The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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23 Jun 2018
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

Prussians were BALTS...end of story!

You know what was old original name of Baltic sea? It was correctly recorded in oldest Roman maps. It was Oceanus Sarmaticum (ie Serbian ocean/read Slavic ocean). Then it later was by Germans known as `Mare Svebicum` (Pronounced in newly formed Germanic language > Swab = Serbs). Then, should I mention that oldest recorded name of old Prussians was Sambians.

Not to say that word `Balt` origin from `Blato` (ie Slavic, Serbian)- `Swamp, mud` in English, same as Hungarian lake `Balaton`.

Only in era when Germanc ethos started to appear from within (!) Sarmatians, under the Roman influence, early Germanic nobles starte to designate themselves as Balts. As you see, even them as elite of newly emerging ethos were not able to escape from naming themselves with the word that originate from within Sarmatian culture and linguistic logic.

Anyway, you want to suggest that there was Sarmatian ocean and that people who lived on shores was not Sarmatian people? Please, really please. Stop that. This forum should moved forward with knowledge, not backward.
22 Jun 2018
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

Prussia is Slavic (ie Sarmatian) since time immemorial. End of story.

It is of great importance that Russia hold Kaliningrad. No, not that I myself wouldn`t give it to Poland. I would, if its up to me. But, fortunately, its not up to me.

See, you must realize that. Poland is in tragic situation. Think. Catholicism rule Earth. Poles are Catholics. On the other side, Slavs are Whites that, as somebody decided it, have to perish. And Poles are Slavs. Good Slavs. This situation of being Catholic and being Slavic tear Poland apart. Poles knows that other European Catholics wants them dead because they are Slavs. On the other side, Russians, kin Slavs, Orthodox, wanted to dominate Poles.

Anyway, if we take all in consideration and speak of bottom line, Poles aren`t capable to hold Kaliningrad. German Catholics and Protestants would prevail, weaken Polish rule there and overtake Kaliningrad. Simple, Slavs must lose, as somebody decided. Being Slavic Catholic just isn`t enough. Slavic must perish. Plus, if Russians hold Kaliningrad they actually act as support to Poland.

Now, in this world, such as it is, Poles, pray that Russians keep Kaliningrad. You Poles maybe have problems with Russians but, they are least of your problem. Your religion rule world but, your religion want death to your civilization. Sure, it wouldn`t be problem if you yourself hate your civilization but you don`t hate it. You are proud Slavs. God help you. You need help.
22 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Letting Poland onto it is letting Poland onto morbid machine. Much better that Poles go hand in hand with Russians in it. It can turn to be some modern marriage of three, some wild troika. Sure, I see Germany as receiver.
21 Jun 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

General Pavle from Zgorzelec (1848-1922), Hero of all Serbs

And, when it was hardest Northern Serbs came to the Southern Serbs. They came to us. They who are even in deeper trouble. They gave their best to us. They, Northern Serbs led armies of Southern Serbs into victory.

To the joy of our venerable ancestors, together we proved that Sarmatia still live. From the North to the South of Europe we defended our realm. We protected our civilization. Yes, we did it. We, Serbs.

I clearly see it. I predicts independence of Lusatia. New state would be formed in Europe. One more Serbian state.
21 Jun 2018
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

Now, when we know more, put this videos in context of Polani tribe or conglomerate of tribes being part, just one segment of wider Sarmatian meta-ethnicity- people that was native to Europe. Szczerbi, givers of the West >

Polacy = Szczerbi (Sarmaci)

Jesteśmy Sarmatami. Chodakiewicz vs Drewniak.

Sarmaci a współcześni Polacy

Sarmackie dziedzictwo

Mieli rozmach... sarmackie imprezy. Historia Bez Cenzury

You know of old Picts ancestors of Scots, that they were Sarmats.

Now, let`s move more eastern across the island. On the south of England is old Sarum. Oldest known settlement of Salisbury in England. People who lived there in past built monoliths of Stonehenge. Full name of these people or rather settlement, as Romans of classical antiquity recorded it was Sorviodunum and Sorviodunum. Corrupted English versions were Sarisburie, Searoburh, Searobyrig, and Searesbyrig.

Its again about Sarmatians and we today know three original words that could gave name of Sarum. Those are Srbi (Balkan/CE Serbs), Serbya (Lusatian/CE Serbs) and Szczerbi (as was obviously known to old Poles).

So oldest ethnicity of British island is Slavic (ie Sarmatian) ethnicity. Scots, Welsh, English, Irish,.... all originate from Slavs (ie Sarmats). And again we came indirectly to fact that when one speak of Celts, one speak of Sarmats. What after all corespondents to certain old data that speak of Celts as of Scythians and as we all know, Scythians were branch of Sarmatians, in deep past connected to wandering (nomadic way of life) and so comes the name SKITI what in Serbian (core Slavic language) directly means `to wander`. So SKIT (in Serbian) > WANDERER (in Eng.). Note word WAND* in English lexical comprehension of original SKIT.

> SKIT = WAND*erer > WAND > WEND = SERBS (exactly how Germans today, as always call Lusatian Serbs).

