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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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26 May 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European?

Those complexes belong to past. It is from era when geographically western Europeans dominated and play games with Eastern Europe and world. And geographical west even isn`t core of West but periphery of the West.

We entering in era when true West- Slavic world and Eastern Europe coming on the stage as re-claimers of their rightful place in European and world affairs. Our liberation is possible thanks to establishing of Multi-Polar world.
25 May 2019
Genealogy / KUKULA ancestry [32]

No. KUKU LELE is ancient female cry on funerals or when woman weep. In later time it was then generally accepted, by males also,... KUUKUU LEELEE.... when people complaint and in similar weak state. But, its mostly connected to woman. I myself, to put cross on myself, fortunately, can`t even remember did I ever used KUUKUU LEELEE.
24 May 2019
Genealogy / KUKULA ancestry [32]


Ha, in my country we have KUKULELE
16 May 2019
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

Of course. More European politics looks like porno movie, more we will understand each other. Historically, when came to porno situation to which Poles and Serbs combined power, they were always able to offer great orgies.
16 May 2019
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

You didn't say why you think that.,.

That? Well, its important religious center to be within country, not outside. Outside center always tend to impose kind of globalistic thinking on believers and deny local specifics.

Can you imagine countries form Intermarium in the future and then wait for Poland to coordinate with Pope? Idea of it is ugly to me. I mean, somewhat of coordination isn`t that bad but, what if Pope wants to control. What then. He have mechanism and why he wouldn`t use mechanism.
15 May 2019
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

If possible Poles should have national Polish Catholic Church, closer to Vatican then Orthodox Churches and far from Vatican as existing national Orthodox Churches. Is that even possible?
15 May 2019
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Interesting view >>> What was the INTERMARIUM PLAN ?


Hungarian troops on Kosovo are on the verge of rebellion against NATO. Hungarian soldiers harder and harder accepting to be put in situation to cooperate with radical Muslim mafia Albanians against Christian Serbs. Serbian President Vucic talked last night by phone with Hungarian PM Orban.

Are you people aware that right in this moment, Serbia and Hungary write history of Intermarium. No, you aren`t aware. You absolutely don`t have information. Poland don`t have information.
11 May 2019
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

nobody is thinking how Poland will look in 50 years` time.

Its sad actually. And events even accelerate.

What an economic and administrative cooperation between Medzomorze members could look like?

Possibilities are enormous. In economic sense it can function similarly how function European Union or Eurasian Union.

Plus, we can achieve greater level of internal unity than it would be ever possible within EU. Within EU would always exist regional clans: western Europe, Spain and Portugal, Visegrad group, western Balkan zone, Southern Balkan zone, etc.

How is possible that this thread isn`t more interesting for discussion to Poles here. Are Poles blind not to see how things developing in Europe? There will be Central-European Union and Poland within it or there would be catastrophe for Poland.

Would it be Poland by the `Kanopisht pact` or somewhat similar to it, after EU? Catholic state where is Catholicism important and ethnicity isn`t important. Is it the project where would be Poland contained with what remain of Ukraine and some other Catholic countries. If things goes this way, Poland will be kind of rogue, extremist country, fascist or nazi and we all know what get countries with such a role in international arena on the long run.

Would be partition of Poland on parts that stays within EU and parts that goes who knows where, when new conglomerates emerge in Europe?

And don`t get me wrong. If I as a Serbian some time ago was upset with development regarding status of Serbia in the future, I am now quite peaceful. I understand now what role befall my country and its a role of continental economic hub. One can`t ask for more. You have major continental economic wealth flow, you affect continental policy. So I don`t force this discussion because of Serbia that will be just fine. I now only worry for Poland. I sow Poland in future Central-European Union with Serbia. Duda said he would push for Intermarium/Central Europe but Duda betrayed his promises. He, or those who controls him, whoever they are, isolates Poland from all countries that push in direction of Central-European Union. From Hungary and Serbia, firstly.
10 May 2019
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Explain to me HOW have chance to survive? Without CEU, in EU, in 50 years 15-20 million Poles won`t be Poles. Then, when becomes clear that won`t be CEU ever and when those countries that manage to escape EU join in Slavic Orthodox Union, pressure on Poland by western Europe will dramatically increase to the level where would those (Slavs in Poland) who refuse to be assimilated, attempt to secede and join with SOU. This development is absolutely certain.

We Serbs won`t eat French, German and Anglo sh**. If Poland is suicidal we aren`t. We will make our last stand within SOU if there is no CEU. We have greater chance to reform Russia and change it, then we have chance to affect western Europe that will only swallow us within EU.
10 May 2019
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

I told. Serbia will seek its luck in Slavic Orthodox Union if Poland fails to turn to Central-European Union, if Poland`s leadership continue its anti-Polish policy. To us Serbs its clear that we have very good prospects in both- Central-European Union and in Slavic Orthodox Union (actually Eurasian Union). So, Serbia`s final choice will depend on choices of other players.

