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Posts by Arise_St_George  

Joined: 8 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Sep 2008
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 1 / Archived: 8
Posts: Total: 419 / Live: 24 / Archived: 395
From: Preston, England
Speaks Polish?: Nope
Interests: FOOTBALL

Displayed posts: 25
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24 Sep 2008
Love / What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys? [134]

Not that I want to disappoint you, but if your daughter makes that decision as an adult, I doubt you will be able to have any influence on it.

1. I'm not even a parent yet
2. I'm not Catholic. I have not been baptised or anything but my sisters have. My children will be baptised in order for them to attend Catholic schools. They will not be going to these publics schools that are full of blacks, drugs and knives.

I needn't worry about what I'd do right now but he would not be welcome in my house whatsoever. I'll teach my kids about blacks and asians from a young age so that they'll realise to stick to their own.
23 Sep 2008
Love / What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys? [134]

The world is changing and mixing.

Somebody's reading into the BNP propoganda. I don't dislike the BNP but I think that they are way over the top, however they make some excellent points about the state of our country.

My sisters and brother will not mix with blacks and Asians. They have been put into Catholic schools to keep away from that mess. My children will also go to Catholic schools to keep away. I don't believe in Multiculture. If my daughter ever came home with a black man she'd know about it.
21 Sep 2008
Love / What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys? [134]

Stick to your own breed. Whites should stick with white partners. Blacks should stick with black and Asians should stick with Asian. Whether you agree or not we are all different.
24 Aug 2008
Life / Why there is always around a horrible smell of sweat in Poland [188]

It's nothing to lol about - some jobs I've done I arrived home not beeing able to shower coz I was too tired. And the day after you leave for your job stinky not having enough time to shower - the jobs I speak of do not require you to be clean, you get sweaty after an half an hour anyway.

Woah woah woah! Hold on! You must go without a shower for about 5 days? It takes 5 mins to have a shower mate. That's nothing. Everyone should wash everyday. Yeah ok after half an hour of work you're already sweating but had you had a wash and put on some deoderant you wouldn't smell no matter how much you sweat. You only smell if you haven't cleaned and put on deoderant. Here in the UK you actually get warned about your hygiene and if you don't listen and take a shower you can get sacked. I've known one or two to get sacked for their lack of hygiene.

I'm not saing that english guys are worse then polish 1<2 maybe its just coinsidens and I guess we are at same level with english but asians surly need to use soap mor often... end of subject

Asians if muslims do not use deoderant. It contains alcohol in the majority of deoderants. I don't know what they use instead...? Perhaps nothing.
20 Aug 2008
Life / Why there is always around a horrible smell of sweat in Poland [188]

There's one smell I cannot stand. I get irritated when I smell it, be it at work, shops, pub etc. That smell is B.O. I find that really disgusting. It could either be that you haven't washed or it could be that you haven't put deoderant on. SORT IT! o.o

I've walked past a woman once in Morrisons. Has anyone ever smelt fish? The worse thing about it is that this was in the fruit and veg area. What I was actually smelling is a woman that must have had sex and not washed her bits for a few days since. Heaving.
6 Apr 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

;-)You have keep in mind polish endings are very important.

Your "English" makes me laugh too lol

Chuj ci w dupe
6 Apr 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

So now if you want assure me you dont afraid the confrontation with me you have to repeat your request plus add some strong insults at my direction.

Spierdalaj pedal :P
20 Mar 2008
Life / Polish and Czechs [190]

Oh girls.....for my part, i think they are just jealous of Polish girls... ;P

I had an itchy feeling someone would say that lol. That's why I edited it. You were too quick... d'oh! But they were just as stunning. You couldn't tell the difference.
20 Mar 2008
Life / Polish and Czechs [190]

I have a question : did they say that BEFORE or AFTER having drunk ?... ;)

They were sober and were really decent people.
20 Mar 2008
Life / Polish and Czechs [190]

I've known Czechs and have been drinking with them aswell as Polish. The Czechs had quite a bit of dislike for the Polish. When I told them I thought they were Polish they were flabbergasted! They said "I'm not Polish, I hate Polish." They spoke of their dislike for Poles. Yet they genuinely seemed to be decent people. Is there a cultural dislike for each other or is just them? You speak more or less the same language, what's the problem?
16 Mar 2008
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Mali, it's funny, i'm sure there is many beautiful girls, i don't feel proud or anything else and i don't think i will stay with nothing if nobody say something pleasant about me... WE JOKE HERE, as you see... and what "power" are you talking about?

Be proud chick. Make the most of it. Show the world! In 20 years time we'll all be old gits!
16 Mar 2008
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

It's all a matter of personal preference I suppose, I'm not really attracted to either Arabic or Latino women.

I love light/darkish skinned women, not too dark. Half cast-like just like women like tall, dark, good looking men. If you saw some of these young arabic (non muslim) girls that I work with, you'll drool.
16 Mar 2008
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

I wouldn't say Polish women are the best looking women in the world. The best women that I've ever seen happen to be Arabic and Latinos. There are some stunning Polish women but there are also English women that look just as good. I've seen attractive Polish women and I've seen unattractive Polish women.