The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 1768 / Live: 384 / Archived: 1384
From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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16 Dec 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Maybe we should circumcize all mammal males?

y'know, i've never heard that suggestion before but it does open up an entire new avenue of debate regarding our animal nature. It's an argument that could be used against you by some but as I firmly believe we are animals in every sense of the word, i'magonnagoahead and say this is a trump hand. Well done!
15 Dec 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

Humans are not selfless

nor are we capable of understanding the self depends on the group- too many wannabe chiefs no matter where ya go.
15 Dec 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

Wrocław Boy is correct.

But don`t you understand that any attempts of artifical redesigning of our culture are harmful and have always ended with disaster, no matter if done in communist, fascist or democratic countries?

One could turn around and claim you don't seem to understand that the result we are presently at is not due to some "invisible hand," it is from attempts at redesigning society. Incidentally, what, in your opinion constitutes "artificial" design or redesign of a culture?
13 Dec 2011
Life / The Adult Entertainment Industry in Poland? [67]

I remember watching an exercise video on youtube featuring some well known "online celebrity" named Zuzana.

I remember trying to do a couple of her exercise routines. That girl is capital EF EYE TEE- FIT. I had heard about her past "career" and thought she must be really proud of herself to have found a much better direction in life, probably more challenging as well.
11 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

why does every 3rd member on this thread seem to have resentment towards milky? I don't see any reason for it, is it because of something not in this thread?
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

This has got to be the most ridiculous thread on this forum- no truth to it what so ever.
28 Nov 2011
Life / Do Polish people have a good ear for music? [90]

Look at your thread title and tell me where I can find the word "you" in it.
Do you think Polish people have a good ear for music?
Some do, some don't, just like in any other place.
28 Nov 2011
Life / Do Polish people have a good ear for music? [90]

OP- some do and some don't, why would you assume it's all or nothing? Some think you have a good ear for music, some don't and some don't care.
28 Nov 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

According to your belief the Germans should not apologize full stop.

It's like you're purposely being stupid. When I say "Germany or Russia didn't do harm to Poland" what I'm saying is neither Germany, Russia nor Poland are set individuals. Some 10 year-old kid in Russia didn't have anything to do with hurting anyone in Poland or anywhere else. Yet that kid is Russia. A 32 year old assembly worker- should he feel guilt? What about an au-pair living abroad? Should she feel guillt? Should that 10-year old feel a sense of guilt? The guilty should feel guilt and no one else. If you can't digest that then you've no business being in this conversation.

No that's your argument using the terminology you defend.

No, but that is exactly what your ideas imply and that is the logical end step of your belief, perhaps your'e to stupid too realize it.

The very conclusion I wrote is where the terminology you use will lead you to. That's not on me punk, that's your problem. If you don't like it then change your way of communicating.

And how else do the Germans do that except through the actions of the state which represents them, just as it did in WWII.

That's none of my business, the only thing I objected to then as I do now is to speak about any entire society of people as one singular entity. It's a stupid way to communicate complex ideas for stupid people- I can see why it appeals to you. What I find utterly exasperating is that you actually fail to see or deny seeing the messed up conclusions one can logically come up with if we accept such oversimplifications.

Everything I've written has been in an effort to show you exactly what logical end YOU HAVE TO arrive at IF YOU USE THE TERMINOLOGY YOU'RE DEFENDING. I have only attacked the terminology for being inaccurate and overly simplistic.

27 Nov 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

It's interesting how when you are loosing the argument you resort to personal abuse

Well seeing as you started with an insult it goes to show you had lost before you even started. Look champ, I'm not commenting on ww2 suffering, you brought that topic in and the only reason why I can imagine you did that is because you're either really really stupid and can't see how it isn't relevant to the essence of what I stated or you knew your argument is flawed so you started to argue towards a point (that I didn't make) where you can be first to shout "racist!" Sorry, you're really not up to this and it showed before you even got out of the gate. Your "trap" was and is entirely in your imagination and if you believe that to be sophistication then you are beyond help.

