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Posts by Miguel Colombia  

Joined: 20 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Jul 2010
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Posts: Total: 351 / Live: 129 / Archived: 222
From: Singapore/Haiti
Speaks Polish?: A little
Interests: Music, politics, religion

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Miguel Colombia   
12 Jul 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

Some Poles prefer US English, others prefer UK English.

Wow, did you come up with that on yourself? That's probably one of the most creative, awe-inspiring deductions in the history of logical thinking!

I am truly amazed.
Miguel Colombia   
12 Jul 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

"like, like, like, like, like....geee , learn a new word!!!

But American English is like, like,like so hip!

Im curious to know where they were from if you found them gay sounding..In my city alone there are a few different accents - from a Rochdale accent to a Hulme accent..I very much doubt you'd be able to tell the difference though, which brings me to the fact I think you're talking complete bollox. Most foreigners cant tell the difference between a South London accent and a Newcastle accent and they're about as different as you can get!


bloody, bloody, bloody, mate, mate, mate, mate, mate X 100, bloody bloody, bloody...

Or "I".
Miguel Colombia   
12 Jul 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

Obviously you have never been to the UK ;)

No, but I have met many Britons :)

what does aesthetic mean in that context?

I don't know. I just wanted to use that word :P
Miguel Colombia   
7 Jul 2010


When did I pretend to be Hindu?

Poland and its people.

There are many others doing that and they are not me. I am just here messing with your brains.
Miguel Colombia   
5 Jul 2010

German Language, do not search these Poles in entering the building rather search them when they are leaving the building."

That is sad.

Some low lives ruin the reputation of a whole nation.
Miguel Colombia   
3 Jul 2010

If sb insults Scotland, so be it. They are mainly going on stereotypes and some nonsense they have picked up anyway.

THat's very cynical coming from you, Mr.Scrable.
Miguel Colombia   
1 Jul 2010
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

The people of the middle east do not want another conflict in the region.

That's why they support the politicians they support? And now I mean both sides.
Miguel Colombia   
1 Jul 2010
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

displaced the Palestinians

Wrong. Palestinians were given the chance to have their own independant state next to the Jewish, Israeli state. What did they do? They refused that offer and decided to sacrifice themselves in order to kick the Jews out.


Now that's some wishful thinking there. As much as it sucks, I think this conflict with Iran is something that is just...supposed to be.

Miguel Colombia   
29 Jun 2010
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

PS Have you got jewish roots???


Genetically, there is no such thing as race. Like it or not, human beings are all pretty much the same so get over yourselves ffs. Life is too short to spend it pissed off at everyone else!

True, true.

They are generally highly successful in what they do and should be respected for that. The Poles are constantly rising in the drinking stats so maybe they should be respected for that too ;0 ;0

Exactly. Poles are good at drinking and other things. Jews are bad at drinking ,but 180 nobel prizes have been Jews.
Miguel Colombia   
29 Jun 2010
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

Not even if Jews were perfect would people stop hating them.
Miguel Colombia   
29 Jun 2010
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

No one but another Jew would agree with you.

That's enough for me.

I meant that Israel has caused the US to have to go to war with Iran

When? I do understand what you are trying to get at, but you're talking about things that don't exist (yet).

Actually, the US didn't need Israel to start wars in the past. The US seems to love wars, even those they can't win. In fact, they seem to prefer that kind.

muslim terrorism

Muslim terrorism is older than your country.
Miguel Colombia   
29 Jun 2010
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

Lol I'd love to see Poles emulating people they don't like.
Miguel Colombia   
26 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

The poor british Women have to pay for sex in other countries, just to get laid

British women actually have sex in their holidays in North AFrica or the middle east.