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Posts by Joker  

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From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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22 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Kościuszko Memorial Statue.....

One thing you can find in Chicago is plenty of women:)

23 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Those 2 girls on top look slavic

Chicago is home of very beautiful women:)

Here are some more photos from Chicago`s Polish festival:)

28 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

I can't stand idiot PolAms

We can't stand expat Aussies, thats for sure. Why do you come on a Polish forum anyway, woggie?

be happy that they are making the effort to talk to you in English

Jak to jest?????
29 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Yes, wonderful idea. Will they again show a Winged Rider?

I seen him at the Polish parade before, it will be cool for sure. I know there are bands coming from Poland as well. The festival starts today and runs through Monday (Labor Day).
30 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

And there will be NO mention about Serbia at the Polish festival. I can guarantee that!

Then Sarmatian Dragon will be

Go peddle your Pagan BS somewhere else! This has nothing to do with Chicago!
30 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Not a big fan of that one.

Ya, I know its been commercialized over the years and I dont see any bands that interest me this year. The food is ok , but I can get that anywhere in Chi.

Well see, its a busy weekend:)
30 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Either Smakosz, a little mom and pop place by Lawrence & Central or Helenas on Irving in Woodale. The Jolly Inn has best smorgasbord. Ive always wanted to visit The Highlander House on Ogden "Southside", you can guess why I haven't

II was by Jakowo last week and a lot of those restaurants are closed down. Even Czerwony Jablusko, which wasn't really that good to begin with.

Old Warsaw on Harlem is horrible, the worst!
30 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

I almost forgot! There is a nice little Polish restaurant in Mt.Prospect called Qulinarnia. Make reservations though.
1 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

Radio Moscow..... that well trusted broadcaster......LOL!

I would trust them before CNN or MSNBC, which is total conspiracy soap opera TV that keeps getting worse.
1 Sep 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Have you ever been to Polish Villa on Ashland near Polski Trojkat?

No, I haven't heard of this place.

Patria was another place I remember. It was on North Avenue by Damen.

Im sure its gone being by Damen and North, most likely a burrito stand by now:(
9 Sep 2019
Travel / Best place to exchange money in Poland? [98]

Expensive for smaller amounts too; they charge a transfer fee.

Hey, what s the best place in Krakow to exchange money? I know better than to use the lotnisko.
9 Sep 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

This leaves Jolly Inn and Red Apple.

The Red Apple at Milwaukee and Devon is still open, but the one by Belmont is closed down like most of the Polish businesses over there. I don't blame them either the hood went to crap and its all si habla espanol now.

Old Warsaw was a the worst of all Polish restaurants in Chicago or the world for that matter. They even tried serving corned beef on St.Paddys day! LOLOLOL

Actually, that area is now trendy and getting expensive

I know where your talking about now, its Wicker Park. I used to go to the double door saloon to watch concerts back in the day. Its all changed now, with metrosexuals in skinny jeans and overpriced drinks!

And yeah its kind of sad that the kids dont take up the family business and make it better.

Politics has a big role to play as well. This sanctuary city crap has ruined many neighborhoods along with their crime and mayhem that comes along with it. Who's to blame Poles for leaving the city of a better life in the burbs? The best thing I ever did was move out the the city.:)
9 Sep 2019
Travel / Best place to exchange money in Poland? [98]

We've had this discussion.

Im not going through all these old threads, might be fun for the baboons ass but not

Revolut gets my custo

Na, this isn't what I'm looking or asked for right now.

However, it does seem like a decent company.
14 Sep 2019
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I posted in DDs Polack/Am thread and was immediately sent to random.

Doesn't this seem biased? Can't our opinions be expressed on this forum anymore?

Let's us know and you can have an European forum all to yourselves.

I'm upset with the crap moderation and not you guys/girls
15 Sep 2019
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

From what I heard they won't restore it because it was never finished. The Swedes and Russians destroyed it even more, so now they are just protecting what is left.
16 Sep 2019
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

It comical how these euros get so jealous that I'm in Poland. Not the actual ppl that live here, but the PF babies.
Here's some more pics from the castle yesterday.

How did I get these pics then???? Lol

25 Sep 2019
USA, Canada / Polish people in LA / California [28]

Why even bother to pay rent in LA? You can just pitch a tent on the beach and they wont do a thing about it, but it could get a little tough at night.

Wait so there are others that know Polish in Cali!!

Na, they got out of that place like the rest of the gringos.
28 Sep 2019
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1359]

Judging by the dark content, are they meat or cabbage and mushroom?

Those were meat pierogis, but Babcia will make all different varieties and some awesome globaki also:) Its too much food for me. I ate so much, I thought my belly was going to explode.

I don`t have time to fekk with a silly glass. :):)

She has it down to a science, like precision machinery at work! lol

13 Oct 2019
USA, Canada / Cigarettes reach nine dollars a pack in New York [82]

Smokers tend to be more sociable, and are easier to start a conversation with a stranger

What a load of rubbish your post is. Are you actually condoning ppl to start smoking?

I notice that very few smokers are found among any street protesters, vigilanties or political hot heads.

If everyone smoked cigarettes we would have world peace? Perhaps, you're talking about weed instead of cigs?

North American indians, where it predesposed tribesmen for peace, in smoking the so called "peace pipe.

Right, this stereotype won't help your cause...balwan!
14 Oct 2019
USA, Canada / Cigarettes reach nine dollars a pack in New York [82]

I guess you guys arn't smokers.

I used to smoke. Its a really nasty habit and Im glad I was able to quit, It was one of the hardest things I ever did! Having said that. The stench of cigs really bothers me now, but when ppl smoke weed it actually smells good and doesn't bother me at all:)

I tend to view smokers as weak people who are unable to cope with their addiction

Society has become extremely negative towards smokers. They changed the laws so you can't smoke in a Pub and the patrons have to go outside and stand in an alley durning the middle of winter. You cant smoke at sporting events or concerts anymore, even when it is outside. The worst insulting thing Ive seen was recently at Chopin airport, where smokers were confined inside this glass looking vestibule, just standing there, puffing away with this big cloud of smoke hanging above them. If you didn't have any cigs you could just walk in there and get a fix...