The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by enkidu  

Joined: 23 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Apr 2014
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Posts: Total: 611 / Live: 129 / Archived: 482
From: UK, London
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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12 Apr 2014
Study / Private Universities vs Public Universities in Poland [31]

In most countries the choice is simple - private, expensive university is better than the public one.
In Poland (frankly) - this is quite the opposite.

In Poland private universities usually just sell you a degree. If you would pay them on time - you can be sure that you will pass and finally will get your degree. Downside of this deal is that EVERYONE would know that your degree from the said university is almost worthless.


Side note:
Respectable Polish universities are known by short names. The more words in the University's name - the lower it stands. For instance "Uniwersytet Jagielloński" (the most prestigious in Poland) - two words. Or "Uniwersytet Warszawski" (some say - the best in Poland) - two words. Three words names are still ok (mostly). For instance "Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski".

Long name are sure sign of low standards.
For example:
"Wyższa Szkoła Gotowania Na Gazie Imienia Jana Pawła Drugiego w Pułtusku Oddział Zamiejscowy w Pcimiu Dolnym". ;)
11 Feb 2014
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

The operative word is "rare". Ethnic Poles are usually light-skinned, light-eyed Slavs.

Ok. Here are a few, then:

Sorry, Nicki you don't look Polish. I am not an expert - but on this pictures you look extremely Jewish.
21 Jan 2014
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

If Poland was smart they'd get out of the Euro and become independent like Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, etc

Now. Take a look at the map. Switzerland is in mountains. Norway on the North Sea. Iceland - far away island.
And now Poland. No natural borders. Plains everywhere. No chance to defend. Sorry.

Our only hope for greatness is Crow and his invasion on Hungary.
21 Jan 2014
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Pan-slavism is not particularly popular in Poland. This is Russian idea not our.
BTW - Between Poland and Serbia there are non-slavic country.

Let's make a deal, ok? Poland would start to think about Great Slavia, Glourious Commonwealth etc the next day after
Serbia conquer Hungary, ok?
5 Oct 2013
Love / How to show a Polish guy that you're interested? [31]

Well... the easiest way to impress Polish man is low neck line...
But since you are "a scottish woman with values and self respect" - there is second option:
Feed Him. Feed him good.
3 Oct 2013
History / capitulation of Warsaw Uprising [16]

Dear Ozi. I understand your rage. I understand you. Really I do.
Let me invite you to some history fact-check. I hope you wouldn't mind?

Tell me the surname of men, who ordered the start of the Uprising. Just tell me who signed the final order.

If you do you own research - you would know what I have got in mind. I assure you this is not a wicked, tricky question. It's rather a simple one, isn't it?

Who gave the order? Who signed it?
Simple as that.
2 Oct 2013
History / capitulation of Warsaw Uprising [16]

It's a shame that not all of the people responsible for it were held accountable for it; it's a classic example of why politicians should never micromanage military matters.

Accountable? They have now monuments, streets and squares named after them.
Take Leopold Okulicki - he dreamed that streets of Warsaw would be like a rivers of blood, that this ultimate sacrifice would shake the western allies to the point that they support Polish independence.

Really - that was his plan and his dream. And he managed to make it true. Loony and murderer.

And now:

okulicki2 poland
29 Sep 2013
Love / Polish women: what do you think of Polish men? Physically unattractive? [180]

Is there a point to argue about personal preferences? One like apple the most, other prefer oranges.

For instance -
Magdalena seems to be attracted to manly-looking and behaving men. Nothing wrong with that.

FlaglessPole seems to be attracted to more boyish-looking feminine, metro-sexual men. Nothing wrong with that either.
Side note: There is nothing wrong being openly gay, FlaglessPole. Just try to understand, that not everyone is like you.
6 Jan 2013
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [474]

Nothing was better under communism.

Obviously - you are a rich man living in Poland. One percenter. I am glad to hear that you are comfortable.
6 Jan 2013
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [474]

Correct me if I'm worng.

