Life /
Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [281]
* Waits for the response of 'I must be a man-hater' or an 'ugly short dyke'
Wait no longer. It is obvious you are a feminist. How far you take your grieves, makes all the difference.
No one on the right wants a woman to be his servant. Some times the only way to fight absurd is with absurd answer. I do not judge you to harshly
Because I do not know enough about you, except for your leftist tendencies, your unjust handling your responsibilities as moderator. Understandable you are a lib
One other indication of who you really are is your involvement in defending undefendable.I am talking about exchange of postings, between
me and one of your so called "sisters", vulgarizer extraordinaire.
"Woman" whom shamelessly invades strangers
, most private area, grabs the genitalia all of it in public and you rushing to her defense, Do you wonder why I question your impartiality.
You are to intelligent ,your writing to elegant and precise not to notice glaring inconsistency, for instance, where did the "ugly short dyke" come from?
Post is to long already, what I wan to convey to you would take ten pages not one post
Ps What rights are you denied, so you are obligated to fight for?