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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]
Germans are much worse.
When Poland fell in 1795 it was Prussian Germans, Austrian Germans & Russia which was ruled by a German Prussian Catherine the Ungreat.
The German kurva Catherine the Ungreat was the biggest genocide against Polish people done by Russians at that time & it was German Kurva Catherine who ordered these genocides against Poland
Also Communism was invented in Germany with Engels & Marx & Germany supported & Backed the Bolshevik Revolution.
The Reason Russia had any support of Bolshevishism was because the German blooded Tsar Nicholas II was so ****** that Russians wanted to rebel against it & they thought Communism could work against it.
So then Half Volga German Lenin who was not Russian at all created the Soviet Union.
The German people are the most vile & disgusting people to ever live.
The biggest mistake Poland made was we should have made the Germans go extinct during the 1600's when we could have.
We should have formed a bond with Russia & Attacked the true enemy of Slavs & Humanity which is the German filth.
Nazis claimed to be anti Communist. But, Goebbels said Lenin was the 2nd best man only 2nd to hitler.
While at the same time hilter & Goering & Hitler gave respect to Josef Pilsudski for fighting against Soviets.
But, Germany backed the Soviet Union & Volga German LEnin & Helped create the Soviet Union with German gold backing it.
So, Essentially Germans supported Lenin & pilsudski because they fought each other & killed Slavs in the process. Germans want to divide Slavs.
That is why Germany backed the Bolshevik Revolution with the Russian Civil war which 28 million Russians died. the Germans love it when Slavs die.
The German people deserve only extinction from the planet.
WW1. WW2 & the Soviet Union were a Slavic Genocide. As much as 100 - 200 million Slavs may have died just in 30 years.
I am actually for creating a Slavic Union with a DECENT RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT.
Because Clearly Germans , Jews & Western Europeans have been trying to make Slavs go extinct.