The money you saved on the książeczka mieszkaniowa entitled you to advance up on the list of the Housing cooperative candidates. In other words - the more money you saved, the sooner would you be entitled to be granted a status of a Housing Cooperative Member. As a Cooperative Member you would get a flat. But you don't own it. The flat was owned by the Cooperative.

In simple words - your money did not bought you a flat. Money bought you a better place on the list of people who are entitled to get a flat.
6 Jan 2013
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [474]

Personally? I was a child. An indoctrinated child.
And I did not understood much. For instance - I quite enjoy the tanks and soldiers camping on the main square of my town. I wanted to play with them, but my parents forbade me this joy.

I liked the 1st May parade. With the flags, music, sweets.
I remember that during the working hours the streets were empty. Everybody worked. Unemployment was something unheard of. There was no one homeless.
"Avoiding of the duty of work" was an criminal offence. lol
The streets were clean. There was no advertisements or flashing neons. There was no rubbish because everything was obligatory recycled. And the plastic was rare.

In the shops - there was a simplicity. There was no thousands brands of everything. Milk was simply a milk. Butter was simply butter. (I think there was two kinds of butter - the fresh one, and the frozen one). In every shop there was exactly the same stuff at exactly the same price (no special offers or "buy one get one free"). I remember when they "free the prices" - that is that every shopkeeper gain the right to set his own prices (I think that was about 1991). People were outraged and called a "thief" a shopkeeper who demand the price higher than the other one.

Unification was total. In every house you would find exactly the same set of furniture. Not "similar" - exactly the same. . There was a few kinds of cars (I believe about 4 different models) in a few colours (black, white, red and blue - and that's it). The clothes were produced in the central factories. Of course - there was some choice of clothes and shoes and you could compose them in a different way but overall: The people on the streets wear the same stuff. Like in uniforms.

Money did not matter much. I know that is hard to believe but really - everybody got the money. And the money was mostly useless. There was no way to be rich even with the fat valet. For money you could buy simple stuff like clothing or food or train ticket but the more expensive stuff (like cars, houses, washing machines, TV's etc) were not to be bought by money. For instance - flats were given not bought. If you wanted to live in your own flat - you should find a job and make yourself useful.

Let's say that you are a young man who want to start your independent life. If you are bright enough, you may want to study at the University (for free of course). Or you can find the factory that needs you. Sometimes in your home town. But sometimes you would need to move to the other regions. A lot of adventurous young men travelled to Śląsk (a mining and metallurgy centre that was always in need of helping hands). At first you lived in the Worker's Hotel - a kind of dormitory owned and paid by the factory. Then you meet a nice girl and decided to start a family. You get married and applied for a flat. In time - it was given to you. If a car was needed for you to be more efficient - you would get it. But you don't buy it.

There was a chain of shops for Newly Married couples where they can get necessary home appliances.
If you were blessed with the child - the nursery was for free. And the school, books etc. And the summer camps. You were entitled to spend your Annual leave almost for free in the "rest house" somewhere in the mountains or on the seashore.

The deal was simple - work your 8 hours per day, make yourself useful and don't worry about the rest.

You may ask "Why such a beautiful system collapsed?"
Because this system was AGAINST HUMAN NATURE. There was no poor, homeless, starving people. But there was no rich neither. No chance for luxury. No matter how bright you are, no matter how hard you worked - you would never be better than you neighbour. The university professor and the simple plumber lived in the same block of flats. Owning the same set of riches. Driving the same cars. Eating the same food. In this system you would never taste a sweet success.
25 Nov 2012

My ancestors were relocated form Poland in 19th, where i can see more information about this relocations?

I am afraid that you can find information everywhere. In every book discussing History of Poland.
XIX century was not particularly successful for us, Polish. In effect a lot of good people faced relocation an forced labour (mainly to Siberia, but also to other countries).

