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Posts by ShortHairThug  

Joined: 1 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 May 2017
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10 Dec 2011
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

I hate to say it, but the ancient Slavs were so behind other civilizations that we can't even find any writings about their pagan religion.

I hate to say it but you simply are not reading the right material; time to do some grown up reading and broaden your horizons beyond the comic strips and tabloids. The Slavs are the largest mass of European peoples sharing common ethnic and linguistic roots encompassing Half of Europe in their realm and it’s still Tara incognita in your tiny understanding of the world’s history

Jak Jegomość nie wierzy to do szabli niechybnie proszę. Czas szykować rynsztunek i uładzić własne sprawy boś mi honor splamił ty psubracie! Synu Wasilowy!
7 Dec 2011
Love / How many Polish men are Violent how much is domestic abuse reported. [129]

Most of them seemed to believe it is not taken seriously in Poland. Following a conversation with one lawyer, I would tend to believe this to be true.

I wonder how seriously it’s taken in Northamptonshire. I heard it from a friend who……….. indeed! There were approximately 11,000 incidents of domestic abuse in the county you live in alone in 2010. Given that reported incidents are thought to make up only 35% of actual instances of abuse, this would mean that as many as 31,400 people could have been victims of domestic abuse in Northamptonshire during this time. Now add to that the child abuse cases and the figure is truly astonishing, a real eye opener, and here you are on a crusade to fix a faraway place, laughable! Go hug a tree!

PS. Hint: Your cause is Nobel indeed but please start fixing the place you live in, it has much more impact on your own personal life. Besides one good look at the statistics tells me there’s a much greater need for activists like yourself to be involved in the needs of your own local community, if you truly believe in the Couse that is. Who gives a sh** what they believe in when you can’t see the tree because of the forest you live in.
6 Dec 2011
History / What proportion of the Polish population collaborated with the Nazis? [125]

after all, they were pious Catholics,

Many still are! What's that got to do with it? Only Jewish religion teaches hatred, segregation etc, besides I don't think the pious Jews were the ones that embraced the communism with such a zeal but the ones who were rather not very religious in the first place or descendants of some sect that practiced blood libel in the old days since we are using stereotypes as the guiding logic. Religious piety equals tolerance, zeal on the other hand , well we can see the results in Israel, don't you?
30 Nov 2011
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

And here it is folks, a racist free society, in a nutshell coming from the horse's mouth so to speak and they still wonder why no one likes Yanks
30 Nov 2011
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

Yep I can see that, did Martin Luther King JR thought you that or is it just you being just a shade lighter than the Africans you were talking about?
29 Nov 2011
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Yet another "Pole" who can't speak Polish, and therefore doesn't know the difference between "Polak" and "Polack" - lol!

To your average redneck it’s all the same. Ignorance as to the meaning on their part does not change the intent, anyone that is trying to rationalize it any other way just another fool. Perhaps you know your Polish but you still have a lot to learn about American English.
29 Nov 2011

Another Germanic invasion onto Slavic ground.

By the looks of it they all cower behind all that armor because of one single Serbian lady blocking their way ;) look they even turned the gun turret her way!

Brave soldiers indeed.
29 Nov 2011

Hi, could it be Dargevicius? I found 339 names with root darg (lith dargus/dargana means rainy, foul weather).

Anything’s possible. Dargiewicz surname originates from Pomorze region of Poland and so I would look to the Kashubian language for its meaning instead of Lithuanian. The root "darga" in Kashubian translates as "road" in its archaic form "dike" often used as a road or a pathway, so (son of dike builder or road builder) sounds good to me.
27 Nov 2011
Genealogy / Skicewicz - Original spelling of last name [6]

My last name is skicewicz

If the root of your surname is "Skic" it probably is in its correct and unchanged form. In that group you'll find surnames like (Skic, Skica, Skicaj, Skicak, Skiciak, Skiciński, Skiciuk, Skicki, Skiczak, Skiczek, Skiczewski, Skiczko, Skiczuk, Skiczyński), however no Skicewicz. So if you were looking through some database of surnames and can't find yours, having doubts now it is still possible it remained in its unchanged form however rare it may be and don't let the fact that it doesn't figure on some database of surnames steer you in the wrong direction. The lack of its presents on some list does not necessarily mean that it never existed in that form at some time in the past. Given that the root "Skic" means (someone active, of vigorous or hyper nature) and the suffix "ewicz" (son of) the X-ewicz is "son of X" in English. It all points to its legit unchanged form. There's no "Skciewicz" either but that sounds unnatural to me so I would exclude this possibility. Unless you really find yourself at a dead end in your research I would stick to what you have in front of you and what you know before contemplating any possibility of it ever being changed.
27 Nov 2011
Po polsku / Gry z podziałem na role dla uczących się Polskiego. [15]

Klient: (Świetnie kelner z klasą, knajpa pusta a on mi rezerwację na jutro proponuje? Czyżby telepata?) Dzień Dobry, ja tylko małą czarną poproszę. (Grzecznie i z uśmiechem na twarzy.)
27 Nov 2011
USA, Canada / Do Pol/Ams celebrate Black Friday and other American festivals? [18]

That's the one day in the year, when Americans get the taste of how was it like to live in communistic Poland.

Actually that’s a practice drill for what the future holds for them so they better get used to it. Soon to come the practice drill for the more lazy types, those that stayed home stuffing themselves with leftovers; Cyber Monday and Encore Tuesday. LOL
24 Nov 2011
Genealogy / Auberzinski family name [18]

The name is only part of what the original name I am at a dead end, unless a family member has the naturalization records of Julius and Mary.

