The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by EbonyandBathory  

Joined: 14 Feb 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2008
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 0 / Archived: 5
Posts: Total: 249 / Live: 31 / Archived: 218
From: Los Angeles, CA
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Poland, sports, literature, movies

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20 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

All the Poles in my family have similar looks. We all have dark features and square jaws. My curly hair makes me unusual in my family. People have told me I look Greek though I have no Greek in me. I wish I looked more Polish. Your thoughts? Polish enough?
20 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Sorry, I uploaded all wrong. Here it is.
20 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

No, there's nothing wrong with Greek, it's just that I'm not Greek, I'm Polish. I'd just as soon look Polish, don't you think?
21 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Thanks everybody, but the last thing I need is a big head. I'm just wondering if I look Polish.
21 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

That's kind of what people have told me. Shoot. What does a guy have to do to look Polish around here?
21 Feb 2008
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Eastern Europe shouldn't have a negative connotation, I agree. But if you look at a map, it's clear to me, Poland is in CENTRAL EUROPE. I know political situations have associated it with the east, but it seems central to me.
21 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Thanks Julie, you're far too kind.
24 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

The problem is, scorpek, in the case of the Russians, things are still happening. Just a few weeks ago they denied their involvement in the Katyn massacre and have threatened Poland if they allowed for the US missile shields to be built there. As a Pole, I don't hate anybody, and I wouldn't assume anything about a person just because he comes from a certain country. But there is such animosity historically between Poland and Germany and Russia and Poland that these things don't go away. I don't dislike Germans. I don't dislike Russians. But Russia's government, I don't trust. This is an important distinction. As Poland and Germany are EU friends now, wounds begin to heal. But Russia and Poland continue to antagonize each other. And it's been this way for 500 years. So to answer the post's question, without the hate, RUSSIANS.
29 Feb 2008
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

Chopin is my personal favorite. I prefer the smoothness of a potato vodka compared to a grain vodka like Belvedere. Don't get me wrong, if there's Belvedere around, I'm going to drink it, but I prefer Chopin above all else. It's so difficult to find Polish vodka in the States, anyway, I take what I can get.
2 Mar 2008
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Here's the thing about Poland, if you don't come with flowers you might as well not come at all. Always flowers, all the time. A gift would be too forward, but flowers are nearly mandatory.
3 Mar 2008
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

What kind of present? A small present would probably suffice, but something too big could scare her away if you're only in the courting phase.
11 Mar 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Just because you're a feminist doesn't mean you can't be feminine, I say. It's about equality, understanding that we're different but still being treated the same.

As far as racism in Poland, I suppose I can't say. But there are racist people everywhere, why would Poland be any different. For my part I can say that America is maybe the most racist country on Earth. I surely hope that no country is worse than the US in this field. There are 350 million people here and many different cultures and peoples so racism is bound to happen. I love a America, I really do, but it's racist as hell. It's as bad now as it was 60 years ago, don't let any one fool you. As for Poland, historically, she has been as tolerant as any nation but that doesn't mean she's devoid of racism and to think otherwise is irresponsible. Poland may be better than anywhere else but she certainly isn't perfect. And don't we all want perfection? Shouldn't we all try for a world with zero racism? And Poland certainly fails that test.
20 Mar 2008
Life / Polish and Czechs [190]

What nationality likes us?

Liechtenstein loves us.
Czechs and Poles have an uneasiness because they were fellow Communist sufferers. Anytime a group of many factions suffers, there is a resentment among these groups (just look at the recent Poles and the Holocaust thread). This is why Ukranians and Poles have a rift (although that one's more complicated and longer). From the mid 1800s through Communism all these Slavic Nations were struggling for Independance and Poland was lucky enough to achieve it quickly so the other nations resent it. That's a simple, slightly Polish-biased version, but hits the mark a bit, I think.
21 Mar 2008
Life / Polish and Czechs [190]

EbonyandBathory wrote:
Liechtenstein loves us.

Then they should invade us, I will be the first to wave white flag :)

They will rename Warsaw Valduz East and they will demand that all art be paintings of comic book panels! Liechtensteiners, all 34 thousand of you, on the march!
1 Apr 2008
Life / Polish movies with English subtitles [87]

Also Criterion issues a box set of three films by Wadja- "Generation," "Kanal," and "Ashes and Diamonds." A&D in my opinion is the greatest Polish film of all time and Kanal is just a few steps behind, although I wish they offered Man of Iron instead of Generation but what can you do. All three have English subtitles as well as great bonus features. They're expensive (around 50 to 70 USD) and you can't buy them separately (at least not through Criterion which does the best job of DVD transfer in the business) but I think they're worth it. If you're into expensive Polish films, the ten part "Decologue" is also breathtaking and it can be ordered through amazon with subtitles, but it will set you back upwards of 100 bucks.
1 Apr 2008
Life / Polish movies with English subtitles [87]

I'm a big fan of the 3 Colors Trilogy myself so hats off to you, isthatu, or in your case, Polish Airborne plk caps off to you.
6 May 2008
Life / Any good Polish films to watch? [110]

"Ashes and Diamonds" is great film by Andrzej Wadja. Other films of his that are a must are "Man of Iron" and "Kanal" but "Ashes and Diamonds" is the finest Polish film of all time, in my opinion. This isn't a single movie but a series, called "The Decologue." It's fantastic as well.
6 May 2008
Life / Any good Polish films to watch? [110]

s it in Polish? (I don't mind in Polish :)) just curious here

They are all in Polish. Depends on the DVD you get, but there should be English subtitles. I'm sorry I don't know the Polish names for the movies, those are the translated English names.
7 May 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

60 years ago. people were not allowed to pee in same toilet.. and thats not
fricken true now..

