The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by berni23  

Joined: 26 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 May 2013
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 1 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 377 / Live: 124 / Archived: 253
From: Germany, Berlin
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Party, Travel, Football, Computers

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8 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

I note that you completely fail to address the 'with what' part of the question.

"In September 1939, the army had a total of 892,697 officers and men in both the full-time regular army and part-time Territorial Army."

Also, perhaps you can explain how the British, even if they had had the forces to do so, were supposed to launch an attack from French soil which the French did no want to be launched.

Ok, lets compromise. England is responsible for WW2 because the French wouldnt let them.
And i said that the British+French could have easily marched to Berlin in under 2 weeks.

So what?

I should just stop here.

Why did Poland fail to stop Germany from taking those actions?

Because Poland was not bound to. This is getting really tiresome.

Could you be so kind as to quote the exact sections of the treaty (or treaties) in question?

Nope, im too lazy to explain history to you again.

BTW, if we're talking about interbellum treaties, shall we go into the interbellum treaties which Poland broke? Perhaps the ones about not invading Czechoslovakia? Or the one about not selling the Ukrainians to the Soviets? Or the one about not invading Lithuania?

So you finally acknowledge that England broke treaties prior to WW2. Thank you.
No please admit that the English were pussies and we can end this.
8 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

Could you perhaps go into detail about the exact forces with which you would have liked the British to attack and where you would have liked them to attack from?

From France ofc. And they would be in Berlin in 2 weeks with nearly all forces tight up in Poland.

Poland did not sign the Versailles Treaty.

What treaty was that in breach of?

See above.

Only if one is utterly ignorant about the history of interbellum Europe.

See above. :D
8 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

My bad, i should have written "came to the help of Poland". Had they attacked full force with the French WW2 as we know it would have never happened.

But England still has a nice list of not respecting treaties.
This is a short recap of just 3 years prior to WW2:
England had done nothing when Hitler tripled his army to 300,000, had done nothing when the training of warship crews began, had done nothing when the design of warships began, had done nothing when construction of large warships began, had done nothing when the training of submarine crews began, had done nothing when the design of submarines began,

had done nothing when construction of submarines began, had done nothing when the training of air force pilots began, had done nothing when the design of military aircraft began, had done nothing when construction of military aircraft began, had done nothing when Göring revealed the existence of the Luftwaffe, had done nothing when Hitler openly declared the introduction of military service, had done nothing against the creation of an army, had done nothing when Germany raised its army to 500,000, had done nothing when Germany claimed the Rheinland, had done nothing when Germany annexed Austria, had done nothing when Germany took the Sudetenland, had done nothing when Germany took over Czechoslovakia.

One could say England was directly responsible for WW2.

@pierogi2000 Sorry your answer is out of context and im not going to dignify that with an answer.
8 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

A-lot of people sided with Hitler. Except for Poland, England & Russia/France , no one else really fought him.

1. England: You are ofc talking abuot breaking the treaty and later Yalta. Or maybe about entering the war whn their own ass was on fire.

2. Russia? Really??? Please do yourself a favor and go back to school.
3. France defended their own territory only and the results were disastrous, not because the Germans were in larger numbers or even had superior technology, but because of disastrous tactical mistakes and the governments willingness to surrender.
8 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

Oh my, PF is still full of ultraconservative, nationalistic and disillusion aggregators that wont stop their propaganda about their sick views. History is history and one should learn from that, instead of repeating the same mistakes. And the mods obviously care only about the traffic the site generates.

Most Poles who arrived in the 21st century have better tings to do, not like the unemployed(for a good reason) shrills that poison the site.
14 Jan 2013
Love / Should I forgive my cheating Polish girlfriend? [73]

It is natural that males offer gifts to women to have sex with them. It has always been so, even before human race evolved, a homonid male ape brought hunted meat to win itself sex partners.