There is some information:
24 Nov 2012

Are you from Georgia in the USA or from the real Georgia? ;-)

Sokół means "Falcon".
There are also towns and villages called "Sokołowo" or "Sokołów".

There is a Polish wiki article on the surname "Sokołowscy" (that is plural form of Sokołowski):
21 Nov 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Yep. You right! :D
"Grandpa, show me your winnie, please!" - that would be totally unacceptable.

I am little confused. Obviously - the circumcision was a standard for certain religious groups. Not only the Jews and Muslims. Also for Armenians and others. But at some point in history this practice was accepted as a standard for the wast population of the United States. There should be no problem with pin-pointing this moment. But frankly - the information on the subject is rather hard to reach.

All we know is that right now the majority of the male population of the US had undergo this surgical procedure.
21 Nov 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Yep. But you know - there is a huge difference between some famous surgeon who think that cutting is good, and the surgical procedure that is seen as standard. I wonder when exactly in the US the circumcision had became a srt of standard.

Let's put it as a question: If you are an American - is your grandfather circumcised?

(of course this question does not apply to Jews or Muslims for obvious reasons)
11 Nov 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

So true. For instance - there is a guy named Richard "Dick" Harwood
And there is a guy named Tiny Kox...
5 Nov 2012
Life / Which animals are native to Poland? [82]

Reptiles? Not many. The climate is mostly too cold for them to survive winter.
There is one specie of poisonous serpent (żmija zygzakowata) - but its extremely rare and not even deadly...
No black widows... lol or other poisonous critters.
Honeybee sting is the worst thing you can realistically expect in Poland.
30 Oct 2012


Polish coat of arms. That is a subject. Broad and deep. And quite complicated. I would gladly share my knowledge but I am not sure if you want to read all of this.

Let's make it simpler: Is there a chance that your family is of Polish-Jewish heritage?
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

I don't give a feck about the words you say. I teach my children to be respectable to other cultures whether Polish people deem it to be necessary or not.

Do you teach them respect to the Polish culture as well?
Or maybe Polish culture is an exception? Maybe Polish so-called "culture" does not deserve any respect?
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

Hindus is incorrect to describe somebody from India.

I think it's their fault. I mean Indians in India for some reason call themselves "Hindustani". Someone shall go there and tell them to stop this because this is racists and incorrect.


Now colours. I am Polish and I know only three colours names in my native language:
- fajny kolor (nice good looking colour)
- ciulowy kolor (not so nice but acceptable in certain circumstances)
- pedalski kolor (nah-nah colour)

And thats three Polish colours that cover every shade. Now you see how primitive we are.
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

I don't care where Polish steal their words.
My point is that Polish language is so primitive that it has to steal words. If you would use only POLISH words (not the one stolen from other nations) you would not be able to describe any complex matter or even describe colours.
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

pip:Hindus, hinduski come from Hindustan, Hindustani, which are native Hindi (not Hindu) words. India is Hindustan and the adjective is Hindustani. Kindly look it up before you speak of "accuracy" again.

Oh yeah!? If the Poles are oh-so-correct then why they don't call Hindustani people "Hindustańczycy" in Polish? As we established previously - the word "hindus" is insulting racists remark. And why the call the First Nation people "Indians"? Maybe because Poles are racists?

As for the colours - in Polish you can describe only most basic colours. The other colour names are just stolen from English
purpurowy - purple
fioletowy - violet
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

First nations people, Natives, Aboriginals in Polish are called Indyjski. Which to them is offensive. It has nothing to do with the Indian ocean.

No, no. "Indyjski" is something from India. You know - this large country in the central Asia. With elephants and stuff...
First Nation people are called "Indiański" not "Indyjski". For instance: Indiański Wódz (First Nation Chieftain).
Hindusi - Asia.
Indianie - America

BTW - The word "Natives" and especially "Aboriginal" are highly insulting. I know there is little chance that any First Nation's member would read it but nonetheless we shall purge our language from such racists words.