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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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28 Jul 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

I believe dutch women are the tallest or at least most long legged

Good, good. They shall found way to come to us. Or to say, knowing how are dutch Sarmats, too, they shall return to us. One morning we would all awake living in same country. Christ and Svetovid would arrange to it, I am sure.
28 Jul 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

You people are naive. Serbians are tallest and most robust Europeans. How anybody sane can deny their beauty to them?
28 Jul 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

All in all, bottom line is that Slavs are stronger, nicer and all that, so Silesians are Slavs, not Germanic. What is very very good because it correspond with fact of their Slavic (ie Sarmatian) origin.
28 Jul 2017
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]


generally. As you said.

Why would they?

some of them? because they feel like normal Europeans, for example. You know, in former Yugoslavia was many Bosnian muslims that were normal Europeans, prior NATO, EU and Islamic league made a deal and manipulated with them and introduced on them Nazi-Islam ideology (created by Germany During WWII).

the person who wrote this is just making up some nonsense to be provocativ

Many here would say that you talk about me

you do see that dont you Crowie?

Its just glad to me that I`m not the only crazy on this forum
28 Jul 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

I will again nicely and calmly say- Silesians are Slavic, not Germanic. God didn`t even had plans for Germanics when Slavs lived in what is now Germany.
28 Jul 2017
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

To all of you! You are wonderful! I am so glad reviving this discussion!

Blessings of Christ and Svetovid on you, dobri prijatelju.

Yes, I feel wonderful and wish the same to you.

no you do not, what nonsense.

Tell me, what is nonsense there. Will you
28 Jul 2017
History / Greatest Polish and Slavic scientists, their discoveries, inventions and achievements [27]


Interesting thing is that many considered Einstein to be greatest human scientist ever. But, with recent new discoveries, it is proved that Einsteins theory of relativity and his other work have serious flaws. If we add to it that he was not quite good in mathematics and that Einsteins formulas represent work of his Serbian wife, Mileva Maric Einstein, position of Einstein as best scientist and mind ever is seriously undermined.

Now, compare Tesla`s legacy to that of Einstein. Both man are by Smithsonian considered to be among 10 greatest humans that ever walked on Earth. Both man were awarded with Nobel Prize. Einstein got it, while Tesla refused to accept Nobel Prize, because considered that Nobel Prize isn`t objective (this act and opinion of Tesla, as time would prove, effectively killed credibility of Nobel prize as most serious scientific institution).

Anyway, while Einsteins theories falling test of time, Tesla`s theories are more and more popular, more and more credible and stronger. Also, Tesla alone himself did his mathematical formulas. Not only that is by experts Tesla considered to be father of Second Industrial Revolution but also father of Third Industrial Revolution that even didn`t happen yet (and won`t happen soon). Tesla`s discoveries are far too advanced and new scientists, following Tesla`s paths always and always prove him right and prosper deeper in the matter thanks to following Tesla. It is said that even 200 years in the future from now, people would be still fascinated with Tesla`s work, as if he didn`t die but share that future with humanity.

What I want to tell you, quite most probably that with Serbian Tesla, we Slavs got most brilliant mind that humanity ever had.


Nikola Tesla
27 Jul 2017
History / Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto? [582]

When we are at Auschwitz, just to expand our view, let us see what one article bringing to us > something founded inspired by Auschwitz but turned to be even worse then Auschwitz >

Croatian WW2 death camp Jasenovac was "worse than Auschwitz"

Jasenovac and other camps in its "system" were different from other Nazi camps because, according to the testimonies of the survivors, torture there was much more monstrous than in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps.

27 Jul 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

@Dirk diggler

Everything on Baltic, Adriatic, Black sea line was and is 100% core Sarmatian (ie Slavic) territory. In fact, once, on its maximum, Sarmatian realm was from Scotland via most of Europe to Eurasia, Anatolia and all the way to Ind river. Germans started as romanized Sarmatian villages and city states in Roman province of Germania. It is just so simple. And I f*** them
26 Jul 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Title of this thread greatly upsets me. Of course that Silesians aren`t Germanics. Germanics themselves aren`t Germanics but former Slavs.
26 Jul 2017
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Then don`t worry. You`ll get extra diversity. Just walk round the next corner and one muja would be there waiting.
25 Jul 2017
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles

Oh, that? I understand that. I am dreamer myself. Back then in our deep past, when Sarmatian realm stretched on inter-continental level, ancients had good life. Everything was more simple in the land of green and land of free. Not that it was easy but, man was a man and woman was a woman. Child, too. You had solidarity in everything and you had plenty of opportunities to live as `lone wolf. One could travel on all four sides of the world, all his life and. one could never see anything else but only land of Sarmatians.
25 Jul 2017
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

"Serb" most probably meant 'kinsman' in proto-Slavic.