But Poland. You are blind if you don`t see that Poland don`t have chance to survive on all its territory without Central-European Union. Its so clear. In process Poland have all chances to ruin Czeska and Slovakia but they will make escape from EU more or less unharmed.
10 May 2019
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Alternative to EU if it fails to be Eastern-European and Slavic-friendly is Intermarium or to say Central-European Union. Now, alternative to Central-European Union, if countries failed to organize and escape to western European dictate, is this >>> Slavic Orthodox Union that will be joined to Eurasian Union >>>

If that happens, all Eastern European and Central European countries that aren`t in Slavic Orthodox Union will be locked within European Union permanently and serve as eternal younger player and base for assimilation, resources and border military regions. Those countries won`t be able to themselves form Central-European Union independent from western Europe and prospect is their clear internal division where some parts would seek to stay within EU and some would seek to join in Slavic Union previously formed by Orthodox Slavs. Czech Republic and Slovakia would become non-functional states if set in any conglomerate that separate them from Serbia permanently. Not to mention that prospect of Slavic Orthodox Union preventing any chance of Belarus ever making closer ties with Poland. Not to speak of Ukraine that will inevitable split on at least two to three separate states, where most of it would join with Slavic Orthodox Union.

Now, Serbia`s first choice will always be Central-European Union, if EU continue with failures. If Official Poland continue with betrayal of Serbia and continue to hijack Hungarian efforts in direction of Central-European Union, where Visegrad itself represent embryo of CEU, Serbia won`t have any choice but to make a move in direction of Slavic Orthodox Union and save its territory intact, save itself from assimilation by western Europeans and secure its future.


Initiation stage of Central-European Union (CEU) by suggestion of Hungarian PM Viktor Orban


Orthodox Slavic Union (OSU)


Eurasian Union (EAU)

What you think, did Duda and Tusk sold Poland and future of Poles?

My answer is positive.
5 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

.... start a new thread about Central European Union and Poland.... This thread is about the EU,..... If you do it, I will gladly participate.

And you would be welcome to participate if that thread happen or rather whenhappen. I just gave comment out of comparison of EU and CEU. What EU ruin, CEO will heal. Poland shall live despite those who want to put Her down.
5 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

EU have interest to close Polish shipyards, while prosperous era for Polish shipyards yet to come in a Central European Union. Its unimaginable profit that awaits Polish Baltic coast once Poland escape EU and CEU is formed. Only blind can`t see that.
5 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Sure, there are pro at contra reasons. Let me tell it this way. On every pros one can name, there is at least one cons.

But most importantly, if Poland and Poles fails to recognize historical moment and mistake by staying within EU, Poland is lost. Lost due to merciless assimilation onto some other nations and then also coming another partition of Poland. I am fascinated how nobody here don`t see these outcomes of Poland`s EU membership. Yes, staying in EU means catastrophe of Poland in assimilation and partition of territory.

Don`t failed to go out of EU Poles. There is alternative.
4 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

Greater Poland

Greater Poland?

Nonsense. Greater Poland is fictional term, falsely invented in situation when 1/3 of Europe represent natural Poland. Plus, if we are flexible, we easily see that actually complete Europe (and not only Europe) could use name of Poland instead of name of Europe.
3 May 2019
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

But Ukrainians are already close with Poland. 70% Ukrainians say they like Poland.

Closer. Always can be closer.

Nationalism has gotten a bad rep, because of history...but deservedly so.

If we look at historical facts we would see that it was western Europe (geographically western) that vulgarized and forced nationalism that led to extremes such are fascism and nazism. Plus, even communism and socialism were invented on the west of Europe.

Hardy little worms, those western Europeans, arn`t they.
3 May 2019
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

Should Poland support Ukrainian aspirations to become the member of the Western world?

Western world?

But Ukraine is West. Temporarily lack of money and wealth don`t deny that fact.

Let me reformulate that question for you > Should Poland encourage Ukrainian to become closer with Poland? Answer is positive.
2 May 2019
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

Petro Poroshenko, had been promising NATO and EU membership by 2024

Petro is very controversial man, you know. He promote EU, while have factory that produce delicious and high quality chocolate in Russia. So, one have to presume that Petro don`t fear EU economic blockade of Russia or, in other words, one have to presume that Petro very well knows how is one thing to speak of EU and quite different thing for Ukraine to become member. This situation quite well work in favor of Petro`s chocolate production. Obviously, didn`t work well for his status of president, for which he, also obviously, don`t care.
2 May 2019
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

You can`t understand because you look from your angle. But what is their, Armenian, world? Their world is between China and Russia, as closest big powers. Russia is even closer. Armenians look more like Russians, Europoid. Religion heritage of Russia is closer and, again, you have at work element such is `backwardness`. Just this time that element works in favor of Russia because China is seen as more backward then Russia. Plus, you have one element that is often underestimated but always present. That is element of meta-ethnicity. While Armenians now aren`t Slavs, in their meta-ethnicity, they were Slavs (ie Sarmatians).

