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Posts by Joker  

Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 7 hrs ago
Threads: 2
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From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

Stick around there, JokerLOL

Im locked and loaded:)

Merkel's simply attempting to apologize for the past to show that not all Germans are or were monsters!

An apology is one thing, but letting you country be destroyed in the name of PC is treason upon the native German people.

U.S. citizens have been denied getting into a cab driven by a Muzzi

In Chicago, most ppl stop taking taxis because of the nasty stench of the paki drivers who don't bathe.

Ride share programs such as Uber and Lyft and putting them out of business:)
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

If he is a US citizen than he can.

I asked him before why he didn't vote in the last election and he gave me a lame excuse.

With all his belly aching about American policies on this forum one would think he would take the time to go vote.

I doubt he's even legal to vote, if he is, then it`s a shame that he didn't and should put a sock in it and spare us from the ultra liberal diatribe.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

If the Germans feel this great need to apologize then it should be towards the Jewish ppl, not Islamic terrorists. How many Muslims died at Auschwitz?

This theory doesn't hold water and has nothing to do with WWII and everything that pertains to PCness, which is destroying Europe.
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

How about the guy that called White ME the N word ?

Why is it ok for them to call me N***** but if say the word its racist?
Then they turn around and sell CD`s of what they claim to be music to White 12 year old children (biggest consumers) full of profanity and the constant N word.
13 Nov 2017
News / Referendum in Poland about so called refugees. [56]

(think this term will soon become our local PF's slang :))

Back in 2008 you would be a big hit! lol

If they don't like it, they're free to leave.

Hmmmmm, Where have I heard this before????

How nice of an expat to ask someone else to leave a country that they aren't a citizen of.....Priceless!!!!
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

Support for PiS, Trump, Brexit, Le Pen, AfD correlates strongly with low levels of education and living away from big towns.

Of course you haven't any facts to back up this lefty propaganda?
13 Nov 2017
News / Streets closed in Warsaw during NATO summit [146]

Here's a map of the roads closed to traffic

Very informative jon, good job.

Hey, have the streets opened up yet? It has been years of anti-NATO post form Crow....yawn!

Not to mention the incoherent ramblings of a madman.....
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

Yes there are plenty of facts, already posted in the Brexit, Trump and Various PiS threads.

just like the ones buried so conveniently into the archives by the Brit mods?
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

krupnik there are plenty more studies you can google.

Why would I need to google when you provide all the fake news for us?

Time to go to work for me

Have fun at czerwone jablasko!!
16 Nov 2017
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

There's a few decent clubs where the crowd is mostly Poles esp Stereo, Martini Bar and the infamous now closed Jedynka.

I miss Jednyka or before that it was called 123`s Italians owned it the whole That Martini Bar is a huge rip-off imo. I remember they sawed their cheap plastic glasses down to save on liquor and you could almost cut your lip off of it...This was a few years back, I used to live by Belmont/Central, Polonia

A lot of Serbians there who keeps order

Hahaha what a joke! You live in a fantasyland and still don't know wtf you are talking about.

The highest percentage of Polish in the U.S. live in New York, Illinois (Chicago),

More Poles live in Chicago that any other city in the world besides Warsaw, or it used to be years ago.

I don't know why anyone would want to stay around this place much longer than they have too.

Its going to start getting really cold around here and thats a good thing bc it keeps the Pavement Ape crime down.

If thats not enough to make ppl want to move away theres always the joy of being a sanctuary city

You just gotta love what 84 years of Democratic control can do to a city:(
16 Nov 2017
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

So you're claiming that NRA-certified child murderer Adam Lanza was not an NRA member, where's your proof?

He's not a member, go google it for yourself thats all you are capable of doing anyway.

I'd love to be a fly on your wall right now to see the bewildered look on your face. lol

Who in their right mind would listen to a Brit expat on gun control???

Poles don't want to hear his big mouth and American`s couldn't give a rats ass about this troll either.
17 Nov 2017
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

Guns helped free America from the U.K.

Amen to that!

They are still stewing over it.

It`s mostly jealousy. They can't have what we have and never will. If they only would concern themselves with the problems in their own backyards instead of telling we Americans how to live our lives they would be better off. It`s no secret what London has become and Poles shouldn't listen to these leftie limeys either:)
17 Nov 2017
USA, Canada / Polish people/store/restaurants in Chicago [7]

Old Warsaw is a popular restaurant and looks nice inside but thr good isn't that good imo.

Oh Ya, Don't let the name fool you. It has to be the worst Polish Buffet in the world! I know a girl who was a waitress there, they recycle the food and has cockroaches.

I went there years ago and was it horrible....0 Stars!

Jolly inn which is close by has better food and is cheaper.

This place is awesome, has the best Kopytka! As far as buffets are concerned it`s the best in Chicago. 4 Stars!

Czerwone Jablusko used to be decent but the quality has gone downhill, don't go to the one by Belmont/Milwaukee either. 2 1/2 Stars!

If you visit the Copernicus center theres a hidden little gem of a restaurant with babcia cooking in the kitchen.

