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Posts by PlasticPole  

Joined: 28 May 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 18 Dec 2021
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17 Jan 2011
Love / Do Polish women talk too much? [74]

A man will answer:I went to buy shoes

It's because men are worried about saying too much, especially about who they were with or who they saw while out. Women start interrogating, sometimes, when a man casually mentions so-and-so. Sometimes, a man will intentionally start drama if he is feeling passive-aggressive, though. Men can be cunning when it comes to getting even.
17 Jan 2011
Love / Do Polish women talk too much? [74]


Generally it is good to caress her if she says sth positive and not kiss her while she complains.You should also not put your pen1s out while she talks about her problems.

You like to go one step too far...but there is hope you will transform into that kind, sensitive, caring partner ;)
17 Jan 2011
Love / Do Polish women talk too much? [74]

I usually make some sounds which show interest.Like oh!,come on,no way,I don't believe it or pity,everything happens to you,do you mean that...?,what did she say etc?

Well, that's good :)
Some men won't even do that much.
17 Jan 2011
Love / Do Polish women talk too much? [74]

What do you do when a woman starts talking? Just tune out unless it's something very specific that you want to hear? Do you try to change the subject?
17 Jan 2011
Love / Do Polish women talk too much? [74]

He thinks this is a trait of Polish women.

Where is your boyfriend from? Is he from a culture where women are mostly quiet?
23 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Patriotism is loving ones country, culture and beauty. Nationalism is a political ideology which promotes racism, facism and a stupid superiority complex!

That's a great distinction, Lodz.
23 Dec 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

Yes, our minorities play the feign hypersensitivity game more/ worse than the rest of the world has to deal with.

And I guess you speak from first hand experiences from your many varied trips around the world? All countries have people in them who feel like they are treated unfairly.
22 Dec 2010
Life / Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows? [77]

In other words, America is populated by thugs who take offence at the slightest thing?

Not any more than the rest of the world ;)
21 Dec 2010
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

every time I fly LOT to Poland I always hear some fool complaining about the service (usually in Polish, btw) and I've lost count of the number of times I've heard such whingers describe them as the "worst airline in the world".

If that's the case and so many people are dissatisfied with the service after spending so much money on tickets, maybe the airline should listen and improve its customer service? It's the airline's responsibility to please the customer, not the other way around.

This is just another example of a company disconnect from reality.
18 Dec 2010
Life / The Art of Complaining by Polish people [47]

Complaining loudly is often because you feel nothing would get done anyway.

Well, sometimes things get done, sometimes not. It can go either way.
18 Dec 2010
Life / The Art of Complaining by Polish people [47]

Complaining can be viewed as constructive criticism. Someone complains then something is done to rectify the situation. If no one complained, change for the better would not be possible. People would fatalistically accept everything that comes their way, shrugging their shoulders helplessly.
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

discovery channel is useful sometimes.

And that's where I watched documentaries all about this sort of thing. If animals like Cheetahs have a hard time catching prey, why wouldn't early humans? Wouldn't they be wary of getting injured in the process much like bears in the arctic circle do? That's why they refuse to hunt Walrus unless an emergency. They don't want to be injured by the tusks, so they go for easier prey. Early humans might have been the same way, limiting their food choices somewhat. It's mere speculation but it's possible.
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

You gatherers are silly! We been eating yummy animals since we lived in caves!

It is you who haven't done your homework. You ever notice certain animals like Cheetahs are really careful when they hunt and are often not successful? It's because they know they can get kicked or speared by the animal they are hunted and mortally wounded. There's no doctor out there to mend them. Our ancestors lived in similar situations, so they had to be exceptionally careful or they got injured and died while hunting. They didn't eat as much meat as you think unless it was scavenged or they were native Americans who ate a lot of buffalo and deer and might have hunted the Mammoth to extinction. They must have been advanced hunters. It wasn't until the bow and arrow was invented that more meat became available.
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

People have different reasons for not eating meat. There was a time when meat was too difficult to catch and not worth the risk of getting injured unless it was small game like birds (notice how chicken is better for you than red meat?)that were easier to catch. It was during this period humans realized the benefits of eating the fruits of the earth, You cannot get injured picking lettuce leafs.
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]


Then I meant I am a vegetarian, not a Vegan. I still eat fish, eggs, cheese, dairy. Just no cow, pork, chicken, or turkey. It seems vegetarian means you only eat vegetables. How strange it's vegan that doesn't eat anything from animals.
17 Dec 2010
Life / Rate Poland (Life Quality / Culture and People / Food): 1-10! [232]

A lot of people do, but are we the only ones? Who pays cash for houses around the world? Most people have credit cards for clothing and furniture. A large part of the lavish lifestyle is bought on credit, not unique to America.
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

I thought the vegans were the ones who ate fish, eggs and dairy while the vegetarians ate only veggies, no animal products whatsoever. Did I confuse the two terms?
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

No herbivore species that I know of can't produce all the amino acids it needs and can't digest cellulose (humans don't and can't).

That is why we need fish and eggs but we don't need other kinds of meat. Seafood cultures are healthier than red meat ones. They are on average longer lived, the Japanese being a good example and they eat a lot of fish.
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

1000 Years ago only royalty could eat meat everyday. Everyone else existed on fish, carbs, veggies, roots, stuff like that. We evolved on that kind of food which is why people who eat a lot of meat have so many health problems. Our bodies are not accustomed to such a diet.

Vegan diet is evolutinary correct (e.c.)
17 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

Vegans are actually healthier. Vegetarians need to watch their protein levels but there's plenty of protein in eggs and cheese (which vegans are allowed to eat). People are better off with less meat, it's full of fat and toxins.
29 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Tell me, what would you do if America and Poland went to war? Would you come and fight for Poland? Would you ****.

That will never happen.
28 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

It's not a bad idea, but remember - the potential audience thinks that Poland still has the values of the 1930's, not the 2010's.

That's why we need a book about Poland 2010. People are still thinking about 1939.