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Posts by Sasha  

Joined: 19 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Oct 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 1 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 1083 / Live: 210 / Archived: 873
From: Moscow/Kyiv
Speaks Polish?: Russian, English, Swedish, Ukrainian
Interests: Slavic countries, politics, languages, culture, people

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2 Oct 2015
Genealogy / "Choroszucha" - Jewish family name? [19]

Bud' laska!

between spasibo and błagodariu

Not much. The former is more of a day-to-day speech and the latter is more of a lofty language, somewhat old-fashioned but sounds nobly.
2 Oct 2015
Genealogy / "Choroszucha" - Jewish family name? [19]

Can хорошуха also mean a kind, nice woman as well? Is the word widely known and used in Russian or dialectal and/or archaic?

Rather a pretty, beautiful girl. Yes, the word is archaic. It may still be in use in some distant regions but in Moscow or SP.

Also, could хорошуха be the equivalent of what the Jews call a siksa?

It cannot. The word migrated to Russian language as 'chiksa' (чикса). It means just 'a gal' but as it's mostly a criminal slang (Jews made a good portion of criminals in the SU and spread their language among other prisoners which later turned into the only Soviet criminal language - феня) so it's not to be used in a polite society.
1 Oct 2015
Genealogy / "Choroszucha" - Jewish family name? [19]

Your interpretation is not correct. The word that you meant is chVorost (хворост), it's of Russian origin and that's indeed firewood (in Ukrainian it's chmyz - хмиз).

The word Choroszczucha derives from Russian choroshiy (хороший) - good, although the word choroszchucha (хорошуха) literally means 'pretty (woman)'.
8 Nov 2014
Genealogy / Woloczyn or Wolosczyn: Am I Polish? Help [22]

Right, it would be spelled as Волошин in Russia and if Gospodin Волошин moves to Poland he can spell his last name whichever way he wants (or what he's told too) and I guess chances are high that this is what he was told to.
8 Nov 2014
Genealogy / Woloczyn or Wolosczyn: Am I Polish? Help [22]

This post is for people who speak Polish or have a vast knowledge of Polish language and grammar.

You last name is perfectly Russian. There were plenty of Voloshins through out Russian history. It's said to originate from the old germanic 'walsch' - foreigner, stranger and adopted into Slavic languages first as 'Voloch' or 'Volosh' (Волош). Welcome home, comrade! :)

Seriously speaking, you're what you think you culturally are. And I believe you're American. is of the famous ones in Russia. One of numerous Putin's henchmen.
14 Oct 2014
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Maybe young Russians should try those :)

Maybe they should or... maybe they should change something on a larger scale first.
Well to make it all clear from the beginning I should have probably started from the point that Russian Orthodox Church seized to exist at the very same time when Russia (in traditional understanding of the word) did. Since then, official church has been an obedient servant of the government. Whatever direction the authorities were up to, they could count on church's approval and blessing.

But it's not that the Church had been altogether separate from Tsarism before 1917. It actually hadn't but it hadn't been an obedient extension of the power either.

What makes you think that?

Somehow many Poles including this board on many occasion have pointed out this affinity if you will of the ROC and the authorities. I have never said it's groundless but that the reality we must deal with.

What I meant was that Poles have lots of sympathy for Ukrainians nowadays, despite the fact they aren't Catholic and Russians and Ukrainians seem to hate each other despite the fact they're Orthodox.

Aha, got your point. But this might have come across as 'cut off the nose to spite the face' syndrome for many Russians. Or simpler said it may be that you consider things done by Russia utterly wrong and by Ukraine mostly right. The latter is by the way exactly my situation. I side with Ukrainians I sympathize with them just because I believe that they are the victim party in the conflict.

For Russians, it seems, Catholicism is a Western invention and yet another sign of "Polish betrayal" or sth, I guess

That is largely correct speculation.

Btw, Romania is an Orthodox country - do you feel like you have a warmer attitude towards Romanians than, I don't know, to Poles or Finns or Hungarians?