That's true but America still has a horrible racism problem.

there are racists. but most of them are fricken white supremeist idiots.

This is only half true. The "KKK" kind of racist is a dying breed (Thank God) but racism has morphed into a more sneaky, subtle entity. It lives in the media, and in the criminal justice system, and in hiring practices. People want to believe that racism is gone but it isn't. I wish this wasn't the case, but America is as bad as it was 60 years ago.
13 May 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Hands EbonyandBathory award for most ridiculous statement of the year

I'm not saying that some things aren't better but some things are much worse. There's this perception that Dr. King came and fixed everything and we don't have racism anymore when it's alive and well and THRIVING. Saying that my statement is the most ridiculous of the year (an odd award to be given out in May) underlines my point, that people in America pretend that racism isn't a problem when it's the biggest problem we have. What good is a seat on the bus if you are mocked, stereotyped, and degraded while sitting?
13 May 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Why do you say America has bad racism

Because it does, plain and simple and I can give numerous examples of why it does, both in individual cases and in instituanalized situations. I say what I say not to bash America or to discourage because I love America. America is the greatest country on earth, however it is also the most racist country on Earth. It is this way because it is also the most multicultural. That's the paradox of racism. The USA is the most racist country because it is the most tolerant country. But tolerance and racism are always at odds with each other. Where there is one the other will push against it. That, sadly, is human nature.

My statements are taken as inflamatory because racism isn't what it used to be in this country. Yes, Blacks can sit on the bus and use the same restrooms and run for president and that's great. I'm so pleased to see a Black man on his way to a major pary nomination, but it's well overdue. The race problem in America isn't the KKK anymore, but it's there and it's there big time. I've mentioned this study before but it's very telling so I'll repeat it. In 1965, white people were polled being asked if they felt Blacks had a equal chance of excelling in America. 75% said yes, that everything is equal. In 2005, the same poll was taken with the same results. If we could have been so wrong then, why can't we be so wrong now?

Why are the jails 80% filled with Blacks when they only constitued 20% of the population? And why are Black jail sentences on AVERAGE 4 TIMES LONGER than whites? Why in 140 years of Black sufferage have there been only 6 Blacks elected to higher office? 6! I'm not telling you that you're racist, Kaylyn. Or that Houston is racist or any of that, America is great nation and I love it to death. And I agree with you, the general attitude IS more tolerant than more nations, but I want it to be perfect. And it isn't.
13 May 2008
Love / Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married) [125]

it is a bit creepy to do everything together, you need some space

Absolutely. When my girlfriend and I graduated college last year we moved in together in a small apartment in California. It was a new place and new experience and we were both excited for it, but we'd never lived with each other before and moving in to a tiny studio was absolutely frightening. "When am I going to be alone?" "How can I keep her interested for 24 hours?" "Where will I go when I need some time." But we've kept our heads about it and found things we can do together and things we can do apart, even if were together. She loves naps so she'll conk out for an hour or two and I can do what I want. I love baths so I can spend two hour alone in the tub. In the whole year we've been living together the only two problems we've had that are related to the apartment are that I can't fold a towel apparantly, and that I scream too loud at the baseball games on TV. Hey, both of those problems are my fault, wait a minute....

Relationships are comprimises but they're also learning experiences. If I go to an art gallery with her that I otherwise wouldn't I'll probably learn something, just like she has fun at a hockey game with me even though she probably woudn't go on her own. I don't know if I'm a doormat, but I do consider her feeling before I say or do things and if that makes me ***** whipped then so be it, I suppose. Oh, and I'll hold a purse but ONLY IN DIRE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT REQUIRE THE ATTENTION OF BOTH YOUR HANDS, LADIES.
13 May 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

The bystander cannot fully comprehand racism, unless he/she experiances it.

Terrific point, Miranda. I can learn as much as I like but I will never know how it FEELS to be discriminated or looked at or hated for no good reason. And without that knowledge, I can never really understand.
13 May 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

As a German I get discriminated here on this board all the time...*snif*....I tell ya...

I know, BB, you're a honest to goodness Civil Rights Hero. We all applaud you.
13 May 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Plus, most of the "discrimination" that BB feels has more to do with some of his choice previous comments than it does with his Germanness. Sorry to burst your bubble, BB.
13 May 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Of course, I do, buddy. We may not see eye to eye all the time (this is probably because my superior Polish genes make me taller) but I think your great bloke and an asset to this forum even as a voice of dissent.*

*even in all the sarcasm, most of that statement is said in all seriousness.
9 Jun 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]


I've never seen such angry tolerance. Yeesh.
9 Jun 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

he writes like some american pole to me.

And just what is THAT supposed to mean?
9 Jun 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Oh, I see. Sorry, American Defensiveness has been up lately. Fair enough.