Nah, back in the good old days a swing with the club would be enough to drag her by her hair into your cave. ;)
12 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

Aaah, I forgot: Friday night - all Poles and PolAms are drunk... :)

Some PolGerms :D too. :)

Hopefully ill remember tomorrow. ;)
12 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

I was always wondering about that, how did it come that the largest mountain in continental Australia is named after a Pole?
12 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

In the US, foreign language courses usually start in middle or high school. At the moment they are cutting back everywhere; except for Spanish that is.

I guess thats the only language that makes sense for you guys anyway, travel wise at least.
12 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

Both Poles, Americans, Brits, Aussies, Irish and a few others start learning English in the first grade primary/elementary school!!!

One really cant start early enough with another language.
Unfortunately "experts" in Germany have the opinion that another language before the 3rd grade would overstrain the kids.
7 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Congratulations kcharlie!
You won the jackpot of discussing with an unreasonable bunch that likes to deviate from what you said for 7 pages just because they think of themselves as the epicenter of the world.

You may of course just choose to ignore them. ;)
6 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Secondly, there's no such thing like "Eastern Europe" in terms of ethnicity and language

If you say so. Linguists might disagree with you though.

as I've just proven in my previous post.

You did? Must have escaped me.

And, look, Sweden and Finland are right above Poland! Aren't they Eastern by any chance, in terms of geography? lol

Resistance is futile.

I am done repeating myself(and this was not once or twice).
May the PF members make up their own mind.

I leave you with a map of the UN:

Nothing to do with my original statement.
6 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

according to you only countries who speak slavic language are Eastern Europe? thats something new

Im not even going to dignify that with an answer.
Wait, i just did, it was simply too tempting.
6 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

This is my quote from 7 pages ago that started your crusade to prove otherwise:

Ethnically, linguistically and culturally Poland is still Eastern Europe. ;)

Since than you brought religion, art and even architecture to prove otherwise.
Now you are throwing Greeks, Finns and the poor Portuguese into your equation.
I have proven my point repeatedly, know that the majority of the scientific community would agree with that statement and am tired of you drifting off.
6 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

As I thought - you don't want to name them.

"You're not able to name the countries. Or you don't wan't to name them - I wonder why? :)"

So, according to you Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine are Eastern Europe, yes?

Although you missed several countries, yes, as i said several times Slavs live predominantly in what is Eastern Europe today.

Then what about such countries like:

I fail to see what this has to do with categorizing Poland geographically based on ethnicity and language.
6 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Just take the language and ethnicity map and you have the countries belonging to the Eastern European group.

I will happily name them after you give me an enumerated, color coded based on the number of letters and bolded starting with a consonant list of all countries in the world. Additinally i want you to sort them alphabetically reversed and after that switch every 3rd country with each other.

Those are the maps btw:

6 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

who berni????

Paulina ofc.

Berni23, berni23, you still haven't answered my elementary question: which countries do you consider Eastern European? :)

I have answered it several times, you are just to lazy to count them yourself.
6 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Still cant let it go, ehh?
Now you only need to convince everybody on how language and ethnicity wise Poland belongs to the West and you are ready to start the New Year as the epicenter of the world.

A hint: Lead with the alphabet, continue with German, French and even English loan words and culminate how Poland was in space.
5 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Typical Polish Eye Color [77]

For further understanding i suggest the following web searches:
"correlation hair eye color"
"polygenic pigmentation"
Viewer discretion is advised.
5 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Typical Polish Eye Color [77]

It has nothing to do with how often i see this, there have been studies done on that.
And your statement that:

One must be naturally ultra blond (or oppositly - pure black hair) to have clear blue eyes.

might seem right from a visagist point of view, scientifically it is simply wrong.
5 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Typical Polish Eye Color [77]

I was just pointing out that what you said was nonsense and with your response you validated it.
And im not here to win or loose discussions, but at least i have the common sense to admit i made a mistake instead of changing the topic and run.
5 Jan 2013
Travel / Best place to exchange money in Poland? [98]

It seemed that using my credit card proved better currency conversion-wise.

Usually it does, although it depends on how much you exchange.
5 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Typical Polish Eye Color [77]

One must be naturally ultra blond (or oppositly - pure black hair) to have clear blue eyes.

Where did you get this gem from? Or was this just another unscientific observation of yours?