The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by gtd  

Joined: 8 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Nov 2008
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Posts: Total: 639 / Live: 21 / Archived: 618

Interests: Fuck off you arrogant, racist, hypocritical, self-righteous,ultranationalistic Western wannabe assholes.

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12 Nov 2008
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380] why doesn't that surprise me? It had to either be that or NY. ;)

I don't think they let Poles go anywhere other than those two cities...every once in a while one sneaks out and escapes...
12 Nov 2008
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

I heard you about the ice. Do you realize how freaking cold it is outside an airplane at altitude? If there was some condensation inside the plane (from people's breath etc) sure it can form ice in the inside if the conditions are right and the surface is cold enough. But you said a 'draft'...I was just pointing out that is impossible.

It just seemed like you were complaining about things that ALL airlines do or have problems with and acting like LOT was somehow horrible while the others were not. They all suck really...

And all Polkas get cold so easy they wear sweaters in the summer anyway...;)
12 Nov 2008
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

Just because you like LOT, doesn't mean everyone else has too. Maybe you like the attitude the stewardesses give you, you like your fight

I didnt say I liked them....I said they are as good and as bad as any typical airline. The stewardesses had about as friendly of attitudes as you do. I just chalked it up to being a Polka thing.

You clearly don't know much about how airplanes work to make the suggestions you have.
12 Nov 2008
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

Sitting in that row, with the emergency door, I felt a draft, it was so freaking cold, that i sat in a coat & had a couple blankets.

There could not have possibly been a 'draft' because you were sitting by the door. Airplanes are sealed and pressurized. The plane may have been cold overall or your vent on but to act like the plane was so old and creaky that wind was blowing in past the door cracks is stupid.

God knows I am unhappy with a lot of things here in Poland but LOT has never been one of them. I think they do just as good as anyone and I have had luggage lost and damaged by nearly ALL the major airlines...

Unless you pay for business or first class on a high end airline like Singapore you are not going to get 'waited on' anymore. LOT is holding it's own in this day and age.
7 Nov 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

My suggestion on Mailing anything is this! Make sure you get a tracking number on it so you can follow it step by step! I learned the hard way! Oh and I was in my apartment watching tv went and checked the post and found a piece of paper saying I had certified mail I missed! Here is the kicker he rang the door and I opened the main door for him to come in! Yeah I'd say they are lazy!

UPS or FedEx etc only if it's important. EMS does not honor their insurance or guarantee. They give you the typical Polish customer service and tell you too bad **** off.
1 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

Polish Christmas

It depends on the family. If the family is kind it can be nice. But like weddings and other celebrations here it lasts too long for me...a couple days of non stop eating and booze is unpleasant in my book. At some point it just hurts.
1 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

I already knew I hated carp and jellied fish cannot possibly taste better than normal fish. The two don't go together. Just refuse politely and if they are offended then they have the problem not you. As long as you are nice they have nothing to be uppity about.
1 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

Maybe she thought u were talking about sth else, not the fish, LOL

HAHA....yeah if she had anything down there it was a jellied carp for sure.
1 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

Sometimes it pays to pretend you know less than you do. Bragging is never beneficial but playing dumb can reap much information.

I did fail to keep my composure one Christmas when said 'aunt' was mouthing off. I said something to her in Polish about how wonderful her jellied carp was (I hate jellied carp) and gave her a flirty wink. She rarely talked around me from that point on :)
1 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

Does she have an old "aunt" (I swear they call everyone they know a relative here) that hates foreigners and is comical to watch as she puts on a fake smile and slags you off in Polish because she thinks you can't understand?

Ah family :)
29 Oct 2008
Love / Polish Pet Names For Girls. [156]

Don't ever call her this...not even in a joking way. I don't see how anyone could suggest this and think it was funny. Polish girls do NOT take such names lightly even if it is clearly a joke.
25 Oct 2008
Law / Poland - Temporary Residence card - Karta pobytu - required documents [142]

A few people in the immigration office told me that after the first of the year EU members no longer need a Karta Pobytu as it is now. Now to be fair others have said this is not true or they haven't heard it. If it IS true it might be easier to wait and avoid the hassle. Of course you will likely still register in some way just not the whole current application mess. All the NIP and PESEl etc is supposed to stay the same from what they are saying.
24 Oct 2008
Law / Poland - Temporary Residence card - Karta pobytu - required documents [142]

So you got a new stamp with no trouble? I am curious if they will see it as 90 new days or notice it was just a couple days break in what you had left. Unless it is the first option I really don't understand how it helps you as it doesn't change the 45 day issue.

And don't get too cocky yet...they have plenty of opportunity to shaft you ;)
20 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Ironically most of the people at nude beaches are not the kind you want to see naked. One of life's little jokes.
20 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Amen...yet another myth. Polish food and produce is not somehow healthier than the USA. Do you really think Polish businesses don't inject growth hormones and anitbiotics into livestock? All places do whatever they can to maximize profits. And if you say "But it is not allowed and they test for it" I have ocean front land to sell you in Warsaw...good price...better hurry many people are interested.

And Jonni...the change things cracked me up! I swear they spend 5 minutes asking you for change no matter what the total is. Do you have 87gr? No...53? No...34? No I don't have change. It could be an even ZL number and they would ask for "100gr??" Then they look at you pissy and finally take the money as if you are trying to ruin their day. It is definitely a thing specific to PL.
16 Oct 2008
Law / Poland - Temporary Residence card - Karta pobytu - required documents [142]

Bank balance is only needed in some cases. They want to know you have a way to pay your bills so if you are getting a job and have a contract with your salary you don't need to provide the bank balance. You can also show income from another country etc.

I can't be sure it is fact as you get different info from different people but they told me the minimum amount per month you need is 477pln...I asked again as this isnt even enough for food let alone rent and they said for sure its the number.
16 Oct 2008
Work / What Jobs are there in Poland for an Englishman besides teaching english? [70]

Fact remains it is not easy nor even likely a Chef is going to move to Poland and find a job he likes.

Nor can someone who is a generalist come here and get a job in an office or as a laborer just like in any country.

Yes there are some opportunities for some people. But to tell someone they can move here and will be able to sort something for sure is dishonest. Poles will hire Poles first and in many cases have to by law. Yes this is the same all over but goes to the point he is looking for a very very rare chance.

Lots of people more here with he is planning...and then give up or teach English as they can't find anything else. It is not so simple as 'working hard'.
16 Oct 2008
Work / What Jobs are there in Poland for an Englishman besides teaching english? [70]


Anyone who tells you getting a job as a chef will be 'no problem' is lying or spreading false rumor.

From what I understand and have seen anything other than English teaching will require you to work for a foreign company and be assigned to Poland by that company. Moving to Poland and expecting to find a job of that sort by passing out CVs and networking is a pipe dream. Of course if you knew the right person very well like a restaurant owner I guess it is possible...albeit slim.