The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 17 Jan 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 May 2010
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9 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Everyone feared the german army and that was shown in Munich treaty in 1938.If English did not know what was going on and how many troops Hitler actually had they would not surrender to his terms so easily.The only army noone had a clue about was the red army.
9 Apr 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

It is not only the IQ which adds to the complexity of a language.Geographical-social factors also play an important role.For example scandinavian languages tend to be simplified despite the high IQ of the general population because people there lived in extended lands separated from each other and needed simple means of communication.Mountains etc play an important role as well since they divide certain groups of people causing dialects etc.In Greece it was just insane n 19th century how many variations of the same language existed.
9 Apr 2010
Life / How would you describe the Polish sense of humour? [66]

I have discovered that when polish girls say sth funny I usually don't laugh immediately but when I think of that later it seems really funny.With czech or russian jokes you burst out laughing.
8 Apr 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

I don't know.It seems whether you talk in russian,czech,polish or in mix they more or less understand what you want to say if you use some key words.They also help you a lot to learn the language opposite to Germans who do not help at all.
11 Mar 2010
Life / Polish (in comparison to English and Indian) have amazing culture [71]

Polish girls gift of Allah.When I first saw them I was so dissapointed by local girls.They were so disgusting sleeping with one man after the other.I wanted pure girls with intellect elegance and class that's why I chose my kochanie.I love her so much.I will love her for ever.She is my sweet rose my delicate flower.Kochanie I have you in my heart.Nothing can separate us.Powiedz mi go kochac.
11 Mar 2010
Life / Polish (in comparison to English and Indian) have amazing culture [71]

Miranda you are dumber than the dumb who eat the grass from these Indians.Because at least I uncovered him to you and you still insist.Like when the other sh1tter posted about buisiness marriage and you doubted about the genuity.But if you are dumb you are lost by hand.

Average is average.Fucck the average.
8 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Considering that Slavs didn`t respect border of Roman Emire, Romans didn`t liek them and call the by pejorative names, among else `barbarians` (you can bet that barbarian coming from Sarmatian/Sabratian/Serbian) which meant, let say `savages, those who aren`t civilized`.

Barbarian is a greek word.It meant everyone who did not speak greek because in greek ears they made sounds like bar-bar.(b as a sound did not exist in greek language only v existed as a sound so by hearing b Greeks recognized a barbarian.And Greeks called them varvarians because they(Greeks) could not pronounce b.).

Slavs were allowed to enter Balkans through the Danube border because as I wrote they came peacefully,they mostly were shepherds who just kept their lambs on mountains.They did not cause problems.Hunns on the other hand,Goths and Avarians were highly undesirable since they caused severe damage deserting whole regions.

The Serbs were placed in today's Serbia and Croatia and were useful as local border watchers of the byzantine Empire.I mean everyone who tried to invade from that time had to first pass the serbian land which was almost impossible given the rouchness and resistance of Serbs.So the northern border of the Empire was secured.
8 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Here you can see similarities between balkan countries.

a bulgarian

More similarities.


8 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

So you suggest that the Slavs who emigrated in 7th century from Oder(white Serbs) mixed with Slavs who already lived in Balkans but had been reduced due to barbarian invasions?

It reminds me of a nationalistic greek theory which claims that the Vlachs who came from Romania were actually Greeks who came once again to Greece and the same the Bulgarians who descended were also Greeks who had lost their identity and become Bulgarians,so we should have claims all over the balkan peninsula and half of Asia Minor.

The reality in my opinion was simpler.Greeks liked to live near the sea.So they gradually inhabited all the coast line which is in today's Greece,Adriatic coast,Asia Minor,Black Sea,South Italy,Sicely,Libya and even southern France.The problem was that Greeks controlled only the coast line and not much inside which means that they were vulnerable to attacks from barbarian tribes who lived in the land.In this way they gradually were forced out of Black Sea,Italy,Africa and later from Asia Minor.

There are still some remnants of Greeks in these areas but I don't have the illusion to believe that once all Asia Minor,Libya,Sicely,south Italy and Balkans were greek just because Greeks inhabited the coast line.

The same is true with Slavs.You cannot claim that everything belonged to you since you inhabited part of these places which was in most cases around mountains.
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

For sure some Serbs descend straight from the Slavs who migrated from Oder.They are about 20% of the population.A 10% descend straight from the ancient tribes who lived there before the Slavs came and 70% is mixed.These are my personal estimates by observing Serbian women because 20% of them look exactly like polish but most are mixed most usual combination being mediteranean face with Slavic gorgeous bodies and some slavicised spice up of face(usually fat lips or bright eyes or even high cheeks).

Serbs and Croats are also very tall,taller than Russians or Ukrainians probably because the ancient tribes who lived there Illyrians,Macedonians and Thracians were also tall as described by Greek historians.Slavs were allowed to descend in 7th century in order to increase density of population in regions destroyed by Hunns and other barbarians.

Slavs were very peaceful and thus they were allowed by Byzantine authorities to populate the region between Danube and balkan mountains.Most Serbian cities like Nis(Naissos) had been already built by Byzantines(Greeks).
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

I knew that.Southern Slavs are mix between Slavs who came from Oder and people who lived in Balkans before them.This is obvious if you look at the faces of southern Slavs and compare them to Poles and Czechs.

inally the testing results suggest a common ancestry of all Balkan populations.

This is not entirely true.There are differences between Serbs,Bulgarians,Romanians,Greeks.I can tell a Serb from a Bulgarian or a Romanian.What exists are crossroads,places where slavism is very high and places where gypsy characteristics prevail.

For example when I look at some Serbs they look very much like people from my village,they even speak the same way!But then again these villages have serbian names,go figure.
7 Mar 2010
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

I am really afraid to communicate with my polish gfs since they know their immediate words will be about financial problems and pomuc.And I want to save for my trip this month to Belarus,the country of Lukashenko.

Damn if penis produced gold,girls would have one more motivation.

Polish girls help you make your pockets lighter.My colleagues laugh at me when they look me at the ATM and two polkas behind.
6 Mar 2010
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

Many girls are gold diggers.I introduced a belarussian girl to a friend and she ate from him 10000 euro in one year.He even paid for her whole family to come.The point is the polish girls I had before 2004 never asked for anything.They even wanted to pay for some dates.Now I get demands for transactions 300-400 euro per each per month.Ukraina is much cheaper.
6 Mar 2010
Life / IS CHEATING ON EXAMS OK? (younger Poles don't think so) [30]

Greeks are masters in cheating.Next to university there are photocopy shops for making text pages very small to hide them everywhere possible.Some girls put them in their stockings or bras where a male exam supervisor is unlikely to check.Some students even had small operations done to hide micro headphones under their skin in ear lobe.In this way they tell the questions to sb outside and he tells them the answers by phone.

I remember in my classroom where during a break a cheat master in school got his desk with written answers stolen by another pupil who wanted to cheat as well.Then he came back and was in big surprise before the exams.Where is my desk mthfck?The other guy was huge.

And then the same guy(the cheater) when asked by the teacher how he fails in very easy oral tests while he manages to get so high grades in written exams:Sir,during written exams I have time to concentrate.In oral exams I am stressed.
6 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

From my experience Slavs have a lot in common and Germanics have also a lot of common.Most important Slavs have the same Weltanschauung and you can learn a lot about one Slavic nation by knowing another.
2 Mar 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]


they are so much religious, they pray to allah

Reality distortion?Seriously you like Poles because they prey to Allah?