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Janusz Korwin Mikke - controversial Polish politician [43]
Never forget: the constitution defines Poland's economy as a social market economy. That is not a cut-throat, run-away capitalist economy which serves only the financial elite and their wannabe flunkies.
Not me that claimed that he was a man of the free market ;)
Wasn't the "social market economy" rather the work of the SLD, by the way? You'll know better than me, but weren't the SLD still quite social democratic in the 1993-1997 period?
He met young supporters of the free market.
Hahahaha. Meeting one group of people means nothing - as I showed you, Duda signed a concordat of sorts with Solidarność requiring him to try and implement policies that directly contradict the free market. Anyway, if he believed in the free market, why would he promise huge amounts of welfare?
If you say, that Duda cooperates with trade unions, so I tell you, that PO cooperates with them even more.
Hahahahahaha. Now you're really making me laugh :D PO have very little to do with the trade unions - they're forced into cooperating with them because of the constant threats of strikes, but in general, PO are not allied at all with trade unions. Do stop posting such rubbish :D
The same with education, ane I think, that more and more people are realising, that there is no other way, than the privatization of these sectors.
Bwahahahaa. Come back when you've actually reached voting age ;)
If this was true, why are all the best universities in Poland public universities? The private ones have had 25 years to try and catch up, yet only really Kozminski (or however it's spelt...) is anywhere near the standard needed.
He has the biggest support of the people on street. No other politician in Poland can gather so many people on the ad hoc meeting.
This is just too much :D
Korwin-Mikke has nowhere near that level of support. Nowa Prawica (which was much more than just JKM at that point) won only 580,000 votes in the European elections last year. Those elections are always associated with a high protest vote (InPolska, didn't the FN win big in those elections too in France?) - and cannot be taken seriously. In a non-proportional election (the Presidential election) - JKM won a mere 486,000 votes.
The real support for Korwin-Mikke is around 2-3%.
I tell you what: the more Poles are attacked by people, like you, the more we will organise ourselfes and the more we will engage in enforcing Poland and our nation
Sorry, but your nation is already under the control of Germany. Deal with it.