This might be a longshot but there’s a very rare surname “Aubrecht-Prondziński”. Although at first glance it looks like someone’s first and last name I assure you it is not, it’s a legit surname. The first part comes from German name “Albert” the origins of the second part are unknown and baffles the researchers. If your family come to US from what used to be Prussia it might be worth looking into, even if it turns out to be a dead end. Good luck.
23 Nov 2011
Life / Some Polish dogs have a very miserable life [46]

I'm shocked that it's still happening though.'s amazing how uncivilized Poles can act.

As oppose to how civilized the Yanks can be? LOL Haven't you ever heard of Michael Vick's and his passion for one particular sporting event featuring dogs as main attraction or all those puppy mills in the states? Chained dogs outside in winter? perhaps you never heard of or seen Iditarod race either? Amusing how quickly the Yanks judge others yet totally silent on what is really happening in their own back yard. Now hear's something for you to chew on, perhaps you should lead by example, never-mind looks like you already do.
11 Nov 2011
News / Polish Independence Day-Beware? [59]

I received a warning from the American embassy in Warsaw that I need to avoid tomorrow's demonstrations since the groups involved are violent. I usually get this kind of bulletin warning of pending Al-Qaida attacks on the Arabian Peninsula. What's going down?

Did you heed the warning? It is quite all right for you to crawl from under the rock or out of the hole you’ve been hiding all this time, the day is over now.
11 Nov 2011
Life / Poles don't know how to celebrate the Polish Independence Day? [57]

Maybe many Poles don't yet feel independent ;)

Why? Just because we don't gobble up as many burgers and hot dogs as them on that day, ;) LOL. To each their own. Yanks like to compare, we don't. Are the firework displays a measuring stick to go by?
4 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

It is astonishing how Harry defends LOT while most Poles on the polish speaking forums don't. What gives?

What’s the point when both of you are full of sh*t. All that talk of not flying unless it’s a brand new plane etc. The 1983 Air Canada's accident involving Boeing 767-200 shouldn’t have happen I suppose since it must have been a brand new plane considering the 767-200 first entered service in 1982. Just like a woman, if it ain’t new and shiny it’s worth a damn. For you the glitter makes the difference so what’s there to talk about? Take out your mirror, your nose needs powdering; it shines from all that excitement or did the old body get an upgrade? LOL
4 Nov 2011
Genealogy / Przemysl, Poland? Kukura family [2]

This Pryemysl is written next to stefans name any one have any ideas. Is that still Poland.

Very much so, it’s one of the oldest and the most beautiful Polish towns but fast becoming a main tourist center in the Podkarpacie region.

The surrounding area has a lot to offer too, the castle in Krasiczyn is one of the most beautiful treasures of Renaissance in Poland, Piątkowa home to St. Demetrius wooden Greek Catholic church regarded as one of the most attractive churches in the Podkarpacie region just to name a few. Virtually a mecca for a history, architecture and nature buff. Wherever you’ll go you’ll see vast landscapes, nature at its best if you like less crowded places that is.
4 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles and the English are all the same underneath. Funny really (UK perspective). [8]

Not been on here long but it does seem funny how people get very hot under the collar very quickly!

You seem to fit in very well then, one big rant while trying very hard to keep your composure, all in two weeks time on this forum. Angry? Are we? LOL

He is just a misfit in society whom probably takes great excitement is seeing people running for their lives, whilst he is detached miles away from the problem.

He’s a coward who’s too scared to vice his opinion as registered member, hats off to stash1 for not doing the same but who’s to say that’s not Him or just another Brit doing it?

Why hope for a miracle? Perfect storm is brewing already, all it needed was a few choice words placed here and there. Save the Scotland lads, I enjoy good glass of scotch from time to time.

oh dear what have I started........ sorry folks I am weeing into the wind.

Who are you kidding? That’s the reaction you’ve been looking for, now off to the sidelines to enjoy the show?
3 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

Perhaps you can give us an example of such a thing ever happening?

Just did in your own example. Pilot thinking the gear is down as the horn never sounded again, official ruling Pilot Error. No brainier for the Boeing expert.
3 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

Thanks for making that clear.

This will be even clearer when the Boeing expert will rule it pilot error as in all of their investigations, after all there’s company image at stake, fine details hidden deep in the pages of investigation but the caption Pilot error will figure prominently at the top, in big bald letters so you can’t miss it.
3 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

Please either show me the undercarriage in this picture (which I posted) or admit that your statement above is a lie:

Your picture is a LIE!!
This indeed was a belly landing after the crew forgot to lower the landing gear, ruled pilot error but the investigation revealed that there is a design flaw. When you pull the throttles back on a 747 you get a warning horn if the gear is not down. Normal procedure is to pull the gear horn lever to stop the noise but if you never advance the throttles again you will never get another warning.

In 2009, a C-17 also made a gear up landing, pilot error again, the entire crew missed all the warnings at Bagram air base, Afghanistan. There’s a hell of a difference when you’re blissfully unaware of the problem and it’s simply pure luck and no one gets hurt.
3 Nov 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

Do you speak German?

Is that your best reprisal? LOL It was a cooperative effort, even Russians did their part. Typical Yank taking all the glory and credit yet again, like no one else contributed. Besides what happen almost 70 years ago does not make the previous post false or what you have become. Shove it!
2 Nov 2011

How do I begin?

Ellis Island record, there’s enough information on the ships manifest to get you started. Last place of residents, final destination in US, people he might have traveled with, relitives in US if any, etc.