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Posts by milky  

Joined: 26 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
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From: ireland
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14 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Well!! CMS seems like a rational guy. To be fair, the situation that is unfolding now, has proven the 'rational' of my argument, and exposed you and Co, to be nothing more than a pack of opportunistic chancers, relying on the sustained naivety of gullible buyers.

From the anger expressed by some here, it looks quite obvious(due to their inability to understand economics) that they have bit off more than they can chew; and those brown stains of failure, on their underpants are growing by the day. This may help:
14 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

So with asking prices around 350 k for 50 square metres then that extra 20 million should help about 70 lucky polish families find their dream shoebox. Assuming that they kind find 30 k themselves for the deposit, I mean that's only a years take home salary so should be easy.

Good points, great to see a rational view point on here.

Not really difficult - they'll have little expenses

easy for you to say but reality it's a major problem.
12 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Although I would point out that the average Warsaw household has more than one income

But, general advice is that you get a mortgage based on one income, otherwise you could easily fall into deep waters very easy if circumstances change.
10 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

I wish I could find a graph like that for Poland... it might be about 10 years behind.

I searched and searched many times, and I can't find a graph on Polish real-estate prices since pre 2005.
WHY?? I guess preventing perspective, is the hidden objective.
Was also hard to find a graph in Ireland before it all went tits up.
10 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

some personal abuse about his family and him being idle.

No pains man, as they have no idea who I am; so, It's just as I said a hundred time before a snark attack, by those who have no logical backbone to their vicious ranting.
9 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

my mum bought a studio flat in a very small place in Opole region in the year 2000 for 120 000 PLN and we sold in in 2008 for 330 000 PLN

and that's because there's a bubble, as obvious as water is wet. Some people are in denial ahahha.
9 Jan 2012
News / Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference' [93]

So what's the story, was he being bullied by someone?, heard something about his car and house been damaged. Does he know some mad sh1t about the crash,maybe he knows it was Lech kaczynski that caused the crash or something..or is just depressed with a touch of bi-polar.
30 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

here you are Harry
even if its 2000 euro more, a family house/apartment will be well over 10 times a Polish wage.
Show me a family home for under 10 times the average industrial wage,,,??
30 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

this is not common sense, if you spend 10 times your salary on a property, and it devalues, well, if your salary also deflates as is happening in Eire you are in the sh1tbox. Common sense is never to over borrow.Generally speaking, most prospective homeowners can afford to mortgage a property that costs between 2 and 2.5 times their gross income. If you you earn the average industrial wage in Poland ,7000euro, a proper house is at least 15 times this.

lot bigger than a 50 M flat in a communist block,,and poor people live in council houses.

I know .have the cash hahah
27 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Ireland and Britain atm are far better investments than Poland. Poles returning home,is something that has yet to materialise even after so much talk of it. The Chinese are everywhere so........
25 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

1.5% after 12 months

No, 1.5% after 1 month actually;

In November 2011, the average decrease for the 15 major cities was 1.5%, according to a reported prepared by, Metrohouse and Expander.
Last month saw a decline in asking prices. On a monthly basis, the biggest decreases compared to October came in Sopot (-4.2%), Gdansk and Gdynia (-3%) and Lodz (-2.8%). In the last quarter, the largest decreases were recorded in Sopot (-6.4%), and Wroclaw, Gdynia, Gdansk, Lodz, Opole and Torun where prices fell by more than 3%. On an annual basis, asking prices in Lodz tumbled 11%

This is all pointing towards,' as predicted', a significant drop in prices. 15-25% by the end of next year, at the very latest.
25 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

over a period of 12 months?? and after January prices usually decrease faster, so??? 25% fall seems highly likely by the summer or end of 2012, if not a lot more. Their will laughter on the streets,more like it, as developers cry bankruptcy....Happy Christmas to all you scrooges .
24 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

The news on falling prices just keeps on getting worse...

Looks like there's an escalation in the speed,November had a larger drop than the entire third quarter.
20 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

The housing market is seeing a continued decline in the prices of apartments. In November 2011, the average decrease for the 15 major cities was 1.5%, according to a reported prepared by, Metrohouse and Expander.

Last month saw a decline in asking prices. On a monthly basis, the biggest decreases compared to October came in Sopot (-4.2%), Gdansk and Gdynia (-3%) and Lodz (-2.8%). In the last quarter, the largest decreases were recorded in Sopot (-6.4%), and Wroclaw, Gdynia, Gdansk, Lodz, Opole and Torun where prices fell by more than 3%. On an annual basis, asking prices in Lodz tumbled 11% down, while prices in Gdansk and Wroclaw shrank by nearly 9%.

Concerning transaction prices, the market slightly levelled off in November compared to the preceding month. In some cases, average prices even moved a notch up. Declines in average transaction prices from October 2011 were seen in Poznan (-2.2%) and Lodz (0.3%). In annual terms, the decrease in transaction prices in the latter city was 9.5% and was the largest in all the analysed towns.

The widest gap between asking prices and transaction prices, of more than 10%, was seen in Gdynia. In other cities, it ranged from 4.5% in Warsaw to 8.4% in Krakow.
18 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

good jobs and can afford to make big payments.

yea,I agree, people generally don't mind making big payment as long as they're not drowning in negative equity.
16 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

It didn't seem to be a lifestyle choice they had made themselves.

Exactly!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm sick of making this point to the like of pip and Co....
I hope there are people reading this,and laughing at the statements repeatedly made here, that Poles "actually" choose to live in such tiny accommodation

3 generations in a flat I would guess to be 50 sqm

Some people are just pathetic with their superiority complexes.
all that is selling is 35M apartments, because............................................................... ........................
16 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

as Poles don't sell at bargain basement prices,

Since when?? I know lots of people who got massive bargains prior to late 2005. Maybe,you mean Poles haven't been selling at basement prices over the last (6)few years. This could not possibly represent a mutation in Polish traits over such a tiny period. The market, will decide, how people behave in relation to their economic decisions.

And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families.
Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Prime Minister, 1987 wrong wrong wrong

In Ireland between 2000-08 the average Joe Soap was saying, "you have to get on the property ladder, the Irish are greedy, they'll never budge on prices",If I'd got a penny for every time I heard this I'd be a rich ..........

These same greedy people(Poles in Eire included) are now selling at up to 70% less.
My point! the conviction and backbone of a seller is a bluff;the market is King.
15 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

I realise that the link is not about real estate in Poland but it is about as relevant as your links to Irish property prices.

Well, England and Ireland are in the EU, wages are 4 time higher than Poland.

So Mr free market economy, stop claiming that all is not connected. EU-Europe-Poland -Ireland-world recession-UK. Everything is relevant. The market will decide lol
13 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Just to keep thing in context, check the price here from countries were the wages are 4 times higher.
12 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

My estimations (were)are not unconditional, I mentioned from the very beginning that the property bubble is largely influenced(driven) by Poles working in the West. Prices will drop(crash) to 2006 or late 2005 prices if these Poles return, or if their is a serious economic collapse in the West (which could(I hope not) be on the cards). There seems to be no sign of Poles returning from abroad(surprise surprise), and if the West doesn't collapse, Polish property prices may only fall 15-25% by the end of next year.

And!..... comparing car and oil prices to real estate prices in Poland is laughable, surely a developer can't be that thick.