The fact that you have omitted the second part of my post speaks volumes

Yes it does.

because you just realized that your belief if put into practice would mean that the German government would have never apologized for its past

No that is not the reason why. If the Germans want to feel a collective responsibility then that's their decision. Notice the word in bold here kid because that IS the only thing I've been arguing here and you still haven't got it.

Or I am getting you wrong,

Completely. I am not commenting on what happened you imbecile. Until otherwise proven, ww2 isn't up for debate and why you're insinuating it is reveals a great many unflattering things about you.

since you believe that the present generation bears no reprehensibility for the past

I never stated that.

I only showed you that if we are to use these analogies where by we refer to a country as person then that is exactly the belief YOU WOULD HAVE TO HAVE. Let's back it up again kid and see if you can catch the train this time. This is using the terminology YOU have defended.

If your father/son murdered someone, would you feel any sense of responsibility or guilt for the victims fate?

Ok present day "Germany" becomes the child and Nazi "Germany" becomes the father:

A father commits a terrible crime, he kills and tortures 6 members of a family (let's say there's 40 people in the family) and 6 other people from other families. Do we make his children pay restitution? The courts of most western countries generally seem to say "no."

Is it now clear why referring to societies in such simplistic and reduced terms is a very dangerous thing? Do you now see how issues can become clouded? Do you now understand how ascertaining the intricacies of societal and cultural matters is lost in such reductions?

f'n hell can any other regular posters here verify if that is clear?
26 Nov 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

I see so what you are saying is that nobody bears responsibility for the Holocaust, and the survivors/victims should get over it.

No, in no way shape or form is that what I stated nor can I understand how a rational thinking person could come to that conclusion based on the words I wrote. You are literally too stupid to understand the basic premise being stated and perceive anything that doesn't fit to your narrow view of the world to be some kind of hate speech. You have no argument and cannot make relevant the points you've been trying to argue so, at last when you realize your point of view is bankrupt, you start trying to label what I'm saying as right wing.

Here's a task for you: Go highlight the words you think I typed which you think are represented by radical right wing groups, not your dumb a.s.s. interpretation, just the actual words. Go boy! Fetch!
26 Nov 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

I understand you very well,

The problem is you don't understand yourself at all!

Like I mentioned before a government is representative of its nation, especially a government that has been elected by them as was the case with the Nazis who were democratically elected by the German people to represent them. Hitler and the Nazis weren't backward in coming forward about what their polices were, they spelled them out in very clear detail.

I highlighted a key word for you in your rant. That was quite some time ago, the perpetrators are overwhelmingly dead. The people they once represented are either dead or a very small aging minority. Never mind that I can almost choose at random at with great frequency countries in which the government doesn't truly represent the wishes of the majority.

Putting it in a simple way.

THAT'S THE PROBLEM! It cannot be reduced to a "simpler way" because it is infinitely more complex than that! You have just shown that YOU DON'T understand the problem with that AT ALL.

If your father/son murdered someone, would you feel any sense of responsibility or guilt for the victims fate?

Firstly, if it were my son then I'd feel a sense of guilt. If it were my father- I feel no sense of guilt for any of his transgressions, I wasn't around to give him guidance.

Secondly the stupid analogy you've tried to illustrate would make the equivalent to the father and not the son being a scourge on humanity. At an individual level, courts tend to uphold the notion that children do not bear responsibility for their parents' actions. Even if your analogy had any ground, you'd have lost it there.

Thirdly, it's a retarded oversimplification that in no way bears accuracy to the complexity of a society. I'm sorry but I really suspect you're just simply unintelligent to the point you aren't capable of grasping this. You like simple ideas that can be summed up in a phrase or two because that's about as much as you can process.

Run along now and go waste someone else's time.
26 Nov 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Sounds like moral relativism. What you say is quite simply crap.

If it sounds like that it's because you read it wrong, out loud. Shut up and listen!