Polish on the other hand never claim russian anywhere and they look more similar to Russians than Armanians.

Most prevailing force that control emotions of Poles on Russia is element of `backwardness`. Russians are seen as backward and Poles easily eliminate option of taking Russia seriously. Then, you have additional elements and that is `religious` and `meta-ethnicity`. Neither of these two factors, among Poles, works in favor of Russia. Actually, meta-ethnicity works only partially. Why is this so?

Religious element is under control of outside factor and that is Vatican. Its power opposed to anything Slavic and rather allied with Germanics, Anglos and even with Islam. With its network of influence Vatican always keep safe that element of `backwardness` on its side, always reminding Poles how are Russians more backward then Poles, then western Europeans. Now, Vatican is right, there. Russia is more backward but, what Vatican hide is key truth and that is- Russia isn`t key problem to Poland. Vatican itself, as outside ruler, with outside interests, is key problem to Poles. That is the force that erasing difference between Poles and western Europeans making Poles prepared to be easily subjugated and assimilated by anyone who coming from west of Europe.

Now what is with `meta-ethnicity` element? Poles are Slavs. Its true. They share it with Russians. But, problem is that in their meta-ethnicity Poles rather see themselves as Sarmatians (ie Serbians), what is same as Slavs but actually represent older original. See, Russians are Sarmats (ie Serbs) themselves but they were far from old center when cataclysm induced by Romans occurred and Russians made profit from switching to use of term `Slavs` (younger, alternative ethnic name to all Sarmats) and they invested effort to make name of `Slavjani` glorious. Polish elite, on the contrary, didn`t make business of switching to `Slavic` name. Poles were closer (even part of very center), to the old center and they suffered fate of old center most directly- in full. The glory of Sarmatian time, when Polish warlords controlled The Amber trade route, was never repeated. Since Romans disrupted Amber routes, Poles live in humiliation.

So, one and only Russian way to play on `meta-ethnicity` element among Poles is to support Serbs- last Sarmats that still using Sarmatian ethnic name as their own ethnic name. And Russians doing so. That way Russians shows how they themselves obey to the significance of old center and therefore giving up from their own selfish dictate and dominance, opening doors to talks of `Sharing the power with Poles.` And that is why behave of Russian politics suggests that Russia do support formation of Intermarium, ie Central-European Union. Sharing power with Poles is minimal price that are Russians ready to pay. They will pay it and they would see how western Europe losing its grip over the Eastern Europe and then would Central-European Union become `tampon zone` between western Europe and Russia.
2 May 2019
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

Because to the simpletons, Russia - evil.

I`m not sure of this.

If you enter heads of Poles you would actually find that they think how are today`s Poland`s allied countries and peoples- speaking of leading NATO countries, evil and even utterly evil, much much more evil then Russia. Sure, Poles believe, due to historical reasons, how is Russian elite very capable to be evil but again that same feeling Poles have on elites of leading NATO countries.

So no. Evil isn`t crucial word. Feeling that Poles have on Russia is backwardness. Poles comprehend Russia as backward. That feeling Russia must fight to regain trust of Poles and become partner to Poland. Russia must be world power not only by its arms but also by its standard of living. And, yes, to regain trust of Poles, Russia must continue to be trustworthy friend of Hungary and Serbia.
1 May 2019
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

If Ukraine joins ............. later attacked by Russia

Why blame Russia for crisis that was created by EU and US? If Polish leadership have a nerve to say truth, we would now talk of Poland leaving NATO and EU to their own problem that they created to themselves.
24 Apr 2019
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

I doubt. More powerful figures deciding on strategical issues for world powers. There are magnates in US, in Russia, in Vatican and in China. They sit and deciding. Then players emerge to play the game. See, brat Zbigniew was such a player and for that he took the money, which I do respect.
22 Apr 2019
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

Brat Zbigniew told to himself, I am sure, something like this: ... `Zbigniewe, take the money. If you don`t take it somebody else would take it. You Zbigniewe can`t correct sh** of this world so take the money and sleep well.`

Now, we can say brat Zbigniew was selfish, treacherous or whatever. But see, brat took the money. And essentially, he for sure never gave a f*** about Anglo domination. Anglos were cow to him. Yes, cow. Definitely. Cow for milking.
22 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

There is a reason why poles fear us but we have zero fear about poland.

I love that Serbian nonchalance in Germans, that tiny remain of yourself in yourself. But why speak like that to Poles? You think Poles are out of options? Mistake. They do have. You germanized Serbs failed to destroy rest of Serbs and now, as brat Gavrilo Princip said, ghosts haunt your lords, and they shall subdue themselves to Belgrade, last center of Serbdom, Ariandon or to say Sarmatia or Slavdom or West, as it will please Christ, Svetovid and ancestors. Error will be corrected, that fatal Roman influx.