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Posts by ProblemSolver  

Joined: 9 Feb 2023 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Feb 2023
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Posts: 3
From: Wonky Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Not yet
Interests: Standard

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9 Feb 2023
Off-Topic / Using Super Glue on a open wound/cut on the head [49]

@Cargo pants
Ref. Superglue being used for a wound, from a former paramedic the answer is yes, as a last resort. Superglue was actually designed by the US military and used in Vietnam, it was sprayed into open wounds to cause clotting.

You need to use the desolve chemical to remove the superglue, which was kept at the field hospital - it *should l* be available in a hospital. It's not an ideal scenario, but compared to bleeding out and dying, it's definitely a better option.

We stopped teaching first aid how to use turnacats, because people were applying them to good limbs, not releasing it after 30mins to keep the limb alive and thus killing a perfectly good limb.
9 Feb 2023
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

Like most things in life, this goes back to parents, school and how we raise our kids.

Find it disturbing that it is acceptable /ok for boys to hit girls,

I've seen it at schools, playgrounds and in the instances I've seen, parents are just OK about it.

I'm seen as an over reacting person because it is my single biggest dislike and the only thing I would change in Poland (not my country to discuss politics).

This acceptance will not produce the Polish gentleman generation of tomorrow..

I'm not for or against abortion, it's not my body and I respect that fact. If I was given a womb and inseminated, then I'd make a decision on the matter.