The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by anton888  

Joined: 5 Jun 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 May 2010
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Posts: Total: 82 / Live: 11 / Archived: 71
From: poland warsaw
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: shopping

Displayed posts: 11
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9 May 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

I'm still waiting for more proof about the video creator being killed in Kyiv

Me too. But by now you should kow her strategy, bla bla bla everyday few different conspircies (same vidoe), but when proved it is rubbish, then pretend not read the question, wait a little, then start all over again, never answer a question straight.

The reason I believe is someone providing the contents of posts, so is not possible to answer question at once, there is time zone different between where she is and her sponsor, need to wait for the official answer from probabaly London.
6 May 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Ok, then, so what would their "interest" have been in poisoning Yushchenko, who was as much a pain-in-the-ass for Russia as was Kaczynski

Simple, 1 was 'to be' president, the other was to be EX president, and only few months.

I really admire your energy, is hard to believe is not a full time job, free Khodorovsy movement something like this. It is so clear that you have no interest in Poland or LK, but keep posting different conspiracies theory to attack Russia, strange.
2 Mar 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Is very beautiful and hope you don't mind I will steal that to say to my wife:-)

Ale...what is it to do with loving Poland in reality? My wife will be as lovely if she is born in other country:-)
1 Mar 2010
Life / Giving tips in Poland [235]

Apparently there are more and more '10% service charge included'. What about that? Not every waiter is kind enough to inform you that they had actually been tipped, and as usual, you tip somemore. I think it shouldn't not add any service charge into your bill, unless it is a closed partly.

By the way, what about Taxi? I have so many experience that the driver was really nasty, rude and driving like an idiot but then they expect that you will not take those couple of zloty change, they don't even borther to try to give you the change? What can you do? I am afraid to ask them for it sometimes...
5 Sep 2009
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I am 12 so please, keep it clean


Can you read? A kid was asked to do a report and ask for opinions, shame on you.

To answer the question, I don't think is rude, but poor manners, they don't know that is worng, most people are like this here and if you tried to be polite, they will think you are stupid. It demonstrated clearly everyday in the road.
6 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [114]

who stand in the lobby and it costs five times what it should, no matter whether you're a Pole or a foreigner

Yes, I know it and the Poles know and will not take this kind of taxis but not the foreigners. I don't think that there is a notice in the airport informing visitors about this? What kind of authority will allow this kind of taxi driver to stand in the lobby of an international airport (at least this is how it called) to rid off foreign visitors? Pls, is in the airport, not somewhere on the street. You think that this is OK??

The tap water here is perfectly safe to drink

It only depends on your standard. In many places in this world there are no clean water and compare to that, of course you can drink the tap water here.
5 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [114]

You will find in common practice as you have seen its quite different

I can't agreed more!

they drive like nutters

they also don't know how to park the car properly, always at their own convinence on the expense of others; such as right in the middle of 2 parking spaces or on the pavement where people walk (go near a church on Sun). maybe in school they were not taught that it is wrong?? :-)
5 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [114]

Personnally I found it very annoying that many people think they are smarter than others by showing it on the road, breaking all the traffic rules, most of the times putting others in danger to gain a few second. Parking on the pavement right outside a parking that cost a few zloty.

Is there any particular reason for this kind of behaviour?? I found it very amasing to see this in a country which they always call themselves one of the most educated in Europe.

I bet someone is going to say it is much worst in india, china and of course russia.
5 Jun 2009
Love / What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys? [134]

Absolutely no appreciation for culture or blood

You are right man. Blood is very important....when choosing a dog. By the way, which category you famaily belongs to? large or small?