all the time say: look what I have done, I've succeeded in getting economy to grow at 6%, but what he did, is to get how to figured it out; so that's part of a political rhetoric. By doing that they focus policies on things that will increase GDP. But GDP is often not a good measure of economic performance and societal well-being. GDP does not tell you about what happens to the typical citizen and this is growing problem, because when you have growing inequality in a society, you can have GDP going up, but most of society going worse off. In developing countries that may be growing by cutting down their force, but when they cut down their force, it's nothing there, so growth is unsustainable. GDP tells you nothing about sustainability.
24 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Joseph Stiglitz, American economist and a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001), the former Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank. Joseph Stiglitz is known for his critical view of the management of globalization, "free market fundamentalists" and some international institutions like the IMF and the World Bank. He compared the shock therapy in Russia to Bolshevism:

Exerpts from Stiglitz article:

Historically the shock therapy approach to changing institutions is associated with Jacobinism in the French Revolution and (ironically) with Bolshevism in the Russian Revolution. There is an "Austrian" tradition of criticism of the Jacobin-Bolshevik approach to institutional change. Karl Popper's criticism [1962] of utopian social engineering and Friedrich Hayek's critique [1979] of the Jacobinic ambitions of scientism gave this tradition its modern Austrian flavor but the roots go back at least to Edmund Burke's [1937 (1790)] attack on Jacobinism in the French Revolution. Peter Murrell [1992] has explicitly used that tradition in his critique of the shock therapy approach. ...

Russian and Chinese Gross Domestic Product
Russian Growth and Inequality
23 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Third World Traveler:

In the fifteenth century, Europe began to divide, the west developing and the east becoming its service area, the original third world. The divisions deepened into early 20th century. After the October revolution, Russia extricated itself from the system. Despite Stalin's awesome atrocities and the terrible destruction of the wars, the Soviet system did undergo significant industrialization. Until 1989 Russia was the second world.

Into the 1960s, Western leaders feared that Russia's economic growth would inspire "radical nationalism" elsewhere, and that others too might be stricken by the disease that infected Russia in 1917, when it became unwilling "to complement the industrial economies of the West," as a prestigious study group described the problem of Communism in 1955. The Western invasion of 1918 was therefore a defensive action to protect "the welfare of the world capitalist system," threatened by social changes within the service areas.

The Capitalist Destruction of Russia (US economic advice did what Hitler or atomic warfare couldn't.)
23 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Actually, the Soviet model was seen, for a period of time, as the model for fast industrialisation during one generation and of becoming independent in that way - this was one of the reasons why Cuba, Vietnam and some other countries entered the Soviet model path mostly on their own will. The second reason of embracing the Soviet model was the policy of the USA - the policy which some so-called third world contries strongly oposed.
23 Mar 2011
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

In August 1952, the French historian Alfred Sauvy in the magazine L'Observateur coined the term Third World. He was referring the term to countries that were unaligned with either the Soviet bloc or the Western bloc during the Cold War.
19 Mar 2011
News / Polish Jesuits created a Facebook site for non-believers. Atheists not a total waste? [70]

Far more advanced than tolerating misery in the hope that it'll all get better in an afterlife.

I understand eternity or afterlife, if you like, as something you share with other people, people of the past, present or of the future, something which does not die in you when you die. If you do not think of a religion as good for you, then think of a new science, new knowledge, which would return a man to his/her spiritual home and out of the world in which (s)he is reduced to a superfluous number in a mechanistical universe - today's world of 'eat, drink & be merry for tomorrow we die'.

This is trully a terrible world, most aptly described by Aldus Huxley in his famous book The Brave New World.

The Ultimate Revolution:

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

Aldous Huxley
19 Mar 2011
News / Polish Jesuits created a Facebook site for non-believers. Atheists not a total waste? [70]

all things dull and ugly

The God who created the world with all its evil and suffering is the God who also agreed to participate in our pain, who took on a human form and willingly died the death of tortured prisoner. That is the distinctive concept of Christianity.

What a complete and utter load of rubbish.

Just the beginning of a course of thought, this sentence being only the evoking of the actual situation in the 19th century.
19 Mar 2011
News / Polish Jesuits created a Facebook site for non-believers. Atheists not a total waste? [70]


An interesting fragment:

A superficial study of the life-patterns, myths and rituals of "primitive" peoples played a significant part in undermining the religious faith of Christians in the second half of the nineteenth century. First, it was taken for granted that these other races were "lower on the evolutionary scale" than Europeans (What, after all, had they invented? Where were their railway trains?). Secondly it was assumed by people who had completely lost the capacity for analogical and symbolical thinking that the myths by which these races lived were meant to be taken quite literally and represented no more than the first gropings of the rational animal towards a scientific explanation of the universe. On this basis, since it was impossible to miss the parallels between "primitive religion" and the most "advanced" of religions, Christianity, the question had to be asked whether the latter should not be classified as just one more pre-scientific effort to account for observed facts.

(Gai Eaton, [i]The Only Heritage We Have
in Studies in Comparative Religion, 1974)
19 Mar 2011
News / Polish Jesuits created a Facebook site for non-believers. Atheists not a total waste? [70]

The animal mind is primitive enough to believe in any sort of supernatural twaddle like gods etc.

Animal mind or animal spiritual needs may be primitive; however, man's spiritual needs, being as they are, are sometimes better satisfied by the naive, religious imagination rather than by scientific facts. This can be gauged by a fad for spiritualism or vogue for the occult. People ceased to see angels only to start to see UFO instead.

"Earth is flat, circumscribed by the horizon and the celestial dome," said William Blake. Do we really need to imagine more than that; save for scientists, of course?