The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by noreenb  

Joined: 22 Apr 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 11 Nov 2018
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 1 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 548 / Live: 133 / Archived: 415

Interests: books, English, sport (jogging, swimming, etc), writing, films, psychology, music

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1 Dec 2009
Language / Terms of endearment in Polish [222]


nice kitty, nice kitty and then pat my face saying bad,bad,bad,bad bad.......

£adny kotek, ładny kotek ... brzydki, brzydki...
Kotku, kotku, ...nieładnie, nieładnie...(when you want to scold somebody caressly).
3 Dec 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]


I like it when Brits are criticizing Poles for having strong opinions while themselves believing that 'whatever people want to do should not be criticized', which is no opinion at all!!!

Couldn't agree more. Besides, criticizing isn't always negative; it leads to new points of view. Criticism is just a criticism. Some agree with it, some don't. Some will shout, some will be quiet. It's just our choice; we can find bad sides or we can try to look at matters objectively. However it will be often subjective in some way.
3 Dec 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Little Frog

You will find people who generally hate most things everywhere. They are usually rebellious teenagers.
21 Jan 2010
Language / -ski/-ska, -scy/ski, -wicz - Polish surnames help [185]

Surnames ending witch -wicz come from Tatars or Armenian.

By and large: surnames with suffixes: -ewicz, -owicz are paternital male surnames ("otczestwa") derivated from Russian language, ex. Abramowicz: "Abram's son"
16 Apr 2010
Life / Poetry and Poets of Poland [58]

For a lover of classical poetry Jan Kasprowiczmight be interesting:

English page:
6 May 2010
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]



I wanted to ask you, because I've noticed that some people have a negative attitute for being sarcastic. I like being it.Why don't you like sarcasm? Or is it just my opinion?

Sarcasm is a great treat. It causes healthy laugh.

tending to think that wounds/physical problems don't need a doctor’s attention until they pass out unconscious

This is in many cases true.
I don't understand why do people wait sometimes too long. Don't call it "tending to think please". I like thinking. Especially about going to a dentist.

compulsively competitive

Why compulsively?
I will add to your list sensitivity and fragility.
21 May 2010

I've heard about Jan Chryzostom Pasek at high school. He was learning in Rawa in "Collegium Jezuickie'.
He was the author of "Pamiętniki" and he lived at the end at XVII century. He was fighting by Stefan Czarniecki's command against Swedes and Rakoczy.
25 May 2010
Po polsku / Apel o pojednanie z Rosją [30]

Zastanawiam się po informacjach w dzisiejszych wieczornych "wiadomościach" czy (oby nie) nie miało to negatywnych skutków. Dawni rosyjscy dysydenci wystosowali list do Polaków z ktorego wynika, że nam jakoby nie zależałoby na wyjaśnieniu prawdy, ktora jest zawarta w czarnych skrzynkach samolotu - twierdzą, że Polakom zależy na pojednaniu, a nie na prawdzie. Wg byłych rosyjskich opozycjonistów Rosjanom nie chodzi o wyjaśnienie przyczyn katastrofy. Taka była konkluzja ich listu.

Bliskość z Rosją? Może tak...
Ale zrozumienie na tzw. wysokich szczeblach?...

Ponadto sugerowano w tym liście, że sytuacja związana z ostatnimi katastrofami może ( .....) odbić się niekorzystnie na polityce zagranicznej Polski.

Oby to wszystko nie rozeszło się po kościach. Oby Polacy trzymali rękę na pulsie...
Oby odpowiedzialni i mądrzy ludzie zajmowali się tą niezmiernie trudną obecną polską sytuacją polityczną.
1 Jun 2010
Life / Any good Polish films to watch? [112]

"Brzezina" - "A birchwood forest" (director: Andrzej Wajda)

"Panny z Wilka" ("The Maidens of Wilko") -nominated in 1980 to an Oscar
(cooperation of Polish and French production)

"Biała sukienka". I liked "A white dress" very much A light story about Polish catholic mentality but presented with a great sense of humour and distance.
5 Jun 2010
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [438]

I don't think he is a dictator.
He looks for me as a person with a strong character and intelligence, but he is not very charismatic IMO.
He knows how to behave in particular situations, and he is good at it, but I expect more from Polish PM.
He seems to be trustworthy, but I expected from him to be more "serious". I would called him a "light" politician but I don't think that it is a good word for a Polish PM.
8 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

This was a satiric show performed by Mr Grunwald on how Polonius3 should have done it

just WOoooW
The show is incredibly and unbelievably great.
14 Jun 2010
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

The saddest nations?
The wisest and signed with a pain.

Have you ever heard about a book written by Nicholas the Lage "The atlas of Jewish world"?

It's incredible and so widely impressive.

I bought one day a story written by Dinur Yehi'el (pseud. Ka-tzetnik 1356330) "House of Dolls" - (polish title is "Dom Lalek") and till this day I remember "emotions" that were inside me.

I do not recommend it for children.

