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Joined: 13 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Oct 2021
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13 Oct 2019
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

Well, what's going on with the AfD in East Germany worries me a little bit, to be honest, but take a close look at far right movements in other countries and you will notice the similarities immediately. The brown swamp in Germany and elsewhere only got emboldened after Trump made it fashionable again to be "conservative" to the extreme.
13 Oct 2019
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

accept the guilt

IMHO, they don't need to accept guilt for crimes that their great grandparents committed. It's more than enough that they know about the recent history of their country (every German I've ever met did) and that they make sure that something like the Nazis will never happen again. Other countries should learn from that historic lesson, too, by the way. Not only the Germans.
12 Oct 2019
UK, Ireland / Let's discuss Polish and British, only constructive (though we will digress) [60]

the way that the Americans will pay for talent and won't hesitate to do so.

Depends. A lot of talent was brought into the country with the help of H1B visa, and these people were often used to undermine local wage levels. H1B's are now (rightfully) under so much scrutiny that it will have some serious impact on attracting talent to the US.
12 Oct 2019
Life / Examples of popular Polish music? [995]

The second one from Kasa Chorych is quite interesting. Sounds like a somewhat crude mixture of East of Eden and the Dutch bands Focus and Livin' Blues.
10 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

But not in Miami.

All fake news, right?
9 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

which is it? Droughts or flooding?

Playing stupid again? Australia is a continent with different climate zones. The USA is as big as Australia and also has different climate zones. The temperature in one region goes down, while it rises in others. On the average, the world is getting hotter.

How much did the sea rise

I already provided a link to the Smithonian Institute somewhere. Google for rising sea levels and the Maldives, Kiribati and Tuvalu, and get educated.

I'm done here. Toodles.
4 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

"global warming" swindlers

Sea levels are rising, ice caps and glaciers are melting all across the globe, and you are still talking about "global warming swindlers". The signs of global warming and climate change in general are everywhere. I don't even need scientists for that. Record heat waves and droughts in the US and Australia, wildfires everywhere, vanishing islands in the Pacific, flooded coastlines in Florida and Louisiana ... the list goes on and on and on. But hey ... nothing to see here ...

When they got caught falsifying data

They didn't. It's an idiotic conspiracy theory. There are tons of different sources out there to inform yourself.
4 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

the rise of the oceans

Nobody denies climate changes. You are talking to yourself.

All of a sudden? Then why are you babbling about "climate change fascists"? You are talking out of your ass, man.

We " 90% of America"

90% ? You Neanderthals hicks represent about 30% of the total population. Evolution will take care of you.
3 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Yeah and irrelevant and unconnected ones at that.

How so? There are conspiracy theories out there which claim that the moon landing never happened and there are other conspiracy theories saying that climate change is a hoax based on falsified data. Both can be easily debunked. Too hard to understand?

I can deal with the global warming swindle without analogies.

Of course. By sticking your head in the sand and pretending it doesn't happen. I really hope that the sorry asses of climate change deniers will be drowned by ocean waters before I kick the bucket. You will hear me laughing and cheering in Chicago, I'll promise you that much.
3 Oct 2019

a few cases from recent years

Visit Poland. Your car is already there... :)
3 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

If it's "vast majority", it's not science It's a who*rehouse

So if 1 billion people saw on TV that the US landed astronauts on the moon and 2 deranged clowns tell you that it was all a hoax done in a studio, you will tell the 1 billion that they shouldn't trust their lying eyes?

They admitted to lying and falsify climate facts remember ?
3 Oct 2019

I have not heard a derogatory Polish joke in forty years as I stated.

FWIW: neither have I.
3 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Politically motivated, manipulated data is not science

If the vast majority of scientists around the world tell you that the average temperature on Earth is rising at an alarming level and that the ice sheet and glaciers are melting, you call that "politically motivated, manipulated data"? Instead you believe it's a Chinese hoax and we only need to stick the head in the sand and burn more coal to make the problem go away? Hope Darwin takes good care of your ilk. Oh wait, you don't believe in evolution either ...

You really think science is in control of the weather ?

Who said that science is IN CONTROL of weather? Science is warning us and presents the data to back the claim up. Only Neanderthals cover their ears and sing "La la la, I can't hear you".
30 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Must have something to do with global warming.

The magic words are "Average global temperature", and that one is on the rise.

climate change fascists / eco nazis

Funny shi*t.
29 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

No mention of the Chinese vultures driving the process?

China is still ruled by the communist party. The country's billionaires, although greedy, are certainly not as free in their actions as their western counterparts. If you have approx.1.5 billion people, you'll have to do whatever it takes to create jobs. Otherwise, your country will never get out of poverty. I believe that the motivation of the Chinese is more about developing the country at the moment, while Europeans and Americans are much more interested in profit margins.

The uS leads the way in emission standards

The USA is the second largest polluter on the planet, Joker. You really believe it is unnecessary to do something about it?

Your solution to eliminate or reduce their numbers is totalitarian.

Huh? How can contraception be totalitarian? The opposition of the catholic church (and other religions) to artificial birth control is actively contributing to the massive problem of overpopulation in the Third World. Reduce the birth rate or we are all toast.

