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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

I suppose that it may boil down to whether Poland is willing to be poor if that is necessary in order to remain Polish,

....and I think this answer has been already given.

If Poles would really prefer to stay poor but polish they wouldn't walk all over Europe in search for work and better shores. They would stay home, poorer but as Poles in polish Poland.
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

There are millions of Ukrainians on the doorstep who are more than ready to join the millions already in Poland. and in the near future it's every man for himself (or country).

Germany's labor market is even more starved than Polands, after all Germany has an already huge economy to keep running. And since the Ukrainians can now choose to work in the EU, not only Poland anymore, Germany needs and wants their share.

What can Indians and Pakistanis provide which Ukrainians can't?

Expectations! South East Asians don't expect as much as even Ukrainians now do, their standards are lower than anywhere in Europe, they are (still) happier with less wages and living standards. And they won't leave Poland so quickly for Germany since they don't have what Ukrainians now have, to be able to look for work in the whole of the EU.

Poland faces increasing competition for Ukrainian workers

Polish recruitment agencies operating in Ukraine have reported that competition for Ukrainian workers is growing in Europe, particularly in the Visegrad countries and Germany.

According to Polish daily Rzeczpospolita, Poland's attractiveness for Ukrainian workers is decreasing. Ever-increasing numbers being employed by Czech and Slovak companies offering higher salaries and two-year contracts.

"Czechs are recruiting more and more workers from Ukraine and soon a large proportion of professionals will leave for Germany," said Marian Przeździecki, the head of Ukrainian branch of recruitment agency Work Service.....
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Of course it will...these Indian/Pakistanis/Filipinos are the polish new Turks.

Badly needed foreign workers to build the polish "Wirtschaftswunder"....the same misconceptions (they will leave again + we will stay the same)....the same outcome...multi-kulti (in one generation or two).

There is really only alternative for the polish gov, to close the borders but with that they will need to sell their people a stagnating economy, the end of the rise to a european power, the fall back and loss of many achievements (wages, welfare because to expensive etc.). Poland will get poorer again, Poles might leave again...

Frankly it won't future multi-kulti it is. Poland the island of white in a "brown" see is an illusion which will get destroyed by realpolitik.
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

War movies are enough for me, thanks!

"Die Russen kommen" is only a joke now in modern Berlin...I prefer that...
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Even so, what are you gonna do with the two thirds who think differently?

Poland isn't Britain! Poland is much more like Germany and France, we are continentals without another option, we don't even have the illusion of an island and a Commonwealth to fall back on. We have no other home than Europe. There will never be a majority for leaving Europe in our countries.

(And even in Britain with all that it's only 50/50 max)
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

A link?

I have a survey from from 9/2018

According to an opinion poll whose results were published on Saturday, over 65 percent of all respondents in Poland oppose the idea of their country leaving the EU, with about 17 percent being of the opposite view. A further 17 percent had no opinion concerning the hypothetical Polexit.
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Once the Kaczyński-Salvini alliance comes into effect a great right wing wave will sweep across Europe and destroy the Bolsheviks running the EU.

I doubt that very much!

Nationalists have a gread disadvantage. The moment they should work together and their own nation doesn't comes "first" they usually end all alliance. That's what makes them so weak in the end. That's why they will always lose. They might agree on immigration, but they disagree on all the rest.

See Polands closest ally Hungary for example, Orban has nothing against a much warmer relationship with Putin's Russia and his alliance with Kaczynski didn't stop him to vote for Tusk in Brussels.

Salvini is also alot more interested in Moscow than Warsaw (he was one of the few joining Putin in Moscow at the finals) and you won't seriously think that he will vote for pouring any more EU funds into Poland, he will will demand more for himself instead.

Matteo Salvini praises Putin ahead of Russia trip

Nationalists make for pathetic alliances! They will change nothing.
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

The difference is negligible in my opinion.

Well, that difference might be negligible in your opinion but it's big enough to make your demand....

Anyway I would like Germany to restrain itself and its politicians

...impossible to fullfil.

There is no all powerful ruler in Berlin who has the right to decide for everybody what to do and what not. As long as these politicians don't speak officially for the german gov they are free to go where they want and to support whom they want and to meet with whom they want, even if that directly contradicts the official german gov policy.
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

IF that is not meddling into internal Polish affairs what is?

Agreed....that is meddling. I wouldn't like it either if Poles would start coming over supporting a party I don't like.

There is a certain kind of insensitivity sometimes on the german side, mostly lefties...the same when some left/greens join a polish demonstration /or the protest against it, whatever. I don't think that is their place to be.

