The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by berni23  

Joined: 26 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 May 2013
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 1 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 377 / Live: 124 / Archived: 253
From: Germany, Berlin
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Party, Travel, Football, Computers

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2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Nope, they are Central Europe just like Poland is, but as i already said 3 times if one would name one region of Europe based on language, ethnicity and culture it would be Eastern Europe.

And this was also the last time.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

So, please, enumerate them. It's not like there are hundreds of them or something :)

Just take the language and ethnicity map and you have the countries belonging to the Eastern European group.

Are we talking about the same map?
Because I wrote about this one:

We are and claiming that France and Germany are culturally identical is ridicules.
They have been fighting for centuries.

I cannot... This is too much... lol

Me neither, the fanatical views that Poland is ethnically and linguistically closer to the West than its eastern neighbors seem to be deeply rooted in some people.

There is no reasoning with such people.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Can someone read what the colors on the map mean? It too small resolution to make out the letters.

Its the Lewis model: Prolly not the best choice of illustrating Polish cultural closeness to its neighbors to the east, but i couldnt find another so fast.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

It is a common mistake to label all Slavic or the former Eastern Bloc states (united under the Warsaw Pact) in the region as located in Eastern Europe.

And we back to political concepts of Europe.

That's why I want you to write down all the countries you consider Eastern European. Enumerate them, please ;)

Yeah, i want many things too.
You seem like an intelligent person and im sure you could manage.

Why big part of France is the same colour as Poland?

They are not.

And Germany and France are of different colour?

I guess i have to retract my previous statement:

You seem like an intelligent person

2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Yes... It's a map showing major ethnic groups... And ?

As i already said twice if one would name one region of Europe based on language, ethnicity and culture it would be Eastern Europe, since geographically it makes the most sense.

What this map has to do with culture ? Please explain...

Wrong link: map euro poland
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]


I suggest repharsing your thoughts because as you see they are not always understood correctly.

By you obviously.

By the way a dicussion should consist of providing proof for your agruments.

I have provided plenty of facts and will not repeat them over and over.

What we can see so far are just stating the obvious for everyone fact that Poland is refered in many countries as Eastern Europe.

You are again referring to the political concept of Eastern Europe and agian i never stated that.

The Westerners don't consider Poles Western, the Easterners don't consider Poles Eastern - so the only reasonable and logical conclusion is that were Central lol ;) All in all, its' funny :)))

Or Inbetween Europe. ;)

So, berni23, will you answer my question today? Which countries would you put in Eastern Europe?

As you can see i didnt come around to that.
I explained language already.




And the word problem means idea or matter.

Interesting interpretation.

As if he had a better command of English.

Lemme rephrase that: What you wrote is complete and utter *********.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

That was part of the discussion wit Greg.
Its really tiresome of repeating quotes from the last page over and over, so i took the liberty to skip it that time.

I just felt that the next thing you'd do will be calling me a homophobe.

Was it really so obvious following this post?

Why do you thinks so? Bacause of gay marriage?

And the word problem means idea or matter.

Interesting interpretation.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

As i already said if one would name one region of Europe where a language of the Slavic family is spoken it would be Eastern Europe, since geographically it makes the most sense.

Since you read everything you really seem to have problems with comprehension.

I've noticed in many of your posts that you accuse Poles of being backward in let's call ideological terms (you didn't say it straight forward but you implied it many times).

I call racist, ultranationalists and ahters of anything different when i see it. It doesnt matter if they are Polish, German or Martian.

I'm not a homophobe

I have nothing against gay, and don't mind gay marriage, actually I'm indifferent to that problem.

Freudian slip?
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

So I ask you when Poland will become Western Europe.

Western Europe? Poland seems to move further west with each post.
Never. Unless Europe adepts Esperanto as far language goes.

Hmm... so what's an "Eastern European" culture or "Eastern European" langguage ?

The Western Salvic language family is.

I did. You say Poland is in Eastern Europe due to post WW2 politics.

Well then you didnt understand it.

I am done repeating myself.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

What kind of problems do you suggest I have? I can't understand you.

Poland is and was culturally much closer to its eastern neighbors then its western

Why do you thinks so? Bacause of gay marriage?

Your absolutely unrelated post suggest a number of problems.

What kind of scientists and what for?

Linguists, ethnologists e.g. do foolishly such outrageous things.

So when Poland will stop to be "still" Eastern and change it's geographical placement?

If you still believe Poland is a eastern european country after this information then there is no hope for you ;)

OK so Germany is in Eastern Europe too ?

I suggest you read my initial statement:

Ethnically, linguistically and culturally Poland is still Eastern Europe.

2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]


As i already said if one would name one region of Europe where a language of the Slavic family is spoken it would be Eastern Europe, since geographically it makes the most sense.

I will go into the details of your questions tomorrow. Good night.

