The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by whyikit  

Joined: 1 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Jan 2015
Threads: Total: 6 / Live: 0 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 102 / Live: 20 / Archived: 82
From: Edinburgh
Speaks Polish?: Starting to learn
Interests: Golf, Fishing

Displayed posts: 20
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18 Mar 2009
Love / Polish Pet Names For Girls. [156]

OK probably a stupid question here I know of most of the above but why in the translations above are they all little? I thought there was another word in front to make it little, like moja?
27 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / What do people in Poland think about American cars? [44]

Not sure what Polish people think of American cars, but I was recently in america and rented a few of them. My opinion is they look good but ae terrible in every way. For instance got Chevy, nice car but the gear box was terrible, you put your foot down wait half an hour then the car just red lines all the way. Also got a Dodge Charger, nice looking but very cheap inside. To get anything to work you have have to hit it with a hammer!!
7 Sep 2012
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [124]

Come one really.... I would have no problem shooting or eating a pigeon. By your reasoning that would mean I have no problem in shooting and eating humans..

Come on......
7 Sep 2012
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [124]

One persons fun is another persons pest control..... I am not saying what they have done is right, it is clearly wrong however some of things you have said are a little OTT
12 Dec 2012
UK, Ireland / Any Polish Muslims in London? [30]

You got to love religion brings everyone together as one. It is such a happy place.......
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland will have a queen again [75]

I am assuming you are meaning the Queen of the United Kingdom, as there is no such thing as the queen of England.....

I do not think she has much if any political power...
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland will have a queen again [75]

Harry I wouldn't say they cost nothing. They do bring tourists in however this is only a real benefit to London and the south. I alsodislike a lot of what happened around Diana and the reaction of the queen and the royal family. Although the newer generation seem to be better. However the main reason is I do not like anyone who is not elected by the people and are put there due to blood right.
10 Jan 2014
Life / Do Poles have a problem understanding American English? [76]

Firstly I am not Polish so can't answer your question directly, however I would say that the question can't be answered. The reason for this is that it will depend on where in the US the person is from as I have difficulties understanding some Americans, however that doesn't have anything to do with speaking too fast as on the whole I feel they speak slow. but more to do with a thick accent.
12 Dec 2014
Life / Move to Poland or UK? (Advice needed) [51]

This is such an Ironic thread.... Someone from Sweden wants to move to another coutry to get away from the Multi-Culture in his home country. But surely by moving to another country you would be making that country more Multi-Cultural?

InWroclaw - two of the "sources" you have provided are right wing papers, no matter the facts they would have came to the conclusion this is bad. To even think that 95% of the UK think it isn't working is laughable. Yes there is a proportion of the UK that think this but it is nowhere like the level you are tyring to indicate...
18 Dec 2014
Law / USD shooting up so high for PLN [76]

Charts tell you nothing really, over the last 6 years correct but same can be said over the last 10 year it has only breached the level.... It is very dangerous to rely on charts...

One way to have a general idea is to look at the futures for the respective exchange however these can also be wrong but it kind of gives a consensus view....
9 Jan 2015
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Yes it does on the whole.... There will always be incidents where someone gets a gun and does things like we have seen in France. However this happens on very rare occassions, compared with the US where gun crime/shootings happen on nearly a daily basis.... In my view your logic is flawed however I also understand that someone who lives in a country where gun ownership is normal would feel otherwise.
9 Jan 2015
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Yes, IN THREE MAJOR CITIES by mostly black people. No racism here as statisics speak for themselves.

I will not get into racism here but you are suggesting that black people do not live in other countries who do not allow weapons. So the statistics actually do not prove your point, given the diverse nature of for instance European populations... Given the amount of shootings by accident or otherwise that happen even just last year in the US says it all IMHO.

Take away those three major cities and shootings are no higher then most other countries.

Not if you look at comparable countries it doesn't at all, for instance European and developed countires.
9 Jan 2015
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

shot say in Montana last year

Using Google...

Montana has the 5th highest rate for gun deaths..... Ok mostly for suicide however the point being this is attributed to gun ownership...

Please note I have no idea about the above website just the first link when searching..

However looking at the US as a whole I also found this article...

The problem with allowing gun owenership it means "the bad people", as you put it are more likely to have guns and therefore.... Well I am sure you know where I am going with this....