According to your logic Germany should feel no compunction in apologizing for the past

No, that's what you imagine my logic to be but I don't think of a nation as one living and breathing entity like I would a person- your inability to think differently is preventing you from absorbing the point being made. The idea that Germany, or any other nation is some entity that gets up in the morning, has something to eat and then is out the door and off to work and thinks in one mind about topic x is naive at best.

To speak of (any) entire society rolled up into one character is the kind of simplicity that appeals to dim wits and it is the stuff the mob is made of.

As for the victims, all I will say is that I am sure they knew perfectly well who was responsible for their fate

Sure they do and it certainly wasn't Hanz who's all of 25 years old and works as a nurse in Heidelberg. Who exactly is to "bear collective responsibility" in your opinion? All Germans (or Italians or Russians) alive today?

That's the same attitude that dumb yanks have when some kid exclaims "we won ww2," never mind he's not even lived enough to know the difference between his arse and his elbow.
25 Nov 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

I'll state this again and as many times as need be repeated for you ignorant folks who still cling to such simplifications: a country is not an entity in the same way a person is. To say "Germany or Russia has done harm to Poland" is an oversimplification of such colossal proportions that not only a disservice is done to us and our children but it is literally spitting on the suffering of those who did so in the past.
5 Nov 2011
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

It is the bastion in which Polish Culture is stored. Kielbasa is the lance. Vodka is the sword. Beer is the shield. feel free to add your own or change mine...
5 Nov 2011
Travel / What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm? [71]

I don't know about you guys but I really enjoy it when no one can speak English (or very very little) and I have to look stuff up in a dictionary and make my way through the confusion of a foreign language. This is why Italy is awesome: )
4 Nov 2011
Travel / What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm? [71]

Cheers seanus. I think people have lost sight of what it means to visit a foreign country. It's more than just luxurious spas, that, quite frankly, are all probably very similar to one another. It's about connecting with people and feeling like you're some place unique, not just a place where they speak english with a funny accent and the McDonald's menu is hard to read.
31 Oct 2011
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

Therefore your “Forest” may simply be translated in to Polish “Las”, but is “forest” in your mind same “forest” that I relate to?

The same is true within a language though. An Englishman in and around Devon will have a different notion of what a forest is than an Alaskan. We could do the same thing with someone who grows up on the coast vs someone who grows up on the plains and their concepts of what a boat is. Or a child and an adult and their concepts of what it means to be strong. The point being is that perfect understanding short of telepathy isn't going to happen but vocabulary is the best way we have of getting there so far.
30 Oct 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

I could be wrong, but to me this is not an issue in Poland. Just their own personal preference.

Very well done.

Next we'll ask why Polish men grow mustaches...who cares, it doesn't hurt them or anyone else. It's part of their culture and ought to be respected.
23 Oct 2011
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

germans like or tend to control/rule. if they see the chance they will do that

Poles are exactly the same, it's just that they tend to do a worse job of controlling and managing compared to their Germanic neighbors. Are we to fault the Germans for doing better in this regard.

This is so typical of Polish thinking- whatever the problem is, it's completely someone else's fault.

Germany constantly works against Poland, on all meridians- in neighborhood of Poland, in areas close to Poland and in any strategic area of Europe where they can harm Poland`s vital interests.

It that really is the case then perhaps it's time to try to amend this in ways that haven't failed in the past. If it's really the case then ffs figure out how to correct it, maybe then Poles will get the respect they feel they deserve by virtue of being Polish.

Start by getting rid of:
-the dog **** every where
-political arrogance and thuggery
-the sh*t storm called infrastructure
-the inability to combine the concepts of efficiency and bureaucracy
-the inability to cooperate unless under a foreign whip
-the absence of standards in everything except bread and kielbasa

*end rant*
22 Oct 2011
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

I agree but what I was getting at is the lack of cooperation between the 2 neighbors is even more important. It is crucial that happens with or without the support of the Vatican.

I return respect to you with equal measure:)