Also, as mentioned earlier above in thread > SRBIN > SR-BIN > SR-VIN-D > SRVIND > VIND > VEND > VENET

This way or another, Latin influenced speakers of Europe (meaning- all except Slavs, who preserved their ordinal native European Sarmatian language), when tries to speak of Serbs often finish using form WEND, WENED and VENET.

All in all, to conclude this new insight.

Let`s go in reverse >>>> it was Roman `Sorviodunum`. Now, let us correct what we can immediately >>> its then `Sorbiodunum` (Serbs/Sorbs is constant and in Latin transcription and pronunciation `B` always transform in `V`).

This `*dunum` in `Sorbiodunum` is remain of Celtic version of ancient Sarmatian (Serbian) speech. For you who seek to know more I will explain that phrase `Celtic version of ancient Sarmatian (Serbian) speech` means that within ancient Sarmatian world (exactly same as in modern Slavic/Sarmatian) existed different dialects or even similar languages. So, speaking in modern terms, real Celtic language isn`t nothing but dialect of Sarmatian language or language within Sarmatian linguistic family.

Anyway, when we translate `Sorbiodunum` from local ancient Slavic (let us name it Sarmatian-Celtic) dialect we get SRBOGRAD (Serbian city/town).

See, in modern Serbian language exact word DUNUM and DULUM means exactly `fenced space`. So exact meaning of `Sorbiodunum` is `Serbian fenced space`.

You are familiar with fact that Celts were founders of Belgrade, Serbian Capital? You know that, right? Recorded (by Romans) Sarmatian-Celtic name of Belgrade is `Singidunum` and as name it perfectly overlap with `Sorbiodunum`. Its obvious that actually Romans mistaken. It was not SINGIDUNUM (Singi-dunum). It was in its original SRBODUNUM. Romans, being absolutely unable to pronounce SRB just translated it as suited to that at that moment so comes the SINGI. If translator at that exact moment was somebody from Roman province of Germania he would for sure say SVABODUNUM.

Do you, do you even begins to comprehend what is reality behind world of matrix? By ethnicity all Europeans are Slavs (Sarmatians) or to say Serbians. Now, nationality is something else. That came later.
21 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Crow, I am glad you are here.

Yes. English mistaken for siding with Arab mujas and Germanics against Serbians and now English turned to be biggest receivers in Europe.

It gets lonely being the only non-Polish Russian suck up here?

You know, from all European ethoses, you English have darkest souls. What went wrong, I don`t know.

Why can`t you share joy with Slavs and enjoy with them while they uniting? What`s that ugly in you to prevent it?
21 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Russia doesn't do "reasonably good relationships" it does "Master and servant"

What you talking about? Hungary have perfect relationship with Russia. It is so because Hungary have reasonable policy. Neither bow to EU (ie Germany), neither to Russia but seek partnership. Russia offering partnership and Germany dictate. Ask Hungarians.
21 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Russians would change for the better. Poles, too.

Actually, you would all come back to yourself. To us, Serbians. I see that as only way. What else you can do? Follow path of western Europe? Remain as you are? Become even worse then western Europe, compete with them in stupidity? No, you must come to yourself.
20 Jun 2018
Love / 17 year old English girl with a 25 year old Polish man? [9]

Ah, these modern girls are crazy for the d***. Don`t worry. But better that she goes crazy with a Pole. What future she has in Britain? To give birth to Mustafa or Mohamed? You want such a future to your daughter? Think.

Its that sick society. Should be saved what can be saved.
20 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

God knows that we Slavs were and are not much rewarded for stubbornly remain Slavic (ie Sarmatic). But, one of things that we got as gift from God is that we have Russia as world superpower. Hopefully also, finally, normal and sane Russia.
19 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Still, it was kurva gol. But you as English, of course, have every understanding for it.
19 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

By the God. This with Senegal didn`t happen. That second gol was kurva. Man came from outside, from reserve. Was that even regular?
19 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Who's watching it?

I`m going to watch this in neighboring cafe bar with friends, rivers of bier and peanuts. We`ll see how Poles doing football.
19 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1079]


Poland soccer team performance in Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup

Just to tell you people. Streets are empty in Serbia, while Serbians harry to take their positions in front of TV, at cafe-bars or at their houses, to watch Poland vs. Senegal football match of FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018.
17 Jun 2018
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Nobody cares, it didn't even make the local

True? I must check my Sarmatian connection then.

Ive met people who claim they are Polish and then you find out it was their great grandfather who actually came from Poland.

Just wait. First serious economic crisis in US and Polish and any other roots would become increasingly important. See, USA already isn`t dominant world power in the world and must share its power and control. This trend will accelerate and it won`t become possible to innitiate some war just because it suits to US economy, cheap fuel, etc. Crisis knocking on the door. Use to it, its normal in entire world from time to time.
17 Jun 2018
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Madness in Chicago! Would Slavs of Chicago blockade entire city? Establish even Slavic rule? Would major of Chicago declare emergency situation?!


Poland vs. Serbia - Volleyball Nations League 2018