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Posts by Rafal  

Joined: 23 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Dec 2015
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Posts: Total: 24 / Live: 7 / Archived: 17
From: PL

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2 Dec 2015
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

If you want to make russian behave like a robot give him some vodka. To do achieve such behavior from german you need legislation. We know them both and hate them, and love them equally. ...Jew driven americans are THE poblem.
25 Nov 2015
Language / Short Polish<->English translations [1040]

...Poprowadzę Cię... It is the statement of man beliving in his skills and knowledge (literal citation of Christ) Sentences "będę" and "zawsze" are obvious.
12 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Crash was the best thing could happend to Kaczynski.
1. No chance for second election in autumn.
2. Now he will be the best known of Polish presidents.
3. Everyne in the world knows now what Katyn is. ("Katyn" movie of Wajda was played sonday evening on 1st channel of russian TV)

4. Russia is closer than ever (in modern history) to Poland. All of them people and politicians.
5. A few years ago was similiar situation - conflict Kaczynski vs. captain of the plane (he did not respect Kaczynski`s order to land in bad weather conditions and had problems later).

6. Normally Kaczynski would be former president... now he will be national hero...
1 Mar 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [451]

15 years ago a friend of mine studied in Pekin. He said that had have the biggest nose in the city (everyone there was telling it him)