The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Vlad1234  

Joined: 25 Mar 2013 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 21 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 16 / Live: 7 / Archived: 9
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2 Aug 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

It doesn't look like Poland does have any significant discovered Lithium reserves. No European country do. Most of reserves are located in South America.
31 Jul 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

I wouldn't expect all-electric will become dominant in the nearest 50-100 years. Rather it is going to be a varieties of the hybrids. All-electric aren't simply rational taking in account the price and weight of batteries and speed of recharge. It can happen only due to a mandate.


The battery he proposed cannot be recharged electrically. Instead it suppose to be mechanically replaced for a new one.
28 Jul 2020
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

The first objective is to put Polish into Ukrainian schools.

Not a worst idea. I've heard Polish courses started to gain popularity even in some provincial Ukrainian cities. But in every secondary school... Ukrainians need some sound reason for this.
27 Jul 2020
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

Poland should get together with Lithuania

I afraid that the only country who could agree on close political, economic, administrative union with Poland and perhaps recognition of potential Polish leadership is Ukraine. Neither Lithuania, Czech, Slovakia or Hungary will look at such possibility seriously. Possibly Belarus, Serbia, Bulgaria may get interested but they either don't border with Poland or too different politically or have small ground for economic cooperation.
24 Jul 2020
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

Estimate the size of the former German territories that Poland received after WWII.
Do you think Stalin would permit Poland to get them if Poland would fight against USSR together with Germans? Rather he would take them wholly for USSR like he did to Kaliningrad region and settle them with USSR citizens. He could also annex Chelm region of Poland where Ruthenians constituted majority of population in USSR favor. As a result Poland could be 1/3 smaller by now.
24 Jul 2020
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

B) Join Germany

In this case Poland would be defeated together with Japan and Germany in 1945 and its territory could become smaller than now as Stalin wouldn't be as generous by granting Poland with Silesia, East Prussia etc. Instead he could take these or other Polish territories for USSR.
20 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

"All this led to the October Revolution in Petrograd, which quickly spread all over the empire. The Kiev Uprising in November 1917 led to the defeat of Russian imperial forces in the capital. Soon after, the Central Rada took power in Kiev, while in late December 1917 the Bolsheviks set up a rival Ukrainian republic in the eastern city of Kharkov (Ukrainian: Kharkiv) - initially also called the "Ukrainian People's Republic".[1] Hostilities against the Central Rada government in Kiev began immediately. Under these circumstances, the Rada declared Ukrainian independence on January 22, 1918 and broke ties with Russia."
20 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

That state never existed as state of Ukrainian people or nation.

It depends on what to understand under "state of Ukraine". If it is some state with capital city or center of power in Kiev, it already happened in the past. Kiev was a center of power in 10-14-th centuries until Lithuanians captured it. It was a center of power again for a few years or decades in 17-th century after anti-Polish uprising. There were attempts to proclaim independent Ukraine in 1918 with capital in Kiev. During times of USSR Ukraine was officially a REPUBLIC with constitutional right to separate and proclaim independence at will.
20 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

Ukrainians need to be Polanified.

I think it's hardly possible unless Ukraine will be administered from Poland, at least partially, or there will be a huge economic cooperation between the two.
15 Jul 2020
News / Poland's demographic, migration & fertility rate disaster [34]

A few bucks more per month wont convince them.

A few bucks of course not. I suggest for such country as Germany or Canada a subsidy should be around 100-200 thousands per each child to change situation seriously.
15 Jul 2020
News / Poland's demographic, migration & fertility rate disaster [34]

But in Canada majority of population are native Europeans. Why must not they be interested in their own future and survival as a species? And whom do you mean under "Canadian natives"? We have West Indians (aboriginals) here, but their fertility rates and survival not under threat, from what I know.
15 Jul 2020
News / Poland's demographic, migration & fertility rate disaster [34]

I want to create an international movement which would proclaim ethnic Europeans an "endangered species on the verge of extinction" and have a program to provide a huge subsidies from governments and private funds to increase fertility rates among ethnic Europeans everywhere in the World. I live in Canada, but officially I cannot register a political party until I have at least around 255 party members and signatures. If you want to join or have any comment or suggestions, please do it. For now I don't know any registered party with the same clear agenda.
9 Jul 2020
Travel / Poland has less sunshine than the UK and Holland? [15]

Many countries in EU have more Sun than Poland. For example Bratislava - 2038, Budapest - 1988, Zagreb - 1888, Dubrovnik - 2670. This is if you need Slavic or Eastern European (by culture) countries.
9 Jul 2020
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

Just cooling, what takes even more energy than heating in colder climates.

Do you know it for sure and from personal experience? Can you compare bills for heating and air conditioning for the same house/apartment?
8 Jul 2020
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

So, if green lobby succeeds, forget about nuclear.

Which countries except Germany and few other (including Italy) decided to outlaw nuclear energy? Russia, China, India have plans to develop nuclear energy and build new type of plants. Plants of a new type could be much safer and produce

much less nuclear waste.
8 Jul 2020
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

Air conditioners work on electricity, commonly. In winter air pumps (practically air conditioners in reverse) could be used. They are not more expensive by total costs than natural gas. Nuclear power or renewables could be used to produce electricity. Again it is not more expensive than to burn hydrocarbons. Trains could work from power lines. Biofuel could be used a bit more widely.
8 Jul 2020
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

People, don`t invest in benzine/diesel cars. Wait for electric cars to be cheaper.

It's difficult to predict, but I wouldn't expect all-electric cars to dominate in the nearest 50-100 years. Rather it will be different varieties of hybrids. But fuel consumption will likely fall a several times.
8 Jul 2020
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

Hydrocarbons as energy resource relatively soon to be canceled but as industrial resource their use will only increase.

That's true, but still I would expect a long term prices depreciation.
8 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

In western Ukraine time will work for Poland. In rest, time will work for Russia.

Not necessarily. Globally time works against Russia. I would wish it develop socially and economically, but from what I know it doesn't. Demand and prices for hydrocarbons will continue to fall. Western economic sanctions will continue to increase as well. I doubt it will change even in 30 years. Russia will desperately need foreign investments. It wouldn't be able to invest in Ukraine a lot.
7 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

I don't think any major partition of Ukraine is likely in the nearest 30 years. Especially without a major citizenship war. Western Ukraine didn't attempt to separate even when pro-Russian Yanukovich was in power. And Russia doesn't want take even Donetsk (which would be a huge economic burden for Russia). I cannot imagine scenario when Ukraine will split up farther than Crimea or Donetsk. Neither majority of politicians or common masses want it.