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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 2 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11632 / Live: 3887 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
4 Oct 2010
News / Polish IQ ahead of France, USA, Canada, Israel, Ireland... [47]

In terms of IQ Poland shares 16th place with Hungary and Spain and outranks, the US, Canada, Israel, Ireland and others...

A link to that? Where is Germany???

If it is the one I think it is Germany is still leading together with Austria and Holland with 102
(and both are proxy Germans anyhow) :)
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media? [226]

Would you like to share something with the forum, BB? ;)

I find it hilarious and quite pathetic that whenever there is a polish woe the finger pointing goes to Germany...even as far as the US.

The US was Germany's enemy in two world wars but still german influence should have been so strong to powerfully influence and build a negative polish image who was not only not an enemy but an ally??? polish eyes quite possible...

You are all paranoid whiners!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media? [226]

-- The absence of an independent Poland meant that much of what made its way into the American mainstream about Poland came from German government, scholarly or media sources (and the Master Race mentality predated the Hitler years);

Any links for that?

-- Polish immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were the largest single group of Central-East European bread-seekers that came to America, and naturally had to take all the arduous, low-paying jobs;

That would have been the Germans...

It's easy enough to point the finger at external forces, so it should be stressed that Polish people are also to blame.

Nah...t'was the Germans all the time! Even torturing them in the USA...

The way her Polish family was presented is how still most Americans sees Polish people.

There must be a German somewhere making this series!!!
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

How would you prevent an extremist rally congregating on your front lawn?

We have another much more scary law for that: "Ruhestörung"!
You call the police and after 5 minutes all is over...

So BB, why do we have moderators on PF?

For kidnapping and torturing poor little helmets (and their wearers)

My lawyer is bigger than yours and would kick your lawyer's ass.

Mine has hair on her chest!
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

I am saying, you are a member of society and with that you have the right to exist and have your own identity and thoughts, without being in fear of your life.

And the Hate-speech-law is telling me that???

In fact this type of censorship is what I was told communism was like and is an infringement to our rights, in my opinion.

THAT's what I was telling all the time! It IS a sign of a dictatorship!!!

Okay...I'm leaving now before you are calling me a thickheaded stupid and I call my lawyer!

Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Hate crimes...hate has the same whiff to me.

The idea behind it might have been good, to stop holocaust denial, to make society somewhat nicer, to make races more friendlier to each other but it achieved nothing of that kind.

Racists stay racists, holocaust deniers still deny, society is still the same old but lawyers have alot new cases and everybody now can become the focus of an self righteous snitch.
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

The main reason they probably didn't need hate speech laws is because they would have just burnt you at the stake for being a witch.

...and I would have told them what I think of them VERY explicitely!!!

"Teachers are being forced to report children as young as three to the authorities for using alleged 'racist' language, it was claimed last night".

That's exactly what I meant Seanie!

It get's abused far to much...and does this law really stop people from bullying others verbally? I don't think so...
Best thing is till to give back as good as you get!
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Opinions are opinions but his speech was inflammatory and designed to bring about anarchy. can say that about every successfull politician and foremost he wanted to get to power.
And he is dead!

Hate speech laws are a quite recent development in the democratic West, brought to us by the same people who enriched us with their ideal of Multikulti and Socialism.

I wonder why commie speak never features here...Commies killed many more people than Nazis but it's somehow always the neo-nazis (think every conservative right from the left) who have to be kept under observation through these hate-speech laws...and by whom?


I would not like to see any extremist movement rallying down the road from me, inciting hatred and watching the sub-sequential aftermath.

You are a wuss! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Incitement to riot.

And??? So what???
Seanie...the world lived with that since eternity!!!

The only ones who needed "laws" controlling speeches and thoughts had been dictatorships, don't you get this?

You are for example okay to have extremist rallies promoting hate?

I have to accept it from our dear muslims, haven't I? And there is nothing I can do about it!

But beware I might look at one of them funny...
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

If we try to harm other people, then yes.

Get real, how can you harm other people through talking!!!
They weren't harmed during the last millenias but during the last 20 years they suddenly started
to drop down dead???

And no, Hitler was a child of the aftermath of wasn't his talking what brought the
Nazis to power.
I talk alot too...some really mean things and still I'm not going out gassing Jews tomorrow!
Hitler is such a overused smokescreen for thought control and censorship fans it also stopped
being funny awhile back!

"Hate speechers" aren't trying to avoid another Hitler - they rather follow him and his Gestapo!
What's next? Re-education/Concentration camps?
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

But an eye has to be kept on Neo-Nazis and Extremist Muslims (especially for you DZ) to make sure they don't go around killing or destroying people.

