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Posts by beliall  

Joined: 5 Feb 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Mar 2012
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Speaks Polish?: mala

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11 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

All i know is that there are a load of properties for sale outside of major cities, these are mainly houses, people built and then realized the hassle of getting to work each day, As an example take Warszawa and Ulica PuĊ‚awska it's a nightmare between 5 and 7pm to get anywhere.! However it does not help when drivers ignore what traffic lights are for either :)
8 Dec 2011
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

I am a Paki livin in waw from 3 years and in these 3 years Im not able to figure out what do Poles think of Pakistan.

Therefore please guys give your response to this message as it will enlighten many Paki like me, about what Poles think about us.

looking forward for any response.

There ius a difference between the UK and Poland when talking about Immigrants, when the british brought the Pakistanis into the Uk it was to work, however over the years to follow they abused the system and brought in every member of their family including distant cousins, but hey everyone wants to come to the UK since everything is free? Poland is a Little different, you need to at least work to be able to obtain things like medical and benefits or be a polish national.

People should accept that those who come here are not here to take advantage like they have in other countries since there is NOT a lot to be able to take advantage of.!