Speaking of the church, by the way: I honestly thought you are a devout Christian.
28 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

China does not have a fast growing population

Not any more, but most of their people are still p*iss poor. They work for pennies a day, which is why the American and European corporate vultures are still circling over China.

Unless the worlds largest polluters (China/India) join in, nothing we do really matters.

So nobody in the USA deserves clean air, clean water and a clean environment as long as China and India are polluting the planet, right? You should try to use your head occasionally, Joker.

Totalitarian BS.

Read again what I said. Or is Genesis 1:28 totalitarian BS in the eyes of a devout catholic such as yourself?
27 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Nope. To feed their own. That's the primary objective.

You are mistaken. Google "borneo palm oil" and pick your source.

Must have something to do with global warming.

The secret is called "average global temperature"...
27 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

...forced by the big, bad first world to turn their countries into toxic garbage dumps?

These countries usually have extremely fast growing populations. They need every job they can get and they are willing to pay a hefty price for that, which is the destruction of their environment and the exploitation of their people. Look at rare earths for example. The U.S. has large deposits within its borders, but they decided to rather buy from a willing seller (China) than poison their own land. Where does all the palm oil come from that we consume? That's right: from countries like Indonesia which clear-cuts its ancient rainforests on Borneo to feed some fat ass westerners. How about beef for McDonald's hamburgers? Much of it raised in Brazil on cattle farms that used to be tropical forest. The list is endless and it always boils down to the same problem: corporate greed, poverty in the Third World and overpopulation.

I said it before somewhere: our economic system has a major flaw. It is based on unlimited growth fueled by debt. Unlimited growth is called cancer, and that disease kills most of the time.
27 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Before we apply the Auschwitz method of population control

No need to sink below the level of an animal. Stopping religious leaders from telling people to multiply like rabbits, birth control and political measures like China's "One Child Policy" will do. Add some famines, epidemics and wars to the mix, and you're almost there. The West takes care of the population problem differently: they simply go the way of the dodo.

For a very long time I had hope that getting the Third World out of poverty would do the trick, but watching the populations of Indonesia or Nigeria for example explode, or the idiot Brazilian president actively destroying the Amazon with his political actions make me wonder if mankind even has a chance.
27 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Western countries have been steadily reducing carbon emissions ... manage plastics a lot better

Sure, by exporting the dirtiest industries to China and other third world countries.

did you tell them not to have kids of their own?

We need to get the world's overpopulation under control, or we are all screwed. At the moment it looks as if Mother Nature will solve that problem for us ... by snuffing us out with super bugs and starvation. We'll take care of the rest through environmental destruction and wars.

Did you ever consider climate change is good for business hence the lack of action?

I only have to look at the actions taken by Trump's EPA to know that you are right.
27 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

They are running away from the multicultural crap

Nope. They consider NZ a safe place in case of a global crisis. Far away from everything, you know.

What dreams do you have?

I've been around long enough to have fulfilled most of my dreams. An intact environment is still on my wish list, though...
27 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Being idealistic is a form of mental disorder

No, it means that you are still able to have dreams. Many adults have lost that ability. That's why they are unable to come up with solutions for the most pressing problems. Greed always wins.

It must be those poor low-IQ Americans who can't afford New Zealand

You know that there was a massive influx of rich Americans buying up NZ real estate, right? It became so bad that the New Zealand government banned foreigners from buying properties before they could ruin prices any further.
26 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

I think it's a put up job by her show biz parents.

Even if. Doesn't change the fact that the young ones are always idealistic, and that the old farts are always the ones causing the trouble. Maybe "Soylent Green" wasn't such a bad idea after all... ;)

those who can read the 2nd Amendment and the Supreme Court rulings on the subject

And? Does that mean the archaic Second Amendment is written in stone and can't be changed? I'm sure you would also defend the right to kill random people on 5th Avenue if it was in the Constitution. No matter if it makes sense or not.

In the meantime, the rich and the beautiful are buying ocean-front properties

Yeah, mostly in New Zealand and on higher ground because the rich kids know what's coming. Only the simpletons are still banging on about the Chinese climate change hoax.
26 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

who should be in her bedroom gossipping about boys on Facebook.

That girl believes in what she's doing and is acting accordingly. Much like the students who go on stage after each and every school massacre and demand that something should be done about the guns in this country. They all get attacked by as*shole politicians, NRA freaks and other nutters because they want change and are therefore a threat to the status quo. In the end, nothing ever gets done because some idiot dinosaurs aren't able to jump over their shadow. Climate change, environmental protection, population control ... it's always the same.

She was and still is a tool.

She's a kid.
26 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

We feel sorry for you.

How can you say that? Be happy that our kids are still idealistic enough to believe that they will be able to change something for the better. That's what young people have always done. To attack a kid for having dreams and fears like some politicians and pundits have done with Greta Thunberg is simply disgusting behavior.
26 Sep 2019
History / Does Poland deserve credit for the 1989 Revolution? [87]

East Europeans owe Poland a great deal of gratitude.

True, but don't forget Gorbachev's role. Without him the Soviets would've simply crushed the resistance just like they had before in 1953, 1956 and 1968.