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Posts by 10iwonka10  

Joined: 21 Aug 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 15 Jun 2019
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From: UK
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15 Jun 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1197]

eah - again one immigrant thinking she is better than other immigrants because of racism.You really are a disgusting individual.

Really- I find you quite disgusting either. Moaning and moaning about Poland everything is bad bad..... Why you don't bugger off to this wonderful Britain when pavements are covered in gold. racism? Maybe open eyes and have a look what is going on in London. Again not much logic in your statement as I am emigrant too.
14 Jun 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1197]

We have similar estates in The UK, but I think that the Polish ones are still a touch worse.

I think that you confuse unpleasant Council estates in UK ( where lives half of Africa, lots workshy Brits and drugs ,crime,violence is high) to block of flats in Poland.

Maybe some of them don't look pretty but in the most of them live very normal ,average people.
14 Jun 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1197]

Hey, has the heatwave affected you too much? ,

For Dougpol everything is so bad in Poland that his view as not objective but becoming pathological.

I am not big fan of Nowa Huta in Krakow but I worked there once and I remember these block of flats from 50 were well built ( often from bricks) and well designed with lots green areas around. To be honest much better quality of life than in new ones when they are built so close to each other.
10 May 2019
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1442]

I saw them in the hypermarket today but I never eat that stuff- so I bought kidneys and tongues, both pig.@ pawian

Maybe coming back- yes tongues I remember too. Kidneys? I don't remember them at all. What do you do with them? In England they do steak-kidney pie.....but in Poland??
10 May 2019
News / Should Polonia and expat Poles lose voting rights in Polish elections? [77]

It is difficult question.

1- I don't think there are many Polish who never set foot in Poland? How would they have polish citizenship ?
2- Someone could go abroad for 1-2 years and plans coming back so not paying taxes is not enough to stop voting.

I agree that if someone left years ago they should not vote but it is more ethical, moral reason than legal one. I guess other European countries have the same rule.? Even on emigration they can still vote.
10 May 2019
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1442]

To be honest certain food can be regional plus on-off fashion in different times. So I would not generalize.

I remember there was always available to buy chicken liver, hearts, 'zoladki' not sure how it even translate. ( stomach ,craw?) but my dad told me about eating lungs when he was young. I don't remember ever eating them or seeing in the butchers?

It is the same with cod liver- It can be quite fashionable now ....not sure it was in the past.
9 May 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [246]

I think when delivery was expected ( fridges, TV) people were queuing all night. Every few hours there was list read if you left queue they would remove you from list.

There were also special shops for Police/UB/government workers. Bit like animal farm- we are all equal in socialism but some are more equal than others :-)
8 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

corruption or cheating,

I think PRL mentality was - I work in state Company it belongs to no one so if I can bring something home it is perfectly fine and I am clever' chap'.

I rememebr our neighbour who worked in Pani Walewska factory in Krakow. He seemed to have always lots of these perfumes.
5 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1197]

In the EU, like in Orwell's "Animal Farm" All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

It is sad but it is true.

Just thinking what is going on in Paris now with 'yellow jackets' riots. Can you imagine if it happened in Poland? There would be shouts about lack of democracy/ mistreating people by government, police....threating about cutting our funds.....removing us from EU

In Paris it is just normal, accepted- perfectly fine and democratic.
5 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1197]

. However, the EU declared it had been illegal

Why was it illegal? There are always business with are not private but state supported....Can't independent country decide which one they want private and which do not?
4 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

I don't know if it still now but I remember that there was 'open day' in Austrian Embassy in Krakow. It was open for public to get inside, walk through...There were also some stalls promoting Austria.
4 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

I think you are wrong to equate affluence and perhaps insinuate educational levels with how people vote

I agree. It is more complicated and needs more research.
3 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

Scratch a German and you find a Pole and vice versa!

Clearly in relation to diet and habits- sauerkraut, sausages, pork :-)
3 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

Is it so fascinating? It is like slavery or colonies.....nothing fascinating about it. German and Russian thought that this land would be for them for ever so forced people to work hard but not for themselves but for invaders. it is rather sad. Similar like German kept Wawel castle in Krakow as they thought they would sit there and bark orders. Fortunately it did not work.
3 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

As I vaguely remember from history at school Austro-Hungarian part was quite laid back. Economy was poor but Polish had much more freedom there .

In German and Russian parts people were much more suppressed.
3 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

It was after war now people are mixed...moved around. I would say booming towns are Warszawa, Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan......

Counties : Mazowieckie, Dolnoslaskie, Podkarpackie, Malopolskie.
3 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

I think it is very dangerous assumption that poor and uneducated vote PIS and well-off and educated vote PO.

From economical point of view - I think there is big divide between west /east and less visible south/north.

I think west and south are much richer/better developed ( more populated) than other 2
3 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

The fact that Russian lands are better developed than Austro-Hungarian ones is certainly puzzling.

Not sure where you have this idea from? I would say Austro-Hungarian towns/villages are doing very well now....but east wall of Poland? I would say it is the poorest part of country.