That was an interesting choice of nations. My personal rating would be 1. The Poles 2. The Finns 3. The Romanians 4. The Hungarians. The selection is based on that I know very few Romanians and very fewer Hungarians to know a lot about their culture and be attracted to it by virtue of that. I dare say that my rating will look the same at the domestic level. The Poles will overcome the Finns with closer culture, language and temperament.
7 Oct 2014
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Not really

I sincerely wish you were right.

I would say that Russians I've discussed with are far more fixated on the fact that Poles are Catholics and are "ruled by Vatican" etc. :)

It's true both ways.

Btw, Ukrainians aren't exactly Catholics either, are they... :)

They are not. You mean to say they are not as fixated as the Russians?

Religion isn't the problem here...

I'm not saying it is a problem somewhere more than elsewhere, I'm just emphasizing it's one of the separating factors, a pretty strong one. As you pointed out the Russians are fixated on this, yes I agree and many Poles are fixated on this as well. I do not compare (though have a feeling that overall the Russians are indeed obsessed more with that distinction as they want to feel like a 'bigger brother'), that's not my point.
6 Oct 2014
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Might not this be that overlook it for you're an atheist? I would think that it's nearly as important for relationship as speaking a common language.

Good example for me as a Russian: Serbs and Croats. Basically the same folk, the latter oftentimes colder than the former. (not to mention relationship between these two).
28 Aug 2014
Off-Topic / Ukrainian language [50]

Feel free to use Polish or English in Ukraine and don't worry

Why do you deliberately slip mentioning Russian as an option? Wait... I said 'deliberately'? Then no questions...
But that's funny.
28 Aug 2014
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

you can not hate people for what the gov. does you could only hate the people who do what evil people tell them what to do.

I used to think that too but now that I've witnessed the ugly transformation of the Russian society I see putin as nothing but an extent of an average Russian's will. It's not putin who's sick (although he at the end of the day is), it's the Russian society that's been apt to picking him for presidency or recklessly not giving a damn about endless election frauds that occurred.
14 Sep 2013
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

I was just wondering, but do ukrainians have mongol genes inside them? I know I need a DNA test, and I will do it eventually, but answer please?

Some do, some don't. So you may or may not have it at all. You may equally well have Baltic or Jewish origins. Being Ukrainian doesn't imply you'll have a certain genepool or be of a certain complexion/have certain eye, hair color.

Funny to behold how no one wants to be a Turk or a Mongol in this thread.
13 Aug 2012
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

But Chechens don`t want to be considered Russians.

True, unless money talks like they do in say the US.
Anyway, I rather meant their cultural conditions.

When one reads Tolstoy's tale Hadji Murad, and compares it to the situation today, one is amazed at how little has changed in the last two centuries.

One may as well read Lermontov on the issue. Indeed it will never change. The Russians are badly lacking entrepreneural spirit to turn them into what the Hispanics are in the US.

P.S. It's nice to see people who still read classical literature.
10 Aug 2012
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

But the ferment is brewing and will again explode one day or another.

It does explode occassionally. The Russians simply don't consider them Russian and that says it all.
The government cared to invest into military annexation but it didn't spend a copeck on bringing their cultural level up.
29 Jun 2012

Sadly it's not time yet for the Russians to fully acknowledge and revaluate what happened to them during the Soviet reign in general and at stalin's reign in particular. This is still not an altogether rare occurrence when I see people denying the Katyn as well as stalin's crimes against humanity on the whole. Katyn is probably the most ignominious page in Russian history.
13 Feb 2012
Life / 200zl mandat and 3 points for not wearing seatbelts? [75]

How to overtake in Poland, ahh i do miss the Polish roads. Cant believe i recorded this on a 400 PLN mobile phone.

Why have you posted this, hero? Are you a teen to post a video where you break the law (start passing through the double solid line + use your cellphone)?

Intersting Sasha. I note you say 'was'. Is this a reference to all the old Skodas, where you had to continually get out to push the cars, hence it was a waste of time to fasten your seatbelt :)

No, the fine for not having seatbelt fastened used to be lower - so low that corrupted Russian cops didn't bother to stop those who didn't use it. Also on some cars seatbelts are really uncomfortable.

