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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

I believe thats it because they don't grow naturally...the no-families symptom is part of that. Young people, singles, ambitious, from all over the country pack their bags and hope for chances and adventures in the big cities of the West.

They are more often than not leftists...and they gather there...that's why polls in big cities skew every survey. Ask the people in the small towns, on the lands and you will get totally different answers and percentages.

But these young radicals get older too...and then their values often change...they start families...and suddenly leftist views and big cities lose their allure. Now they become more conservative and move's a circle.
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

....they wanted to be 'Europeans' first and foremost).

Well...I always thought that to be crap! There is no european football team to cheer for.. :)

And this is a survey from this year...a majority of 62% identifies as Germans first and foremost and only 19% see themselves as Europeans first.

17% feel both and a whopping 2% has no idea (?)
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

.....since Poles don't like the others, Germans especially, to influence our internal politics.

I wonder why the EU is so popular in Poland then though....

A country shouldn't join a union if it prefers to be alone...and it looks like a majority of Poles has no problems with influencing and being influenced. The percentage ist even higher than in Germany.

You could rather say.....Germans don't like others, especially Poland, to influence our internal politics! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2019
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

Define dictatorship!

Hitler was voted in democratically....

And for me the rule of the church is nothing less of a dictatorship and that lasted centuries, with a cruel opression and millions of killed! Obeyed mindlessly by millions!

In Germany the Protestants rebelled, not in catholic Poland or France.

What about Kings and Queens and their dictatorships, don't they count too? And Poles submitted, or they wouldn't had been partitioned...twice....

That historical fisheye on Germany is severely skewed...12 years...a history of 2000 years explained through 12 years, oh please!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Oct 2019
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

He was most probably a drug studies found.

It would be an explanation for some of the more erratic decisions during his reign...

"....And he suggested that the decision to invade Russia in 1941 was a direct result of his addiction. The move caused many to consider Hitler "virtually insane for taking such a risk," according to the Huffington Post. His erratic military tactics and poor decisions in the Battle of the Bulge only added to those perceptions of insanity...."

That sheds an interesting light on the cruel, cold blooded craziness during this time...

"...the entire Third Reich was permeated with drugs: cocaine, heroin, morphine and, most of all, methamphetamines, or crystal meth, used by everyone from factory workers to housewives, and crucial to troops' resilience - even partly explaining German victory in 1940...."

Rather to watch out for some "inherently wrongness" in the german people...just keep the drugs away from them! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Oct 2019
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

It's always difficult to speak about a whole people consisting many millions (alot of them with polish ancestry btw.) like that...

Why don't you speak directly to me and say what you think of ME, as an ambassador/stand in for the Germany on PF?

Are you wary of me too?
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Sep 2019
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

The French were never ready,

What would you count as "ready"? They invaded the Saar territory! If that wasn't a sure sign than what is?

You can be ready and still be beaten in a war. Otherwise it would mean for all vanquished that they just hadn't been ready...
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Sep 2019
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

....and that no brownshirt was left on East German soil after that. Only the West Germans were still Nazis.

Heh:) I still remember that one....

The Anglo-French were not ready as you well know.

The French paraded proudly their Maginot-Line and in 1939 their army was bigger than the Wehrmacht...not to forget their invasion of Germany during the shortlived "Saar Offensive" in September 1939...what would count as "ready" then?
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Sep 2019
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Well, Poland had been the most loved country in Europe a one time, especially by Germans.:)


By the way BB do you recall what percentage of the pre-war territory German lost to Poland?

I dunno the numbers....the german borders have been always very fluid! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Sep 2019
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Depends how you measure it but Switzerland and Denmark must be good contenders.

They are tinies with their only achievements to show off being cuckoo clocks, they don't count! ;)

A lot of bratwursts, cheap good beer, clean and relatively safe streets and no mass epidemies.

What's not to like?

Doesn't it feel a bit stagnant to you? doesn't get any better, that's for sure! :(

We might have crossed our zenith...but then, that's the problem of the next generations.
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Aug 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

I wonder how old are you and what do you personally remember about life in GDR? can say I have been socialized during the last decade of the GDR....during that time I developed my political consciousness in East-Berlin with the consequence to made a dash out of there the moment I could (with 18 years old)...I observed the break down of the wall a short time later in West-Berlin...watching the Trabis coming down the Ku-Damm....

I remember alot, it was probably the most memorable time of my life! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Aug 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

Why do you think socialism is now as popular in the US

I REALLY REALLY REALLY think what you are calling socialism in the US has not much if at all to do with the socialism/communism of the european past. Demanding a social security plan for all is NOT communism! :)

Another point is that it is mainly only strong in those regions where they can still nurture such idealism because they never experienced the dreary reality of it. Like in West Germany too...

Communism is inevitable when robots are the only ones employed.

It wouldn't be communism...because the robots would still belong to a handfull of people....but the now unemployed plebs has to be fed somehow or else they will be burn the robots and hang their owners.

So the consequence could truly be a kind of free money for all...dunno...*shrugs*
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Aug 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

Heh:) That's a good one! :)

But it's also misleading...that WAS the communists best shot...communism just isn't in human nature and will always end up twisted and perverted...

Better accept that as a fact and not try it again!
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Aug 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

Well..that would mean that a bourgeois elite had developed already right under the communists nose....

Or more probable, that these two had been become interchangable. And that the patience has just worn thin with trotting out these old ideological mantras whereas the people only want to enjoy what the West offered, without being forced to play the party game...

The ideal of communism was officially dead, renounced even by its nominal followers!

I wonder where China is on this way right long it will take there till communists become openly, officially and totally unashamed capitalists! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Aug 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

There are still disputes whether Gorbachev did something against the system.

Well, doing NOTHING to help the assorted Vasalles to subdue their people was surely not part of the system, that had been done before regularly. This "brotherly help" was an important component of the whole system...

To denounce that was enough to destroy the socialist empire and to free the people. The jail door without an armed jailer behind, able and willing to shoot, is not much of a hindrance, THANK YOU! :)

Or fulfilled dream of elite majority about such legalization.

Which elite should that have been? The party sycophants? As you say, they got already what they wanted...
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Aug 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

Most East-Germans know very well how much they have to thank Gorbatchov for...but in the same breath to pay your respect to Honecker and his ilk for what they didn't do is just wrong. They weren't reformer, they would had killed the protesters if they had could. BIG DIFFERENCE!

Gorbatschov was a historical stroke of luck, totally atypical for the system...the rest of the communist jailers still were the usual pestilence.

Even communists were capable of seeing the light. The Western "democracies" are not.

Well...the people had to wait for a Gorbatchow many the meantime suffering either bloodthirsty madmen or bumbling idiots...without any means to remove them.

They lost the Cold War against western democracies for a reason! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Aug 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

.....Even Honecker voted to remove himself from his position as the secretary of the party. No bullets, no blood, no Berlin wall

That's not quite correct!

The old men brigade in East-Berlin was fully willing to do it like the bring out the military to subdue their own people...they had no qualms's just for that they NEEDED the nod plus military/logistical support from Moscow and it's troops in the GDR (as they have done 1953 and 1968) but this time Gorbatchov was smarter than that. During his last visit during the (as we now know) the last days of the GDR he said "Nyet" to any kind of further support ....and that was the end of it!

If it had been only Honeckers and Mielkes decision you would probably read today about "the massacre on the Alexanderplatz"....