Most probable `Serb` coming from the word (verb) such is `to collect` (in Serbian- `sakupljati`, `sabirati`). In Ukrainian language its `zbirati` [what because of that `z` reminds me of Russian Empress Catharine the Great who was of Lusatian Serbian origin, originally was Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst]. Then also in Polish `zbierać`. In Russian `sobirat`. In Czech `sbirat`. Etc. Lingustic stance is that speaking about meaning of Serbian ethnic name ultimately we coming to the `great mass of people` that was comprehend as one, united, around something. Explanations goes from things such are `united effort in collecting the food` to the `unity in defense/war campaign`.

But, if we follow logic of Serbian language (not sure for Polish on this one), `kinsmen` would be in connection to Serbian word `rod/rodjak, rasa` (cousin, race) that refers to `kinship` in same tribal and even racial origin. But, later more on this. Topic is very interesting.

In any case, attempting to understand meaning if ethnic name of Serbs we would learn much about Sarmatian name that in its original (native given) form was based on `Serb` name. In that sense think of local variations of Sarmatian name (that is foreign given form) within realm of our ancients > Serbja, Serby, Srbi, .... Then, we have variation preserved in the name of Siberia in Russia or even Sorbona in France (this example forcing me to think that maybe `Sorb` form existed within realm of the ancients as one of native forms (in some region) but, later, after assimilation and destruction of natives that form turned to be, by invaders, also assimilated and used to designate rest of Serbs/ie Sarmatians).
24 Jul 2017
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

The name "Sorb" is not related with the name "Serb",

`Sorb` is foreign give designation for Slavs who call themselves Serbs. So go check for yourself how Lusatians designate themselves. Same as Adriatic/Balkan Serbs.

Now, how name `Serb` come to be from Baltic and Northern Europe to Adriatic via Central Europe to South-Eastern Europe and Balkans? Its because ethnic name `Serb` represent last trace of once universal and original name of all Slavs (Sarmatian name- that is itself foreign given form, while `Serb` represent original form). There, from Northern to South-Eastern Europe, along the Danube, was located backbone of ancient Sarmatian realm (that`s why name survived in use to the modern times). It was wide core. Now imagine what were limits of Sarmatian world if Danube was center. It was wast world, on inter-continental level.
23 Jul 2017
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Does Lusatian have something related to Lusos? (Portuguese ethnicity)?

Well, it's clearly of Latin origin, that's for sure.

No. Word `Luzica` is of Slavic origin. Very old word, ancient. Its `spoon`, literally. But, I founded somewhere that word actually refers to `tongue` as body organ, like in the case with `jaw` (in Serbian language its `vilica`) and fork (in Serbian `viljuška` and even exactly `vilica`) [jaw= vilica > fork=viljuška/vilica]. Also spot, `vile` (in Serbian/most Slavic) and `villas` (in English).

ENG - spoon
sl. - žlica
sr/hr. - lazica, žlica, kasika
mk. - лажица
bg. - лъжица
cz. - lžíce
sk. - lyžica
pl. - łyżka
ru. - ложка
be. - лыжка
ua. - ложка
gls.- łžica
dls.- łžyca
csb.- łëżka

Slavs (ie Sarmatians) were ``native American Indians`` of ancient Europe. So always expect something very old and primordial, something that would give you insights in thinking of first humans of Europe and how they formed their language.
23 Jul 2017
History / Greatest Polish and Slavic scientists, their discoveries, inventions and achievements [27]

Nikola Tesla was an ethnic Serb (100%) :)) from Lika, with American citizenship, correct.


And let me add. By Tesla`s last wish his complete documentation and archive was sent to Serbia, in Belgrade, after Tesla died.

He was born in Croatia and he worked in America, so he's American.

Correction. If we were to be precise. Tesla was born in Austro-Hungaria, in back then military Krajina what was later included in Croatia. Therefore, Tesla was never citizen of Croatia but of Austro-Hungaria and later of USA.

Also, its good to know that Serbian Orthodox Church and house in Lika, Smiljan village (Serbian Krajina) where Tesla`s father served as priest (and had great library where Tesla first time sow the book, at a time when by A-H law education was forbidden to Serbs in Krajina) was during WWII set on fire and destroyed by Nazi pro-German Croat ustashe. Before burning Church ustashe hanged Serbian priest inside and then forced many Serbian villagers into the Church (man, woman, children, elderly people). Complete village was burned with people within houses and ustashe with their bayonets played with Serbian little babies and children. At the end of bestial killing orgy, ustashe razed village to the ground, destroying even foundations of the houses so that no trace remain of Serbians in Smiljan.