Here's my first car: No AC + uncomfortable seatbelts made any summerday look like hell.
11 Feb 2012
Life / 200zl mandat and 3 points for not wearing seatbelts? [75]

Sasha, I am willing to take that risk. Why sholudnt I?

Simple. Cause the government doesn't want to take a risk of losing yet another taxpayer, potential father/mother of another taxpayer, worker who can contribute to the wellbeing of the state and if you're a man a potential soldier. That is why.

Yes, we all want freedom of... everything. But freedom is in fact a very loose concept. We are eventually not free of some duties imposed by the government particularly via the notion of patriotism.
11 Feb 2012
Life / 200zl mandat and 3 points for not wearing seatbelts? [75]

Seatbelts in town, when you cannot get over 50 km/h?

I heard that a man ran into a lamp pole driving 50 kmph. He hit the helm which tore his spleen. By the time the ambulance came he was dead.
11 Feb 2012
Life / 200zl mandat and 3 points for not wearing seatbelts? [75]

Individually they are not that bad but the system is far from perfect.

I think that the policeman did a perfect job with no that Slavic tenderheartedness and all... The breach was indeed a silly one.
11 Feb 2012
Genealogy / "Choroszucha" - Jewish family name? [19]

This last name doesn't sound Jewish to me at all. From what I googled in RUnet it seems like the last name occurs in Belorussia, Poland, Ukraine and in Southern parts of Russia. Origins are "beautiful", "handsome". In modern Russian "chorosziy" is "good".

Btw ask your mother if she had any relatives in Grodno and its area or if she knows some relatives with a name Wikenty spelling may be different).

Memory book of NKVD atrocities contains Wikenty Choroszhucha as one of the victims...
8 Feb 2012
News / Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity? [142]

but Wiki claims a Croatian priest from the 17th century was the first to advocate it.

Oh yeah. I was wrong. The Czech (or according to some sources a Slovak) Jan Herkel later proposed a term "panslavism". That's what I took as "invention".
8 Feb 2012
News / Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity? [142]

Most Slavs don't know Russian

There're roughly 300 mln Slavs in the World. Roughly 300 mln people in the Wolrd speak Russian. So you're certainly not correct.

Alex, unity based on ethnicity is probably the most feeble one these days. Even religion matters more, not mention money or any financial interest.
Besides, it takes will of millions to build any sort of union and it takes just one spiteful man to shaken the balance.
I don't really mind Slavs living as one big family but I think it would last long.

Btw, panslavism is not a Russian invention, it's Czech as far as I remember, though it was well taken up by the Russians.
25 Jan 2012
Language / Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script? [212]

Poland has been using latin alphabet for long centuries and never used cyrillic so it has nothing to do with our culture

I know I just pointed out that it's wrong to draw linguistic parallels between Slavic and Roman languages.

Polish is a western slavic language first of all.

That doesn't theoretically restrict using a non-Latin alphabet, does it?

a linguistic descendant of Rurik the Slav

save for that Rurik wasn't actually a Slav. :)
17 Jan 2012
Language / Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script? [212]

Polish transcryption is a pretty good one but I guess it would be difficult for Russians to accept Polish digraphs (sz,cz) or anything to write their language that resembles Polish

I think the biggest problem to accept would be that it's time-consuming. Szcz=щ. Szczecin=Щецин.

UPD: Just listened to Polish pronunciation on wiki. If transcribe with Cyrillic it will be more like Шчечин.
17 Jan 2012
Language / Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script? [212]

Read here for more details, do you agree?

It looks bizarre. :) But it's more natural for a Russian. It gives me an illusion that I got to understand Polish better. :)

that Cyrillic does NOT necessarily fit all Slavic languages any more than Latin script does others.

The Serbs have found a good way out. If one wants, it will fit even non-Slavic languages.
Further fate of Cyrillic Alphabet will largely depend on how strong and authoritative Russia will be compared to the Western Europe and the US.