I like the Jewish culture and literature very much.
29 Jun 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Why do you think that being interested in the past of Poland is an obsession?
Poland's history is exciting and any kind of obsession does not surprise me, especially "Lusatian/Sarmatian". Ancient Sarmatians represent mentality of the majority of Polish people.
9 Jul 2010
History / Quotes of Polish or German kings, generals [41]

Stefan Batory to one of bishops:
" - A bishop who can not speak Latin is strange."
The bishop to the king:
" - Even stranger is a king of Poland who can not speak Polish."
14 Aug 2010
Life / Polish authors, books & literature. [95]

I liked "Jealousy and medicine'" ("Zazdrość i medycyna") by Michał Choromański a lot.
Oh, and "Wspólny pokój" ("Joint room?" :) by Zbigniew Uniłowski.
Anybody remembers a name of that English guy who was writing funny stories about a vet?
17 Aug 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]

Odwołanie zaplanowanej ceremonii jest bez sensu.
Ktoś pracował nad tym pomnikiem czy też grobowcem.
Pomniki nie są "ku czci" (tak mi się wydaje), tylko upamiętniają wydarzenia lub ludzi.
Zresztą, jeny, tu chyba nawet nie chodzi o upamiętnienie. Pomnik jest dziełem artysty.
A artysta to pojęcie względne.
18 Aug 2010
Life / Are Poles typically nasty people? [42]


The more time I spend in here, the more I value Seanus's :" some are, some aren't".
Simple and obvious.

Try to be silly - they will call you 17 and stupid.
Be smart and Polish - few British girls will talk with you if any.
Try to say sth wise- they will answer sth like "weird stuff".

It' a real society, not it's mirror.

Somebody will flirt with you, sb will ask you for a date, sb will want to discuss, somebody will call things you say trollish or b****, somebody will say, you "generalise", sb will envy you although he/she knows nothing about you, sb will not start to talk to you just because your nickname does not sound good for him/her.

Being in here you are a part of of society, you just have to accept and play with their rules.
If you say to them that they are nasty or neutral it will mean for them that you see them this way. You give a clear comunicate to them then.

Say them: you are great, I like you, I like to laugh...
They will accept you... or hate you.
In other cases you can become an outsider.
Speak you mind - that is all what I wanted to say actually.
28 Sep 2010
Language / Harmless old-fashioned Polish swear words/phrases [159]

"-Cholera jasna." or: "-Do jasnej cholery!" are my favourite.
"Cholera mnie bierze" - "I can't stand it any longer"
"Kurza twarz" (hen's face) is nice too.
"Do diaska", "do diabła", and plenty others.
28 Sep 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

Being Pole equal to being stubborn? Being stubborn complicates life too much sometimes. Many Poles realise it I guess.
It's rather a matter of genes, parenting, not necessarily national trait IMO.
10 Oct 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]

Żle ci się wydaje, pomniki są po to żeby uczcić.

Ja nie czczę pomników i nie uważam, że są one po to, aby "czcić" zmarłych, ja je podziwiam, ale tylko i wyłącznie te stworzone przez artystów a nie wyrobników.

Pomniki należą do SZTUKI i każdy ma prawo widzieć i dostrzegać w nich to, co chce.
Jeżeli ja uważam, że pomniki nie są po to, żeby kogoś uczcić, tylko żeby upamiętniać, to jest mój punkt widzenia i Tobie nic do tego.
18 Oct 2010
News / Polish in vitro treatment fully refundable - bonkers! [62]

I don't catch one thing when I visit PF.
Why so many people and so many aspects of threads are conneced with Church, Catholic bishops, priests, reformations, being retarded (because Polish are Catholic so therefore they are retarded...) and so on...

Why do you see Poland in this way?
18 Oct 2010
News / Polish in vitro treatment fully refundable - bonkers! [62]

Because in this case, the church has directly interfered with the workings of a modern democratic state.

I don't agree with you.
The church gives directions and does not, in any case, force believers to anything.
A base of every religion is freedom.
And freedom is natural for Catholic religion as well.
18 Oct 2010
News / Polish in vitro treatment fully refundable - bonkers! [62]

the Church simply cannot "let go" in Poland and allow the country to be a modern democracy

Politics and bishops -a wonderful team! Really!

"The birth of one child leads in each case to the death - at different stages of the medical procedure - of many other lives," the letter said.

I believe they are right.
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

I must say that you either picked a bad sample of Poles or are not that bright.

Yes, but don't you think that not many people in Poland are not proud enough of our past?
especially in the contrary to English, american and so on...

PolengggsThe majority of British represent mentality of dopefiend opiate-adickts.

Well said.
Haven't you noticed that that British see great events of their history, mention them sometimes while speaking in public, whereas Polish if say anything about the past, it is not signed with a great feeling of passion or pride...

How to be patriotic in a country like our?
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

you are simply not trying very hard

Maybe you re'right.
But at least I'm trying a bit... to be patriotic... a bit...
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

If we were all patriots in the true meaning of the word, we would be mounting horses, dressed in hussar armour and riding towards Lwow, right? :)

Not exactly. But I like a vision of it.
I am patriotic because I am proud of our past, I know a lot about it and I still want to think that I can change something for better.

Even if it is just a little something.
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

tight embrace

Grrr, what kind of classes of English have you attended?
What is this?
Hope one day will be here without dictionary.
However horse and a mustache sounds good.
27 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Popular Polish First Names? [152]

are "old school" baby names still popular in Poland?

Zofia is a very common name.
Other popular names, a bit more original?
Lena, Pola, Daria, Dominika, Maja, Marta, Samanta, Oliwia, Paulina, Patrycja, Sara, Michalina, Helena, Katarzyna.
What's your real name Pgtx?
I'm Magdalena and I don't like it very much, because it's popular.