But be assured that this is not the country of Germany meddling in the country of Poland, that is solely between like minded politicians. In an even more integrating Europe for some more and easily acceptable than for others. After all, in Brussels these politicians share the same party alliance, so they want to support each other.
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

How do you think? If you don't even know that what do you know that makes you asking those dumb, loaded and patronizing questions? eh?

Yeah...I would like to know...I know nothing about Adamowicz' connections to Germany. How did he "invite Germans to meddle in polish affairs", please tell me more!

You have to know something, don't you. You would'nt just throw such dumb and loaded accusations blindly into the room, wouldn't you.
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

What a procession!

Carrying flags and candles in cold streets, thousands of Poles walked on Friday beside the coffin of Gdansk's former mayor Pawel Adamowicz who was stabbed on stage at a charity event.,157,m/poles-walked-beside-the-coffin-of-gdansk-s-former-mayor-pawel-adamowicz,901776.html
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Ever heard of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact? It's what we have today except it is now the Merkel-Putin pact.

Yeah....well....and in this world, your world, Adamowicz was a traitor to the polish people and had to be killed for the good cause.

God have mercy with you!

I'm bowing out here...
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

"They think other nations should be subordinated to them. We say no! That country is Russia," Kaczynski shouted to the applauding crowd.

Just supplant "Russia" with "Germany".

Kaczynski loves his Poles perpetually at war best...

There is a deep resentment among ordinary people towards the Bolshevik elite who are forcing globalism/multiculturalism on them.

What exactly do you mean by that? Poles are all over Europe by now...
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

And it's interesting...many people in Germany say the deep divisions inside the population and the rougher language and loss of good behaviour in politics is a consequence of the mass immigration and its failures, especially rising after 2015.

But Poland doesn't have said immigration problems. But nonetheless it too seems to have become a country with a deeply split population which fights each other with ever more mercilessness and ever less will to compromise.

The same happened in Britain, in the US, in France...but it aren't the illegals, so it must be something else.
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

I know that, but I would like to know how extremists justify the murder of a politician who was that popular that he was re-elected for a sixth term!

I'm really curious...I've known Iron for years.
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

It is worth noting though, that despite the aforementioned smear campaigns, the citizens of Gdańsk have voted him president for over 20 years,

Yes, an enormous achievement. He must have been a great mayor!

And Torq is totally only have to smear someone for long enough and some nutter will take it as an order...

hmm aren't a large chunk of those citizens employees of the city and their family?

Over 50% of the Danziger voted for him during the first round last November...he must have a huge family!

He is dead, what else do you want now?
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

RIP Pawel Adamowicz

(I hope me saying the appropriate and polite isn't seen by certain nutters as proof that he was deep in Merkel's pockets and an agent of the fourth Reich to enslave the free polish people, if so I still don't take it back...)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Nov 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

Some Marshall Plan of 21 century?

Some problems can't be solved with money...the EU had to learn that the hard way (Greece).
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Nov 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

but getting the entire Western Balkans into the EU has to be considered the "end game" for the EU

...they have the potential to destabilize the whole EU. Not every country needs to be an EU member!

I still think the 2004 expansion was stupid and misguided. Estonia and Slovenia were ready, possibly Malta too. The rest? No.

One thing is for sure, the differences were widely underestimated...and that's why I think we shouldn't make that mistake again with the Balkan countries. We have time!
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Nov 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

Frankly I don't want any Balkan country in the EU...we have to many differences right now since the latest enlargement as it is...
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Nov 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

This info appeared in Russian media as plausible.

Why is that plausible? That man Kononenko could also say the moon is made up of joghurt...would that be plausible too? Who is that guy?

I will wait for the german press to pick that up...till now there is
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Nov 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

Not Merkel said that!

...the first deputy head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction, Igor Kononenko, said....

And's quite unbelievable!

Alone the accession protocol takes longer...even for stable new prospects. For difficult ones like Ukraine it could take decades (aka Serbia, Turkey)....

That's more realistic:

In July, it was reported that the Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko said that the goal of Ukraine is to join the EU by 2025. At the same time a month before that, he called another date - the year 2030.

Bratwurst Boy   
9 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

Do you mean German tanks rolling in just as they did in 1939?

We would need to borrow some functioning ones first...
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

I will be dead by then

...people get older nowadays...

I just read somewhere in an interview with such a smartie from Silikon Valley that the first "immortal" is already born...*get's goosebumps*
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

What do the Russians have to do "to join the rest of the human race"?

Yeah...when the Russians are not part of the "human race", then where stand we Germans...we were much worse!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Nov 2018
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

Never heard of the norwegian study? If that is true not only for norwegians we get all dumber...

Norwegian Study: IQ Scores Dropped for Decades