The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / Live: 1 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 19666 / Live: 3050 / Archived: 16616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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26 Dec 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Jebał cie pies means dog-fucked, not jeboj ci pies
26 Dec 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Many people lie to get ahead, more important is whether the lies are white or black. I've encountered remarkable honesty here
26 Dec 2007
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

Yeah, it's long. I went to one in Chorżów in Aug and it lasted for 12 hours whereas my brother's in Scotland (Oct) lasted for only 6. The ceremony was much quicker in Scotland. Still, there was vodka and food aplenty and a great atmosphere. The band played well and you can hear some classic Slavic songs. It can also be a cultural event as some Ukrainians were there and sang some of their own national songs. A good time was had by all
26 Dec 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

U r kurwa welcome, kurwa, hehehe. Just kidding. I leave Polish swearing to the Poles in the main although the occasional kurwa is therapeutic. Quite frankly, I don't feel the strength of their cuss words so better err on the side of caution and not use them too often
26 Dec 2007
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

In Scotland, consummation of marriage is much more of a flexible process. Provided the relevant witnesses and competent people are in attendance then, in the absence of procedural defects, the marriage goes ahead. We are keen to identify what constitutes a sham marriage and throw it out but this doesn't happen often. In today's current global climate, there has to be increasing understanding of practices and cultural sensitivities. U should have countered him/her by saying that God is all around us, in our souls even, and tested his reaction, well ,ok, u said everywhere but u should've laboured the point. Nose snubbing is an instinctive and often defensive reaction to comments. Why did u not opt 4 an indoor ceremony, any legitimate objections? Just curious fella
26 Dec 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Hehehe, genius!! My Polish girlfriend regards me as more or less fluent in Polish so I usually know what I'm talking about but that doesn't change the fact that it's not my language. I like to be seen as a cunning-linguist, hehehe
26 Dec 2007
Language / "Poles" or "Polish people" - which is better to use? [200]

When u call Poles 'Polaks', it can be offensive or have a negative connotation. Much like being Caucasian and saying 'niggas'. African-Americans can say 'niggas' amongst themselves, much in the same way as a Pole could say 'jestem polakiem' and it would be acceptable. It's like saying dickhead or fuck. What one is worse? Well, it depends on the intonation and intention of the speaker. Most would say fuck but it could be used to express frustration whereas dickhead could be used as an insult towards another or others. It just depends on ur audience!!
26 Dec 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Both are talented in their own way, hehehe
28 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde - NO, "the red haired ones are dishonest", eh, get a grip!! How many red-haired politicians do you know? Charles Kennedy maybe but he was a good and honourable man
28 Dec 2007
Food / Healthy polish food? [143]

Cabbage soup is good for sure, kwaśnica. They serve it up nicely in a restaurant called Gazdówka. If u order more than 40zl worth of food and drink, they lay on smalec for free. For those who don't know, smalec is lard. It's actually quite tasty but FAR from healthy.
28 Dec 2007
Life / Which nations do Poles like the most / the least? [150]

The nation of Africa, hehehe. Well, at least Bush thought it was a nation. 'Africa is a nation that suffers from terrible disease' or sth 2 that effect. It's gotta be the African nation folks. Maybe he saw the ANC and put 2+2 together
28 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Poland is a central European country I'd say. Belarus is an Eastern European country I think. I'd say Prague is at the heart of Europe geographically and it's not so far from where I am here in Silesia
29 Dec 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Every time I go to write something, I have a ban from the moderators in mind given how strong Polish swear words are so I will refer people to Gadu Gadu's Bluzgator for a comprehensive list that will need some translating that I'm not prepared to do. It's amusing tho
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Again, noimmigration has a good point, to a point. It depends what point in history he is referring to though. Ideologically, well, more closely allied with Central Europe now but 3.5 years in the EU doesn't push away about 40 years of communism and a long legacy/aftermath. Culturally, well, name me what cultures u had in mind noimmigration and we'll test them out
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

To z-darius, OK, but then what was the ideology of the Polish people between 1946-1989? What ideology did the majority of Poles want to pursue post WWII? Many Poles grew to like communism
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

We should either take the word Central out of the thread and replace it with Western or stick to what it means to be a Central European country. CET, Central European Time, is the time zone which Poland falls under. Ukraine, an Eastern European country, is 1 hour different from Poland I've just been told. Poland is in the same time zone as Germany. When we say Central European, we are thinking geographically more than anything else. Berlin and eastwards was seen as Eastern Europe at one time, now that that east/west divide has been resolved, we must re-evaluate the picture.
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Let's examine Central Europe, is it really so desirable for Poland to fit into that category anyway? Spain, they stirred up loads of trouble with fishing territory claims, Germany and France, I could go on and on about those 2 and the bickering between them. Italy, wow, currency issues and belligerence like no other. Poland doesn't need to define its position in the EU, it has signed up and must obey the rules where applicable, whether it is as an Eastern or a Central European country
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

I agree with Mufasa in the context of the EU, what does it matter if they are an accedent from Eastern Europe or from Central Europe? It matters that they can bring sth to the table in 'European' circles and not just accept EU grants/handouts as many people believe that they do. Academic definitions don't help much, they are in the EU and we have to give them a fair crack of the whip. I expect noimmigration will have a whip comment or two. Whip is a political word after all, hehehe
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Southern wrote carefully 'part of Poland'. Poland is a fairly big country and those that live in places like Zamosc, Lublin and Białystok, I'd classify more as Eastern European. Those that live here in Silesia view them as so. Silesia has more of a German tint than any other region in Poland. Especially Upper Silesia. They have trouble understanding those from the far east of Poland sometimes
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Poles have great potential in the area of agriculture. They'd have flourished under the finer parts of the CAP. Nabiał/dairy here in Poland is fantastic and I say that as a Scot, so it's high praise for them. Andrzej Lepper didn't get a chance to raise their case. This is one of Poland's trump cards as a 'European' country
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

I said that the Poles have potential, not that they surpass the UK and Ireland in the field of agriculture. It's a crying shame that the Poles pay their farmers peanuts unlike us in the UK and Ireland. They are so poor in places near Roztocze, offering their ware for heavily discounted prices.
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

If u want to be sure noimmigration, do a contrastive study between Poland and Ukraine. Few, if any, would doubt that Ukraine is an Eastern European country. If u can convince PF members that Poland is distinct in the ways u outlined then u have a good case
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

I agree with southern, Bulgarians and Romanians are more Balkan. OK, they were poor but so are African countries, that doesn't make then Eastern European. Lithuania and Latvia are classic Eastern European countries, even Azerbaijan/Kazakstan etc
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Poland is more liberal in the sense that fewer and fewer people are practising Catholics. After the death of JPII, the numbers have steadily declined. Scotland is very religious too, Catholics AND Protestants. What about the Anglican church?
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

U don't have to be a church-goer to be religious. Where did u pull 10% from? Those people who go shopping on a Sunday or do sth with their families instead of going to church still believe in God. Bibles are allowed in households u know!?
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

You have a point noimmigration about sectarianism. But Scotland isn't NI. How do u know what these people really believe? Have u interviewed them?
29 Dec 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Eastern European may drum up images of poor people but it is something different. The current European climate is towards harmonisation so why make divisions like west/central/east? It may just serve to show extended participation in a collective European agenda