The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 48 / Archived: 50
Posts: Total: 4436 / Live: 2758 / Archived: 1678
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

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15 Feb 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

I am in contact with a few Harley clubs over here , so i can find out if you can hire a Harley here , there are certainly a few Harley dealers not too far away from me in Gdansk and Poznan...

Oh , sharing my beans , now that would be tricky , don,t mind giving people all my money , but my beans , they would have to be very good friends to get my beans.....
15 Feb 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

In march it may well be a bit cold , might even be some snow still around which can be a problem on a bike as the roads are not often gritted and you can wind up with the snow compressed into a layer of ice , quite good fun in a car , but not too much fun on a bike...

However , i am hoping that march will be snow free , and warm enough to drag my Harley out into the daylight for a ride or two..

Some roads in Poland do have one or two holes , especially after the winter , and these can be a problem untill the roads crews get around to repairing them , the main motorways are in very good condition , as are major roads , but in towns they can be heavily rutted , that and the tram lines can be a bit tricky...

I can,t deny that the Poles have a high accident rate , and drinking and driving seems much more popular here than in the UK...

Strangely enough i find that that people pulling out on me , which was common in the UK , just hasn,t happened here at all , ok , i live out in the sticks , but i travel all over the place on the bike , and i have had much less tricky moments than i have in the car...My car is not looking too good after a drunk Polish driver hit it a glancing blow at 80 mph and trashed the side of it , well i think he was drunk , he didn,t stop...

If you have a fair bit of experiance i don,t see why you can,t survive the cold , Polish roads , the nutty drivers , the odd wild animal jumping out of the forest , and the loose sand at junctions , its all part of the fun...

I have been riding here for five years , and apart from a minor bump with a Polish drunk i have survived intact....

If you want any further advice on riding here , or want to call for a hot coffee on route send me a pm , or post on here and i will send you one with my email riding mate.....
10 Feb 2009
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

There is some phrase about a beetle making a noise in the grass....highly tricky to say in Polish....

you mastered Polish if you are able to pronounce most of this...

mastered Polish?


slowly for me its doable.
try it 3 times. then its a tongue twister O.O

I like this little poem:
Chrzęst szczęk pstrych krów wprządł w słuch
Szept: "Trwasz wśród warstw łgarstw? Tchórz!
Stwórz wpierw z przerw werw, w chwil skruch
Strzęp chwalb - nerw ścierw czymś strwóż!"
- Stanisław Barańczak

my favourite one: rotmistrz z Tczewa, poczmistrz z Czchowa. Oh hell, I have trouble just trying to pronounce Basia Trzetrzelewska's surname.
9 Feb 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

Hello, I am also interested in touring in Poland

Well if you are passing my part of Poland , drop in for a beer , free camping for bikers....
2 Feb 2009
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

I have been asked what its like to live in a communist they have colour telly , is it true it snows all the time , do people have cars...all this from apparently educated English people....?
1 Feb 2009


Women are women....some are , and some are not.....i don,t think Polish women are any different sexually from any other nationality...However i think its true that some races see Polish women are more easy to get sex from due to them being newcomers in a country , and perhaps a little more gullible than the local girls they have tried , and failed with....
26 Jan 2009
Travel / Entering Poland from Germany on the A4 motorway [23]

I remember the first time i came to Poland in 1997 the roads were a bit primative to say the least , but to be fair Poland has made great efforts to improve the roads , and i notice the difference,,,Its going to take time to make them perfect , in the mean time , just drive a little more carefully....I recomend you take a trip to Ukraine or Belarus , after driving there the roads of Poland seem blissfully smooth...
26 Jan 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

good riding roads

All the rural roads are nice to ride on , the main roads are well surfaced , but can be a bit tricky in towns due to deep ruts and tram lines....As for the roads of Ukraine , in places bloody lethal on a motorcycle , full of mega deep pot holes and ruts bad enough to throw you off if you are caught unawares....riding at night is especially tricky....!
23 Jan 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

Its the usual mix of Honda , Yamaha , Kawasaki , Suzuki , along with Harleys and Italian bikes , then of course you have the East European and Russian machines which are fun if you want very basic biking...Bikes are not as popular here as they are in the UK or USA , but they seem to have most of the models that are used in the west , just with a greater number of Polish , Russian and Jawa machines....
23 Jan 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

MV Agusta

Now there is another bike i would love to have in my collection...i well remember watching Agostini thundering around the race track in my home town of Scarborough on an MV....awesome....

The ride to Poland on the Harley was quite easy really , compared to the ride in to Ukraine on it....really lethal roads there , but the people and the cops were friendly enough , and the food and beer very nice.....
23 Jan 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

did you purchase your H.D. in Poland ???

No , i bought the bike in UK , and rode it to Poland , well apart from the wet bit between UK and Holland , quite a nice ride actually...

Its sad that Harley have lost sales , and are laying people off , but i guess the recession affects everybody....I am sure the factory will survive , they have been through trauma before , and they will get through this one too....Maybe if things get worse people will start buying fuel efficient Harleys instead of thirsty cars....?
23 Jan 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

If you manage to sort out a bike , and you find yourself in the Drawski national park area you can drop by my place and stay for free...I am an English Harley owner living on my own farm in the forest...come and have a beer and a barbie at my place....
18 Jan 2009
Travel / Entering Poland from Germany on the A4 motorway [23]

I reccomend you drive over the border from Poland into Ukraine , very soon , like me you will think the roads of Poland are absolutly wonderfull compared the the pot holed rutted death traps of Ukraine....
10 Jan 2009
Life / Cost of converting cars in Poland to left-hand drive [58]

I tried driving on the left when i first came to Poland , hoping the locals would copy the idea , but after a few near accidents and lots of light flashing i gave up and drove on the right....
10 Jan 2009
Life / Cost of converting cars in Poland to left-hand drive [58]

The cost depends a lot on what car you have....some cars are very easy to convert from right hand drive to left hand drive , many have all the connections on the steering for both left and right hand drive if that model is exported to countries using both systems....As for sombody to do the conversion , you will have to ask around in your local area...More and more cars are being brought into Polska from the UK , so there are bound to be more people doing the of luck...
7 Jan 2009
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [243]

lizard with no legs or feet but it was not a snake.

That would be what we in the UK call a slow worm...looks like a snake , but is in fact a legless lizard Here is some news about bison...i posted this on the bison thread too....

Poland's bison hunkering down for winter

Created: 07.01.2009 12:11
Five hundred tonnes of hay and beets have been prepared for the winter months by employees of the Bialowieski National Park (BPN) to feed Poland's precious bison herd maintained there.

The director of the bison care facility at BPN, Jerzy Dackiewicz, claims that the recent drastic fall in temperatures means that the stocked food will be all the more necessary. The park has been feeding the bison throughout the winter months at a special feeding grounds for several years.

"If it is a light winter, we still prepare the food, but they prefer to graze naturally out in the fields and forest on grass and young trees," added Dackiewicz.

Park employees also intend to count the herd of endangered bison this year. If such weather - cold and frost - remains, then the herd will be fully counted in two weeks and results will be announced at the end of January. Current bison-count is approximately 450 animals.

The Bialowieska National Park is an internationally recognised protected area for this breed of bison. In the year 1929, the facilities for maintaining a herd of the endangered species were opened and the herd was started with only three bison. The park extends across the Polish border into Belarus
5 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]


If you come to my place i have a book in Polish all about Polish was presented to me by head of childrens foundation...some very nice pics in it....its called ...Polska piekno Agnieszka and Wlodek bilinscy....oh and its in English text too...