Over the course of centuries, the vocabulary and literary style of Russian have also been influenced by Western and Central European languages such as Greek, Latin, Polish, Dutch, German, French, and English,[27]

Oh come on, i will certainly not debate if Russian is a Slavic language.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

What do other countries have to do with your challenge of me saying:

Ethnically, linguistically and culturally Poland is still Eastern Europe.

Im sure it would make an interesting discussion, but another day.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Alphabet, religion, art - it's something of which culture consists of. In this case Latin vs Byzantine.

We could go into details of the Polish Commonwealth, Polish lands in the east etc., but its late, im tired and i will take that:


As far as spoken language and ethnicity are concerned we're closer to Slavs in the East than Romance and Germanic nations in the West, North and South or Hungarians and Greeks.

Well, you were hinting at the political division after WW2, weren't you? So maybe you'll explain it to me?

I was indeed hinting at that, but specifically didnt mention recent political divisions.

I dont know whats not to understand. I was stating that i dont mean the political term of Eastern Europe but

Ethnically, linguistically and culturally Poland is still Eastern Europe.

Well, I see that in one article Wiki puts Poland in Central Europe and in another in Eastern (or, at least, the West Slavic languages) :)
OK then, Sorbian is a West Slavic language - does it make Eastern Germany... Eastern Europe?

You are drifting off again.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

What does religion, architecture or the political system have to do with the language and ethnicity?

Since we are quoting wiki:

No that "recent", is it?

Depends what you compare it to.
2 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Why do you thinks so? Bacause of gay marriage?

Nothing to do with your problems, its a cultural fact.

Yet it's different enough to not be considered Eastern European. Poland is neither West nor East. It's in between, not only geographically.

Please suggest your theory of Inbetween Europe to linguists and ethnologists then.

Yes, an ignorant would that, I imagine ;)

If. What for divide it?

Scientists tend to do that.

There is no such language like "Slavic"

I meant the whole ensemble. You still havent answered the question.

What do you mean?

What "recent political divisions"? You mean Poland being in the EU?

No, i meant the political division after WW2.
1 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Berni your're not the one to judge whether slavic languages belongs to east or west, it's a silly conception of yours.

Are you claiming Slavic is a western language?

when I thought your a Pole living in Germany.

And that didnt change just because its a new year.

culturally Poland never was Eastern European.

Again although cartographically correct, Poland is and was culturally much closer to its eastern neighbors then its western and if one would divide Europe into regions based on that Poland would belong to Eastern Europe.

I guess that's why you wrote "still"

I was indeed hinting at that, but specifically didnt mention recent political divisions.
1 Jan 2013
History / The restoration of Polish cities from WW2 destruction [123]

Even If Poland had been a democratic/free market country after WW2, we wouldn't have avoided "ugly" public housing projects.

Unfortunately Poland would have, i see it first hand every day.
The preferred architecture was of course the same, but while West Berlin favored restoring or even rebuilding buildings the eastern part tore a lot down and build a lot of those efficient and cheap but ugly Plattenbauten.

Not saying West Germany doesnt have them, but by far not to the extent of Eastern Germany.
1 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Please try not to offend Polish people by suggesting we are Eastern Europeans

What is wrong with being Eastern European?
Ethnically, linguistically and culturally Poland is still Eastern Europe. ;)
25 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

I found no mention of the size in the Wiki article you linked, but after some measuring it would be still shy of Malbork.
And if we are talking walls and not castles the Kumbhalgarh Fort encirled by a 36km wall beats all of them. ;)
25 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

If you think the Welsh built Windsor castle there is not much hope in a rational debate....

You are right, not much hope, since you are the only one talking about it.

was talking about the Welsh castles,they are huge and taking in the outer walls would dwarf Malbork

You mean like Caerphilly Castle which dwarfs Malborks 144000m² with its impressive 21000m²?

No, you linked to wiki.....

Where you can find additional links backing up the statements.
You are however more than welcome to "rationally debate" this.

BTW: Some of the Welsh castles really do look badass.
24 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

If I recall correctly it was because Hitler didn't embrace too decorative art so the nazis made the interiors plain stripping it off all decorations. Is that true?

I have no idea what the interior looks nowadays, what i meant was the rugged exterior look. I prefer it to this new pompous baroque style.
23 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

Well, you think wrong and i even linked to the explanation.
You are of course free to continue to believe that the cute Windsor Castle is the largest, doesnt make it right though:
23 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

It is not only the largest castle in the world(over twice as large as runner up Prague Castle), but also the largest brick building in Europe:
22 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

Zamek Książ is an impressive structure; the third largest castle in Poland.

This is my favorite, although i liked it better before the renovation:

Also i cant believe that nobody mentioned Malbork, the biggest castle in the world:
20 Dec 2012
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

Ok, so we know where you take your cliches from.
For some people an overpriced baby portion(preferably vegan) just wouldnt cut it, they need a hearty good value meal and Polish food is just that.

And btw going to a foreign restaurant in another country is just poor.