It`s not expensive and has Polish piwo on tap as well...5 Stars!

Twenty five years ago, there were tons of Polish shops and restaurants along Milwaukee in Avondale,

You might not want to back around there now, especially at night.

Everyone seems to be moving out to the NW too:)
18 Nov 2017
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

Liberal Progressive Politically Correct jon who perpetually posts about America with the highest poverty level of any developed nation in the world.

Its because of the Democratic liberal policies of the past 30 years that have created most of the poverty. This is more prevalent in the crime ridden Democratically controlled sanctuary cities of the USA. He also fails to mention our population dwarfs his rather small country of England, and the ever growing Islamic invasion of Europe.
20 Nov 2017
Life / Are there any Muslim areas in Poland? [173]

Living in Britain it is so refreshing to see the Polish people totally awake to the obvious threat of Islam to their country

Poles definitely don't want their country turning into another Londonistan. Stay strong Poland!!
20 Nov 2017
Life / Are there any Muslim areas in Poland? [173]

No such thing,

Don't start with the misconceptions again, if you choose not to ignore the facts its your problem.

Living in Britain it is so refreshing

Jon357 doesn't believe you and you live there, right?

There is plenty of hard evidence proving the Islamist terrorist plan on taking over the EU. Londonistan is just one city.

actual topic of the thread,

It has everything to do with this thread. Poles say No to terror.
20 Nov 2017
Life / Are there any Muslim areas in Poland? [173]

Poland will be seen as a guiding light to other countries in the near future who are experiencing an obvious Islamic invasion.

I seen what they did to the iconic WEMBLEY district, it has been totally taken over by invasion. What a disgrace!

Poles and Americans should watch and learn from the mistakes of the progressive liberal Brit.
26 Nov 2017
Love / My wife cheated on me abroad with a Polish guy [35]

She cheated, whatever the reason don't mope about on the internet like a loser,

How about it....Go find another girl, she did you a favor! Now, you`re free:)
26 Nov 2017
Love / My wife cheated on me abroad with a Polish guy [35]

she was addicted having sex with me so thats the main reason why she cheated on me abroad.

This skeezebag is probably cheating on you back home as well.

Kick her ass to the curb and find a better one, there are so many other women that are less trampy. She's going to give you an STD one of these days and if you let her get away with it she's going to keep on banging other dudes. Then you're going to feel like a real idiot. Get out while the getting is good!
27 Nov 2017
Love / My wife cheated on me abroad with a Polish guy [35]

destroyed our marriage.

All jokes aside. I would divorce her if I were in your situation.

she wants to pay me the price...

In the US you would be able to rake her over the coals in divorce court.

Humans are apes.

Go shave your back you hairy Serb! LoL
27 Nov 2017
Language / How do I make my Polish sound more 'natural?' [14]

how can I sound more like a native when speaking Polish?

People have told me I speak Polish better after a few beers:)

Polish girls always love my American accent while trying to speak Polish, messing up words, they think its so
2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]

You are talking about America, the land that worships the Dark Arts of Stupidity.

Lets not forget about Brits that still that worship and throw millions of $$ annually to an irrelevant royal family whilst poverty levels increase and Islamic take over persists.

Britain never had anything in the form of the 1st amendment

Thats because they would get flogged by their glorious King or Queen
2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]

The royals have been taking your money for centuries thru the Duchy and sovereign grant and she even owns the sea beds lol
Why would the queen to open up a McDonald's franchise? Just more greed, she's your version of crooked Hillary.
Did you know the queen is really from German ancestry? She's not even a Brit, too funny!
Now, go bow to your false idols
2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]

I'm not jealous at all of your nasty little Country. I think the PC English are spineless jellyfish that allowed London to be taken over by Muslims. Have you been to Wembley lately?

What a hell hole that place has turned into.
And you chimps think you're so superior to the rest of the world ..... lolololol
2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]

There is plenty of video evidence of Londonistan on youtube from multiple different sources as well. You Brits live with blinders on hoping the problem goes away until it bites you in the ass. Perhaps, your Queen will save She doesnt care about her citizens, the homeless are still hungry and shes throwing another wedding party with your money..sad!
2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]

The revenues from TV networks worldwide (especially American ones) for using the live feed from the wedding will bring in millions

Its true, there are too many idiots in America that watch this royal crap. Obviously, you can count on me to turn it off:)

Hard to see how the forthcoming Royal Wedding relates to the racist Międlar

I was just responding to one of the many insults hurled by this Brit towards my country on this thread and others. See below for example.

You are talking about America, the land that worships the Dark Arts of Stupidity.

2 Dec 2017
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

If so cultural enrichment brings also causes murder. Should thst be banned too?

Im sure the crime rate would be much lower without the criminal refugee/terrorist take over of Europe. At some point in time they will have to face reality and admit they were wrong, either before or after it literally blows up in their face.

Well then you only need tell the 86 percent of Poles who oppose gun ownershipthat they are not citizens.

Same thing goes as well in the USA

We don't need any expat Europeans dictating to us which laws of ours they do or don't approve of.

If Poles want guns, its up to them, not some Brit!