See...that is the problem!
We don't have an omnipotent, wise, objective judge whose decisions what is despicable hate speech and what is just freedom of speech are respected and agreed on!

In Germany I've heard about a curios event as one got accused of making a Hitler Greeting...but the poor bugger just reached up to a book on a book shelf...

That is not funny anymore when you think about that!

It's a society of snitchers and informers in the making...EVERYBODY can accuse EVERYBODY on saying a wrong thing.
And on the political stage it's just a weapon to beat your adversary with...even if he is far from being a neo-nazi!
It get's abused left and right!!!

So what if the few neo's and the muslim extremist use hate speech (they do it anyhow)?
Is it worth that we have to watch everything we say?
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

In fairness, that was a prudent precaution, had this measure been taken after the first world war, perhaps we wouldn't have had a second, well that might be a but too optimistic but at least not a second so quickly.

Dunno...censorship didn't help either the Nazis nor the Commies in the I doubt forbidding "hate speech" will be more successful.
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Here's the part about for Germany

Thank you...but Germany doesn't count!
We started out occupied under surveillance of the occupying powers...most of these kind of law had to to with the de-Nazification in the West and with the Communization in the East.

The following govs never changed them, they only rephrased and adapted them.
Freedom of speech in Germany died with the Weimar Republic.

But "Hate Speech" is a kind of new western concept...stemming from those countries who actually did everything to fight the Nazis and their censorship..wonders never cease.
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

All hate speech is illegal

What is hate speech and who decides it?
When I say "I hate terrorist islamists" is that Hate Speech???
When Irving tries to proof that the Holocaust isn't what the main stream thinks it is is that Hate speech???

Where does it start and where does it end? "Hate speech" is just another leftie concept the world doesn't need!
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

Hiwis...a bit of everything!

...Russians in the German Army can be put into three groups:

* First: Soldiers mobilized by German troops, so-called Cossack sections, attached to German divisions.

* Second: Voluntary Assistants (Hilfswillige) - Local civilians or Russian prisoners who volunteer or Red Army soldiers who desert to join the Germans. These wear full German uniform with their own ranks and badges. They eat like German soldiers and they are attached to German regiments.

* Third: Russian prisoners doing the dirty jobs, kitchens, stables and so on.

...then there were the Osttruppen:

Ostlegionen (literally "Eastern Legions") or Osttruppen ("Eastern Troops") were conscripts and volunteers from the occupied eastern territories recruited into the German Army of the Third Reich during the Second World War.

The staff of the disbanded 162nd Infantry Division in Poland was charged with the raising and training of the six Eastern Legions. It eventually raised and trained 82 battalions. A total of 98 battalions were raised with 80 serving on the Eastern Front and in the Balkans. 12 were later transferred to France and Italy in 1943.

A true european army!

the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad, where they added up to about 25% (50,000) of the front-line strength. Some German divisions had a higher ratio-for example, the 71st and 76th Infantry had parity between German and "Hiwi" manpower.[1]

Bratwurst Boy   
23 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Why do you hate Poles so much? Why are you still here? Don't you have any better things to do?!


Have you ever done anything to change it?!

Hey...I'm since 10,980 posts the main ambassador of Germany in often enough hostile polish territory!
I'm the number one contact person to discuss polish-german topics and to present the german side of the arguments and to negotiate understanding and compromises (mostly that is).

What have YOU done????

PS: Either the Poles have mellowed or I have...I remember the PF of my youth very much more aggressive and combat ready against everything german than today...hmmm...
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

I agree that Poles can and should be proud of being polish, of polish history, of polish achievements...buuuut...what is this "especially polish thing"?

What makes you different to others??? You know...Germans the mechanics...French the cooks...Italians the lovers...Polish the...?
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

*believe it or not - I've never stolen a car in my life! :)* are the one!

Besides - we are, on average, more intelligent, more honest, more handsome and spritually and morally superior to any other nation in the world (and that of course doesn't arouse warm feelings towards us in all those lesser nations).

Yeah...wishful thinking and all that but seriously now...

PS: And we are so much more handsome!!!! But believe it or not Germans suffer some bad stereotypes too...fat, hairy (the women), dour, humourless, arrogant...I wonder where they got that from..must be that mean polish propaganda! :(
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]


Honestly...most people have no idea about the grande time of the Polish/Lithuanian empire and the Szlachta and all that.

Modern people remember Poland as either partitioned (if they are interested in central european history that is) or occupied or commie...nothing of which speaks especially of freedom.

That many international Jews still hold a grudge against Poland beaten only by their grudge against Germany doesn't help either...nor does the millions of Poles EMMIGRATING from Poland away into the land of the free (the US and others) strengthen the impression that Poland is a country of freedom and tolerance itself.

Just my two pfennigs..